(Ed.'s Note: Aside from the City of Brownsville throwing millions on restoration of historic buildings, about the only other industry pumping blood into (if not out of) downtown have been the plasma donor companies. Three large plasma buying companies have set u shop and are doing land-office business. The main donors? The majority are people from neighboring Matamoros who have hooked up as regular donors and receive just under $50 once or twice week for their blood.
It is a sign of the economic condition on either side of the Rio Grande that these businesses are flourishing. Now, if we look at the situation logically, each Mexican donor brings along with him a product purchased by these companies for resale to labs and hospitals across the country, if not the world. Some local wags were musing that it is one Mexican import that has so far eluded the Trump administration. Just as the city is trying to resurrect downtown, it appears these companies - in their own distasteful way - are doing the same thing.)
Those are your paisanos, Montoya. You don't support them?
I believe its about 75 bucks if they attend both session in the week.
IMPEACHMENT: Its not just for blowjobs, anymore.
These people are as ugly as you and the other cantina patrons that also soil downtown! Get over it!
The worst of the worst are the hillbilies that sleep at veterans park and by the entrance to the library.
Some lady just throws her rags right in front of the entrance to the city library and goes to sleep at noon and stay there all day and night, talk about ugly just like June 5, 2019 at 6:43 PM
That guy at veterans park has been living there all year and somebody cut the fountain water off if its done on purpose that's a big mistake. TURN THE WATER BACK ON
Why do they let that lady sleep right on the entrance to the central library. Somebody should help her. Can somebody turn the water fountain on so people can drink water at the veterans park. This is all really incompetent who is the parks director, where is the city manager or ALL the deputy dogs he has???
Right after that heavy rain pour they were watering the grass!!! WHAT SMH... Who is the director, where is the city manager and the 4 deputy dogs and the engineers where???
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