Wednesday, June 26, 2019


By Juan Montoya
The votes haven't even been canvassed for the City of Brownsville commission elections which broke up the past majority on that body and cyber balloons are already being floated demanding that the "new" majority (Ben Neece, Rose Gowen, John Cowen and Nurith Galonsky) turn back the clock and  dismantle the gains made in city management and economic development.

The new mayor Juan "Trey" Mendez has not stated any position either way on the issue, at least not publicly.

Jerry McHale, whose McHale Report blog became the official megaphone for the so-called "Holy Trinity," is openly questioning the continued employment of new city manger Noel Bernal and Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation CEO Mario Lozoya.

The bombastic McHale says that since these two - despite going through a prolonged open vetting process - were selected by a majority of the past commission, they are suspect and should be terminated. In one fell swoop, the selection process which cost upwards of a combined $500,000 should be set aside and replaced with a toady who is more palatable (and pliable, we would imagine) to the new city commission majority and to Jerry's paymasters.

Funny, no one except for McHale - a retired ESL teacher - is openly calling for these drastic public beheadings. And no one is questioning these men's qualifications in their respective professions. Who else is on the chopping block? If McHale's blog is the sounding board for the unseen paying hand then Permitting Director Constansa Miner, City Attorney Rene de Coss's sister, is next. Could Rene himself be far behind?

So this is where the whole campaign based on transparency, openness, and accountability was really heading?

The lame-duck city commission at their last meeting June 18 tabled 21 appointments or reappointments to seven city boards, including two to the Brownsville Public Utility Board and the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation.

At that time, the city commission decided to table the items until the new commission could consider them. The appointments include:

1. Two appointments or reappointments and one appointment of a resigned member to the Brownsville Public Utility Board. Martin Arambula and Rafael Chacon are at the end of their first four-year term and are willing to serve another. Under the city guidelines, they can serve one more four-year term if the commission approves. Don't hold your breath. Arambula has already been singled out in Jerry's blog.

PUB is also asking the commission to replace Tino Villarreal, who resigned March 8, 2019. Remember why he resigned? Because of a cyber onslaught by McHale who preempted any PUB board action and put him on the spot as Judas Incarnate if he even considered appointing former city commissioner Cesar de Leon as PUB legal counsel. Rather than take the unwarranted public attacks, Villarreal said the hell with public service and went back to his business.

2. One member to the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation which manages about $5 million in sales-tax revenues annually for economic development. Both Cowen and Galonsky were removed from that board after the past majority passed an ordinance limiting a person's participation to one city board.

Galonsky was already on the PUB board and Cowen on the Brownsville Housing Authority and had to leave. Both were in the minority on the hiring of Lozoya to the GBIC and Galonsky even sued GBIC to stop his hiring. Time to get even?

When the vote is canvassed (the meeting has not yet been announced) and the new members are seated, the subject of board appointments will be taken up. That's when the public will know what interests will guide the new city commission and whether it was really pay-back, not city progress, that was driving their campaigns.


Anonymous said...

Juan, don't listen to Jerry Mchale he's a drunk who got dumped by his wife and now is hanging out with the new city commissioner (Galonsky). Jerry got an agenda and he's putting it out there.He's got Nurith's ear and probably something else. So he's using it to his advantage. Let's just hope she finds out about Mchale's bad habits sooner than later and dumps that loser.

BobbyWC said...

First any claim Rose Gowen is part of a majority of 4 is simply a lie. As to Bernal, he knows more about city management than anyone on the city commission. He was a great pick for the city. He is the type asset we need. Further he knows more about the protections the state gives him than the entire new city commission combined.

Trey will hold true to the law and measure Bernal on his qualifications and performance which makes him 100% safe. McHale is just writing for someone who had a hissy fit when he did not get his way.

Losoya on paper and experience was a great pick. But the undisputed evidence is his contract was signed before a vote, and one must question why he would leave a major international corporation for a small city like Brownsville. There is more to Losoya than we known and I expect him to resign before being asked to leave. I will bet the farm he already has a head hunter helping him find a new job.

Trey will not support a blood bath against city administrators, but his peers will definitely support a full investigation into how Losoya got his job.

But as to Bernal it would be like a child trying to knock down the old football player known as the Fridge. Berbal meets his duties, even when he does not like what is happening. I think he will be a major asset to Trey in explaining what was happening.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

The gains in economic development? They can't even make quorum.

Anonymous said...

Jerry McHale is a pothead and a viagra nut. What's Galonsky doing with a loser like that. I thought you said she was educated?

Anonymous said...

Now, the tech companies are to blame, not Russia. Trump is a national security risk with these comments diminishing the threat from Russia to make a political point with a rant over coverage. He's incompetent as our President, we all saw it when he was campaigning and yet Republicans elected him to screw their perceived enemies.

It turns out their enemy was America with the chaos Trump's leaving in his one term wake. He can't even respect the seriousness of our security and the aggression of our real enemies in the world without trying to win points. The real threat in 2020 is Trump.

Anonymous said...

Nurith Galonsky is with the nutjob McHale? So much for her brains, huh? smh

Anonymous said...

Ever notice how no one gives a shit about what Bobby has to say??? Guy gets no comments on his blog so he pirates air time here. What a loser.

Anonymous said...

He's almost 70! Galonsky likes real old dudes? smh.

Anonymous said...

These types of situations is where Trey has trouble with. He will likely abstain to avoid criticism. And this is only the beginning. Trey is over his head and the new members are a disgrace. Brownsville is in a heap of trouble with all these hippies!

Anonymous said...

Agree on Trey, bloggers gave him a pass and now what? he panics, bro.

Anonymous said...

Good for the new majority if they get rid of that loser Bernal. He has no clue what to do in Brownsville. That is why he keeps using trade jargon -- to cover up his ignorance.

Anonymous said...

I worked at TSC and witnessed Trey Mendez serve as our trustee for several years. In all that time I never ever really felt that he had any conviction in his actions. He merely went with the flow. Testament to this is when he voted to extend Dr. Tercero's contract and a few months later voted to fire her which led to a huge potential liability. He may have his rationale, however he exhibited vacillation in his actions. This is fact.

This is where the rubber meets the road. Trey will have to show us that he can make a decision, live by his convictions and show leadership. I voted for him on the bet that he will lead this city based on his promises to exact change. Every other candidate gave hollow promises. If he resorts to being an appeaser and straddles the fence I will be truly disappointed. Trey if you're reading this, you need to know that a lot of people voted for you depending on you to make a difference. Don't straddle the fence. People admire and support people that live by conviction. Trust is quickly lost on those that don't back up their promises.

Anonymous said...

What gains in city management and economic development are you referring to?

Anonymous said...

Fasten your fat belly this is not going to be nice expect doom and gloom from the majority on the city commission starting with the southmost (los pinche piojos no votaron) bring in la migra and rename that area.

No llores guay lo merecias pendejo

Anonymous said...

La vengaza, the Mexican cockroach way.
