Thursday, July 11, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

After 41 years of community involvement and a lifetime of experience in local and federal law enforcement, Fred Arias, a U.S. Veteran and Air Force police officer wanted to make a difference in the quality of justice dispensed at the grassroots level.

Born and raised in Brownsville and a former Brownsville Police Officer, U.S. Border Patrol Agent, a U.S. Customs Inspector, Department of Homeland Security Sr. Intelligence Analyst and U.S. Government Contract Investigator, Arias looked around and was not happy with what he saw happening at the Justice of the Peace office Precinct 2, Place 1.

During the last 16 years, that position has been held by Linda Salazar and as time passed by, numerous problems became evident. She would sit in on her relatives' cases, had a sister working under her in the JP's office against county policy, and had complaints filed against her at the Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct.

"I said to myself, 'here is my chance to raise the standards of community service in the office Of Justice of the Peace,'" Arias said. "Right is right and wrong is wrong. Our community deserves better and wants justice dispensed without strings attached to any special interests."

So Arias decided to offer the voters the experience of a lifetime of involvement in his community through his profession and by his passion of volunteering with different civic groups that serve the area.

"I am a weekly volunteer at the Harlingen Veteran’s Outpatient Clinic serving our local veterans, a member of Brownsville Nite Lions, a board member of the Brownsville Crime Stoppers and have been highly involved with the mentoring the youth of Brownsville," he said. "I will instill public representation we can be proud of with justice and fairness for everyone with respect and dignity."

Fred is the son of Alfredo and Maria Refugio Arias and is married to Nikki Arias Roberts (also a retired law enforcement officer) for over 31 years. Fred has a daughter, Veronica Gonzales, a police officer; and two step-sons, Clint Roberts, an environmental scientist and Coy Roberts, system administrator for Government contractors. He has nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Arias said he is not running against Salazar or his fellow challenger for the position Cyndi Hinojosa. Rather, he says he is running to serve the residents of  the county.

"I'm working toward the betterment of Cameron County, and not against any person," he said. "I respect the office because it belongs to the public, but some office holders seem to have forgotten they work for the people, rather than the other way around. I want to change that."


Anonymous said...

Apparently she’s at Driscoll Children’s hospital getting her daughter prepared for heart surgery. This story is in very poor taste.

Anonymous said...

Arias is not the answer.

Anonymous said...

The issue of a child needing medical treatment or delicate surgery is something Fred Arias without a doubt supports with wishes of a successful treatment, surgery and a speedy recovery.

What is actually in poor taste is the prior comment bringing up a child’s need for surgery in response to this story about Fred Arias. I know that Fred Arias will definitely bring professionalism and respect to the JP position.

Linda Salazar’s only claim to fame and sole accomplishment seems to be having been the JP since 2005. Well there’s that and dereliction of JP duties, nepotism, and her personal favorite, conducting marriages which she gleefully knows as “cha-ching”. Salazar is unquestionably NOT the answer.

Vote for Fred Arias.

Anonymous said...

Anyone except for the profit person, para casar Linda Salazar! What a huge embarrassment!!

Anonymous said...

Fred is not a politician or married to one. It is time we get people involved that follow the description of their position and not abuse it. If you want to vote for someone that is popular amongst those that want special favors fine but aren't we a little tired of all the crap that goes on in our local politics. We need someone that will dedicated to the position of Justice of the Peace and not a marriage counselor. Vote for new blood and let's empty the swamp

Anonymous said...

It’s time for a change and Arias has
experience Ms Salazar is only interested
in weddings only. She’s not making the
numbers and the baby Judges are doing
way better than she is. She’s been there
a long time and has not being able to
catch-up with what the Judge before left. So
it’s up to us for the change Mr Arias is the choice.
Please we can do it?

Anonymous said...

This post (July 11, 2019 at 5:04 PM) seems it was posted in the wrong story and there is no need to chastize anybody for making a mistake specially when it concerns family and a child. If the commentator that made a mistake is a poor reader and or can't figure out sensitive situations I hope he's not running this guy's (arias) campaign. In this case I would rather vote Salazar and not an insensitive and quick to react to try to gain some false advantage.

Anonymous said...

Anyone but Salazar! It is all about serving herself, her sons and the rest of her family. She struck out a long time ago. Time for Salazar to go!

Anonymous said...

end of the wedding dynasty for linda salazar someone new hopefully wins this seat next time around.

Anonymous said...

If salazar still has that rude lady in her dept and won't get rid of her I will not vote salazar. She is very rude to the public.

Anonymous said...

I have personally seen Fred Arias quell a violate situation where the public could have gotten hurt by talking to the parties involved to calm down while they were fighting in the middle of a street. Seen Fred protect children from domestic violence and joined organizations that help all children with medical assistance.
Fred has experience and training that you can not get behind a desk, you have to live it to understand people. I could go on and on about Fred Arias but I won,t. Just look at his record and resume and you will see that you need a man with his background and experience for this position.
My family and I have voted for Fred Arias and will vote again for him.
