Wednesday, July 10, 2019


By Juan Montoya

After spending "thousands of dollars" in an investigation, the indictment and the prosecution by the Cameron County District Attorney's Office of former Cameron County Judge Pete Sepulveda that resulted in his admitting to charges of abuse of official capacity, theft by a public servant and misapplication of fiduciary property as part of a pre-trial diversion plea, a unanimous commissioners court hired him as interim county administrator Tuesday.

That has sent waves of astonishment through county government with some county workers wondering what kind of message his hiring sent to the public.

Cameron County DA's Office declined to comment on the matter.

"Here's a guy who admitted as part of his plea that he had committed those illegal acts getting rehired by the county," said a former county official. "It may not be illegal to hire him again in that position, but the ethics are highly questionable."

As administrator Sepulveda wields a huge influence on the county's budget, its personnel and its assets. In that position, he will direct the county's employees, oversee the departments, and control the purse strings.

Some wonder whether the commissioners court had placed convenience at a cost of setting a bad precedent in the hiring of Sepulveda as interim county administrator.

"I wouldn't have doe it," said a county administrator. "But you didn't hear it from me."

In 2017, Sepulveda entered a pretrial diversion program for one year after a grand jury indicted him in 2016 on the charges. At that time of his indictment he was the executive director of the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority and commanding a $200,000-plus salary.

The DA's Public Integrity Unit had accused Sepulveda of using county materials and employees to pave a private road in San Benito when he was still county judge. As a condition of the pretrial diversion, Sepulveda agreed to reimburse the county for the materials, equipment and labor used to pave the road.

Under the program, after making restitution and reporting to the probation department for a year without any further violations, the case was dismissed.

Former county administrator David Garcia’s abruptly resigned June 25. In his resignation letter, Garcia, who provided state's evidence against Sepulveda during his prosecution, did not mention the reason for his leaving. When Sepulveda became county judge, Garcia took over his former office as county administrator.

He handed the letter to commissioners when they met and  discussed his position, including the possibility of termination, in executive session.

It was not the first time Garcia had provided state evidence in public officials' cases to the DA. In a previous case, he was a witness in the case against former Pct. 2 county commissioner Ernie Hernandez that also resulted in Hernandez giving up his position and entering the pre-trial diversion program. Hernandez had been indicted for his role in the illegal hiring of his brother-in-law Roberto Cadriel by the county's international bridges.

Some wags in county government called him "Immunity David."

Apparently, Treviño had foreseen the public's response to the rehiring of Sepulveda and told the Brownsville Herald that over the next week commissioners will be reviewing the duties and job description of the county administrator, including examining any issues, qualifications and potential duties.

“We’ll be evaluating the position,” Treviño told the daily, explaining that the commission will look at what is working and what is not working.

Then, the county will conduct a nationwide search for a new county administrator, Treviño said.

Sepulveda moves from his position as executive director at the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority. He also previously served as county judge and county administrator.


Anonymous said...

Bring in all the RATAS from the rgv to brownsville and hire all of them at 250k a year. Raise all the rates electric, taxes, pd fines, parking meters, the tax accessor will have a field day raising all penilty fines to the max allowed by the state, starting taxing the weather - too hot too cold too windy too sunny tax the local citizens and if there's a hurricane run to the hills. The RATAS will run to Las Vegas.

Pharr boy said...

El pistol Pete, Rata de dos patas back in the saddle again, dont think he will not not do this once again. what was county judge eddie trevino really thinking or smoking or snoring?

Panfilo said...

Juan so does tht mean the Charlie Cabler will be re-hired as City manager at the City of Brownsville too. Might as well lol

Anonymous said...

Cameron County LOVES DIRT, you cannot wash it off.
Once you get it on you, you get it on someone else, and they get it on someone else and on and on.
Bunch off fuvcking rats.

Anonymous said...

The state of Texas is being sued for corruption at its best. Cover-up and authorizing laws that will cover their wrongdoings, has been their game. The stalling of the wrongdoing by waiting to for laws to be implanted to cover-up should be illegal. Trevino is stalling, Why? Who are the senators, state representative that are behind the corruption? In my opinion, Carlos Casco, set-up Pete Sepulveda, Carlos Casco then went on to become Secretary of State, Carlos Casco played the role of County judge when Dannenbaum was selected for the BND. In my opinion Carlos Casco is still running the show in Cameron county. Carlos Casco was also mentioned in the Hidalgo corruption of Judge Rudy Delgado. Remember, in the 1990's Carlos Casco was also set up be the commissioners to play Pro-judge for Gilberto Hinojosa and he set up Dannenbaum. Carlos is a pro, at least he thinks he is. What is the setup here? You honestly think that all Cameron County Legal citizens are not aware of this corruption and stink. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

This is really a sad day for cameron county and politics you just can't get any worst than this.

Anonymous said...

Rat County new name...

Anonymous said...

In the same category as the bike trails, the whore house, casa nylon (now there's a casa nylon commissioner), cameras downtown, speed bumps as curbs, 3 engineers, quack ponds everywhere, no bus shelters, gas instead of diesel, I've been here 50 years and now we have an off-white coco mayor...

Anonymous said...

Mi piiiiiit.... mi piiiit Sepulveda.... auxiliooooo!

Anonymous said...

Mexicans at play.

Anonymous said...

Its a virus brought over from cockroach europe

Anonymous said...

Seriously, I would think the County Commissioners and County Judge would have better sense than hiring Sepulveda!!!!

Are you people nuts?

Anonymous said...

This corruption shit needs to stop leave it to the gringos the originators...

Anonymous said...

Juan is he the one that trained Gus Ruiz to pave roads for cities and then the county never gets paid. Gus got paid hes the city attorney Santa Rosa and Primera. Wow and people think gringos are bad.

Anonymous said...

Caliche politics. Johnny Caliche.

Anonymous said...

At least they don't shoot anybody like the gringos and the rinches...

Anonymous said...

@July 10, 2019 at 10:20 AM

We now have a wanna be trump twitter warrior (at least he thinks so) racist republican pendejo

Anonymous said...

So, they take a proven and confessed crook and place him in charge as County Administrator. What were these bozos thinking about? Doing this only further damages the credibility of local politicos. When you are in the local clique, you are never out.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he had some kind of prove or recordings or documents that forced them to hire this person. Where's the DA on this. He should at least question somebody on this.

Anonymous said...

Where's the attorney general on this he's a republican he should step in and burn the domos down here. Where's the DA any judge somebody??? THIS IS REALLY REALLY BAD!!!

Anonymous said...

This commissioners court is a circus, all ignorant clowns. Ever since Eddie Trevino became county judge it’s been nothing but a joke. You would think these “attorneys” would know better obviously they don’t. Where was the county judge when people’s homes were flooded? Didn’t even make a peep but I’m sure come election time he will be sure stick his little rat head out.

Anonymous said...

They should ALL get indicted and sent to jail go join cantu, villalobos and limas. You can start a football team and name it LAS RATAS DEL VALLUCO

Anonymous said...

These attorneys DO know better but their greed over shadows their common sense

Anonymous said...

Pete is a piece of shit and should not be working for Cameron County but then again its Cameron. Adrian Rincones is another piece of shit in the making and also should not be a part of Cameron County but then again....

Anonymous said...

If Sepulveda is the best the county can do, the commissioners and judge should resign. Puro compadrismo at its best and total incompetence. Don’t know how to think outside the box!

Anonymous said...

Hey Gus Ruiz thanks for doing the road in Primera I only had one foot of water in my house after all that great road and drainage work thanks!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Eddie, la cagaste, pos no que el Remi in the rear was your guy for this position? what happen? And of all the crooks in Cameron County why the fuck el pistol Pete sepulveda? hijo sue. Eddie la cagas carnal, did you go to st Joe too putito?

Anonymous said...

Where's the good government league and all those organizations that stand up against corruption in government???

Anonymous said...

Where's the DA? The rangers, the fbi, the cia, nsa, swat, seal team dirty harry the republicans ice border patrol chic and chong???

Anonymous said...

Guz probably had all the pumps in primera because of Mike trejos fake house everyone knows you dont live in your pct mike...

Anonymous said...

There is no hope for Cameron County is there? How are citizens suppose to trust our leaders when our elected officials continue with corrupt and unethical acts. Why would you hire someone who admitted and was charged for a crime? Commissioners court unanimously approved this move?? What?????? Shame on all of you! You all are pathetic!

Anonymous said...

Sometime's up the DA needs to keep taps on all these individuals that voted to hire this individual. They're up to no-good at taxpayers expense.

Anonymous said...

This really stinks not even the mafia would do something this stupid.

Anonymous said...

Pete will clean up the corruption David left behind. They were kissing buddies.

Anonymous said...

You saying that pete will clean himself up??? They all need to be replaced just like bisd and the city county and port next.

Anonymous said...

This really stinks but its cameron county and brownville now san bene wants to do the same.

Anonymous said...

Bring in Conrado for the job.......Animo!

Anonymous said...

European virus makes everybody greedy...

Anonymous said...

Don't bring him "SENT" some of his friends to him

Anonymous said...

So what's he going to do? Some more illegal shit? Who's going to keep an eye on this guy? Sheriff cantu?

Anonymous said...

Somebody said Pete Shit? and I wondered W H Y???

pharr guy said...

Juuan how come you never did a report on the reason pete sepulveda ran away from the City of Pharr city manager job some years back when city of pharr was going to lose their international bridge because they didnt have money to pay the loan payment? check it out dude. 300 employees were let go because of his mistake or doings

Anonymous said...

And the judge goes and bad mouth everybody at the meeting why doesn't he bad mouth the people that hired this guy what a mistake. From now on lets elect attorneys only and just leave this pinche pueblo Hellville.

Anonymous said...

Hire me back, hire me back and I"ll prove to ya'al I was guilty pendejos

Anonymous said...

When is the next election????
