Sunday, July 14, 2019


(Ed.s Note: Masonry came to South Texas in February 1849 and the inscription on the of Mason Hall that once was the first Cameron County Courthouse is getting a little sprucing up and the story of the lodge is once again coming through.

This historic building was completed in 1883 and used as the Cameron County Courthouse until 1914 when they moved into a new building and sold this one to the Rio Grande Masonic Lodge No. 81.

This building lost most of its Victorian detail in 1933, when a hurricane destroyed its central clock tower and blew off the elaborate gabled roof and cupola. The roof was replaced with a flat roof.)


Anonymous said...

Is anyone reviewing the tax status of this property?

Anonymous said...

Trump’s execrable tweet storm today, ostensibly in defense of Pelosi (ha!), is likely a timed distraction from other news he wants to rip our eyes away from. Raids on immigrants, his friendship with Epstein, ongoing turmoil in holding onto his Cabinet officials, Mueller’s upcoming testimony.

Trump: We can hold more than one thought in mind, especially when all are tied together with the knowledge that you are a filthy liar and schemer and completely incompetent. You are going down—it is only a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

what's she doing writing her love story on the wall?
