Monday, July 22, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Numerous sources have reached out to this blog to say that the recent raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement on local restaurants, taco eateries and some clubs have forced the owners to close pending the hiring of help who can show they are in this country legally through an audit of its personnel.

The most prominent among these was Los Camperos, where the owners placed a banner across the driveway saying the restaurant had been closed for "remodeling."

However, eyewitnesses say that the restaurant was audited by ICE, local police and other law enforcement agencies who arrested workers with questionable documentation. El Pueblito, which reportedly was allowed to remain open pending the production of workers' eligibility. Other businesses said to have been affected by the ICE enforcement actions allegedly included Fina's Restaurant, and Dirty Al's, among others.

Attempts to contact someone at Los Camperos for confirmation were unsuccessful.


A Real American!!! said...

GOOD! Now lets see if the free loading citizens of Brownsville will go out and get a job where these "ILLEGALS" were taking the jobs?
Viva Trump!

Anonymous said...

Local police? Confirm that?

Anonymous said...

maybe los pinches gringos can apply to work there the hillybillys won't they're on food stamps and welfare 4th generation mamones...

Anonymous said...

Check Adolios and Los Trevi

Anonymous said...

tan rico cafe ahi con fina
y las meseras tambien

Anonymous said...

Close all the restaurants and all other buinesses the cob don't need those tax dollars. So what is that coco saying about this NADA NOTHING why because he's allowing it pinche coco wanna be white.
You people got what you voted for a COCO. Forget about the other two they're white. MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN racist republicans.

Anonymous said...

You trump supporters are fuckin’ idiots. Why don’t you get on your knees and go suck your president’s cock!

Anonymous said...

check the mechanic and paint shops there are about fifty thousand of those things all over town. The TSC grads can't find a job because los mojados work for 20 dollars a day and lunch pinche mamones todos.

Anonymous said...

I heard that students that take mechanics and paint courses at tsc and graduate can't find a job in the valley. Maybe this will help. Make the playing field even I say.

Anonymous said...

Without "wets", Browntown can't operate. All the folks that are employable north of the checkpoint have gone.

Anonymous said...

Everyone complains that they come just to be on benefits, but then you find the ones that are here and are actually working, still complaining. If you were qualified to do a job, then there are alot of places hiring. Unless your goal is to just work in a downtown mechanic shop, why the hell did you go to school for so long? Maybe you need to try to look for a better job. Or open your own shop.

Anonymous said...

"downtown mechanic shop!!" I think you are mistaking the beer joints with mechanic shops.

Anonymous said...

The same commenter with the same fuking words! COCO, HILLBILLYS, PINCHES...etc. Learn some new words you piece of mierda and update your vocabulary pendejo! No one cares about all of your racist bullshit. You have too much free time on your hands. I bet you don't even have a job. I'm sure the only job you'll find is cleaning toilets lol

Anonymous said...

ICE check all the gringo estabishments they hire illegals from cockroach europe.

Anonymous said...

Must be a coco pinche hillbilly, too bad it got to you but we are not in russia or your native appalechian mountains pendejo at 8:29am your next assignment should be to sweep for and dispose of your garbage since its your job.
Please continue analyzing all the comments so you can come up with another idiotic assumption fool
pinche hillbilly coco...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You got it wrong pendejo its pinches cocos hillbillys idiota the new word is honkeys not honky-tonk. joton!

Anonymous said...

Coco, hillbilly, pinches, mamones...Pendejo parrot! It's getting old already! Learn some new words fuking baboso mierda! Even my pet parrots has a better vocabulary! I know you got nothing better to do, but go find a job you worthless fuklol

Anonymous said...

These people don't just "take jobs", they're being hired. The businesses who were allowed to say open, pending production of eligibility, will come up with phony documents as other businesses have in the past. It's all a show and no actual justice. The owners (no matter what race you are) that are allowing this to happen, should pay fines on each case and serve time. On the other hand the workers have a path and should go about it the right way, but the owners exploit the workers with low wages and reap the benefits; they live lavishly, buy properties and escape consequences.
On another note: If ICE hits up "every" establishment on the island, that city would cease to operate. The system is broken and owners need a "wake-up" call.

Anonymous said...

you got wrong again pinche gringo its mamones cocos hillbillys no setequita lo pendejo "joto" that's a new word.

Anonymous said...

Check under all the bridges its full of illegals from europe check the parks specially veterans park

Anonymous said...

ICE stopped this guy that was selling hot-dogs pushing a food cart downtown and asked him for the I-9's and he said que que que dijo que quiere este guay.. and he got deported. I think it was that guy that now has a big restaurant over at the Island...

Anonymous said...

You guys are too funny! Full of ignorant bullshit, but funny non-the-less.

Anonymous said...

With all this tragedy and craziness going on how typical for idiots to get on here and say stupid things. Whether they cam legal or illegal they are still people and the way things are being done is wrong. Trump is a big mouth who tweets more crap out than the good that comes out of his mouth. America is a joke right now, we are the laughing stock of the world with all this fake news and bullshit. In America everyone can rant and rave but when push comes to shove no one does anything. The Bible says a great country will fall to her knees by her own hand and that will be US... Instead of making stupid comments
get more involved in your city pull together love one another ...

Anonymous said...

Never heard of funny ignorant bullshit before now that's funny (too)...

Unknown said...

There is work. People dont want to work. All the people getting the money is the rich. The tax the working class is to pay for the rich. Zero taxes. Seperating families is wrong. The hate to our own is wrong

Anonymous said...

I like the high tech brick they're using who ever thought of that should work at city hall
