Tuesday, July 23, 2019

.....................IF A DOG PEES NEAR CITY PLAZA....

(Ed.'s Note: As if it were a prop for the discussion by the Cameron County Commissioners Court on establishing a countywide drainage district to handle flooding Tuesday, a half-an hour rainstorm quickly inundated the area around Brownsville City Plaza on Levee and St. Charles streets. Will the county and the cities and communities in it finally get around to addressing this most basic of needs?

The county, and especially Brownsville, has to refocus its attention on basic bread-and-butter issues like drainage before embarking on pie-in-the-sky pet projects that rest upon this foundation of quicksand.

Endeavors like launching manned flights to Mars from Boca Chica or spending millions to provide hike-and-bike trail recreation to the well-heeled should take a back seat to projects that will improve everyone's quality of life.

Whether it's outfalls to the river, a unified countywide drainage plan, or any other scheme that will address this problem, it can't come soon enough. Now, will the other districts in the county cooperate in the formulation of a master drainage plan? There will be, we're sure, much political work to be done before we get there.)


Anonymous said...

Is MAYOR Trey Mendez already asleep at the wheel? Seems so. Get your ass out there, dude!

Anonymous said...

You're blaming the county? City of Brownsville has to pull up its own pantalones, bro!

Anonymous said...

Water is too high. Trey would drown. LOL

Anonymous said...

Attorney General William Barr and his DOJ minions are running scared. Robert Mueller will eat Barr's "Summary Letter" alive indicating is a further thinly disguised attempt to violate 18 USC Sections 1501, 1503 and 371. Mueller will reveal to Schiff's Intelligence Committee that DOJ routinely has and is violating Black Letter Law/Statute that it must immediately inform and furnish Schiff's Intelligence Committee of all counterintelligence info and evidence of Trump and others' being compromised by Russia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar et al thru tax fraud, money laundering and oligarch "loans" to Trump.

Mueller testimony will result in hardcopy transcripts to later be used in trials of Barr and various DOJ officials who be indicted of felonies after Trump is bounced out of WH on January 20, 2012.

Barr is on the same trajectory as Nixon's AG, John Mitchell, who got convicted of Obstruction and Conspiracy, lost his license and served 2 1/2 years in the slammer.

Anonymous said...

Our education fools on the COB commissioners won't do a damn thing, but do have taxpayers monies for buying broken down buildings from their friends. The voters voted for these jokers.

Anonymous said...

Time to built some MORE bike trails, paint the streets to make more lanes for bikes, make some more bike signs and put them all the way to AUSTIN forget about the flooding oh and call the county judge to explain why it floods.

Anonymous said...

"Momma's boy" Trey can't get it together already. Juan, I thank you for opening my eyes to this new POS.

Anonymous said...

Let it rain mierda flota and I see the coco mayor and the city commisson flotando...bola de mensos

Anonymous said...

Forget about fixing drainage issues or more sidewalks. The priority has been and will continue to be downtown rehabilitation, more useless bike lanes/trails and more ill -attended Cylovias that only cause traffic congestation and drain budgets paying overtime for city employees. Citizens of Brownsville are being shortchanged on having basic municipal services.

Anonymous said...

That bicycle commissioner is up for re-election she's next on the chopping block just like the ex-mayor.

Anonymous said...

9:18...Ya pinche Coco hillbilly parrot! You are still butt hurt because pinche Cabler didn't win and Trump hater. Get over it pendejo maricon viejos lover.

Anonymous said...

9:16 PM...Boy did you miss that one. Mueller's testimoney was a complete failure and he looks like a befuddled old man. If he was the Dems super hero, he messed his cape!

Anonymous said...

Hey vato, leave us along. There are to many tacos to eat, to many palms to grease and to many trips to our banks to mess with pinche water. Well, maybe if we can give some contracts with kickbacks to some of our family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Red ass at 3:26pm.

Anonymous said...

Do bike trails flood? Does Jacaranda and Ebony street flood? Wonder why not?

Anonymous said...

Pedro Peter Parrot said:

Para el jotingo @July 25, 2019 at 3:26 PM go feed your stupid perico caliente pinche hillbilly wanna be white coco and while you're at it go suck your daddy's little hands guay.

Anonymous said...

When is the new Mayor starting Sunday bus services? Was this only a campaign promise? Hope not, some people do work on Sundays, this service is badly needed.

Anonymous said...

Ya Coco hillbilly repeater! Learn more words pendejo stupido! Te gusta los viejitos Sanders y Biden!

Anonymous said...

stupido lol pinche guay ESTUPIDO just like you ya pusieron gorro estos guayes at 2:47 este guay no trabaja anda de maricas en skid rd.

Anonymous said...

Gorro son tus limitado palabras de coco, hillbilly, pinche...ect.Learn more words pinche parrot joto! You need a job, ask pinche Biden. Maybe he gives you a job smelling your hair or rubbing your shoulders. Acabo te gusta los viejitos

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a viejita smell your hair rub your shoulder ha una vieja!!! Must be a cross dresser at 12:57 or una putita
