Sunday, July 14, 2019


(Ed.s Note: A gaggle of onlookers gather as Border Patrol question a couple for citizenship after they stopped their car. Such stops are common enough in Brownsville, but now that the Trump roundup of of immigrants with deportation orders is under way it will probably become a common sight.)


Anonymous said...

I have lived here for over 75 years and this is nothing new. Quit trying to make political hay out of an everyday event!

Anonymous said...

They should stop you, Montoya. Scared, bro?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't be surprised if ICE got Juan Montoya. LOL

Anonymous said...

ADIOS illegals!

Anonymous said...

Hope they take you next Juan.

Anonymous said...

Just doing what the racist republican pig wants every gringo to do tell you to go back to your country of origin did you hear that cocos? Maybe somebody told him about the mayor down here. DID YOU COCOS (CONSERVATIVBE RACIST REPUBLICANS) HEAR THAT GO BACK!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan, you are making assumptions. We truly don't know why these folks were stopped. Moreover, orders of removal are handled by ICE and would rarely involve Border Patrol.

Anonymous said...

The reality is this. With over 30 adults and 6 children dying in Trump custody because of neglect is not President Obama’s fault. With people placed in near concentration condition because of a 0 tolerance policy promoted by the Trump administration is not President Obama’s fault. Separating children at the border without keeping records from their parents purposely orphaning thousands of children under Trump is not President Obama’s fault. When Trump deciders to slow down the process for asylum seekers creating a mess and overwhelms our system. Is not President Obama’s fault. And when Trump wants to build a shrine to himself with money from the American people that was suppose to be paid for by Mexico to the detriment of everything else, that is not President Obama’s fault. And it was not President Obama’s fault who stopped comprehensive immigration reform.Stop making excuses for the fear and hate policies as well as the incompetence of the Trump administration. It is no one else’s fault but Trump.

Anonymous said...

He's nothing but a f*** pig nothing else racist republicans including ese estupido conservative democrate bullsh...

Anonymous said...

Quit hiring illegals Juan. They're checking the I-9 whatever that is!

Anonymous said...

What's next lock all the restrooms???
