Wednesday, July 3, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: Yesterday, during the swearing in of the new mayor and the two city commissioners, city officials, mindful of the crush last time around, removed all but the two first rows of chairs and reserved them for media, family members, the elderly and children. Many of those attending were respectful of the rule, but some those who refused to give up their chairs  on these two rows included Bob Torres Jr. and strongman Tito Mata. 

As can be seen in the photo, among member of the media in front (such as Gerando Danache from media organs in Matamoros) in the camel-hair suit, are Tito and Bob perched in their seats while elderly ladies and a man holding a baby directly behind them forced to stand. Perhaps Torres - as a Mr. Amigo Association big shot - considers himself one of the special people in town. And of course, Mata is a legend in his own eyes who shows up in every winning candidate's event. Gentelmen, they're not.)


Anonymous said...

Tito Mata is a wannabe who will never be. He looks too "border," or too-Mexican. smh

Anonymous said...

Es puro ojete, ese Tito Mata. Vato inutil. Me lo chingo en el ring y en un round! Ja ja ja.

Anonymous said...

I personally saw an old man ask Bob Torres to sit down and he just nodded his head no. Tito Mata just stared straight like he had blinders to not see anyone needing a seat. Kids were crying because they were tired but they just kept on taking pictures like they were the only reason the new elected officials won. I would hate to be Trey Mendez and John Cowen with these two leeches. Man they are going to milk them every time they get a chance.

Anonymous said...

calson y caca estos dos

Anonymous said...

Thought you were in a pause, Eduardo Paz Martinez, go away, viejillo pendejo!

Anonymous said...

Estos pendejos are the ones that keep giving the meskins a bad name bola de mamones

Anonymous said...

Bob Torres is a gentleman and a scholar. I kinder, more respectful and obliging human being you will
never find.

Anonymous said...

Son puros talapias mojaretas

Anonymous said...

say it ain't so
tito is Cabler's neibor

Anonymous said...

I saw Torres give up his seat and he was kneeling down in the front.

Danache and the other bigoton Mexicano are wannabes.

Anonymous said...

What we need here is a Barbacoa Baristas on every corner or maybe Menudo Baristas or drive=tru Baristas...

Anonymous said...

Ok, now that we have a new Mayor I'd like to see him fire Art "the La Marana" Rodriguez and Oscar "the Albano Rata" Salinas fired!!!!!!!!!!!! These two worthless scum of employees should have never been demoted but rather fired!!!

Anonymous said...

Jim Barton at JC Penney right now. LMAO

Anonymous said...

Art Rodriguez and Oscar Salinas are Michael Lopez's bitches. Just have patience, Salinas will be dealt with by the City, very soon, I promise. The city should eliminate one Assistant Engineering director. How can a small department have two assistants? Can't Director Carlos Lastra handle his job without an extra assistant? The new administration knows about this and nothing is being done. That's the city for you!

Anonymous said...

Children crying! This happens everywhere and spoil many events with their crying and their sorry parents just sit there and do nothing. Why take them to an event they don't even understand. They are crying cause they don't want to be there, stupid! Parents have not control of little kids at that age, can you imagine when they get older. Un fajaso o peliesco y levenselo para afera y unas nalgadas como nos daban a nostros cuando no nos portabamos bien!

Anonymous said...

@July 4, 2019 at 7:28 PM
Yea do it if you want to go to jail idiot

Anonymous said...

Well, Well, Well, Tito the drunk who left the scene of an accident (motorcycle) and escaped from the police. Yep, he does not surprise me one bit.....what excess he has in "maza", he lacks in intelligence. A wannabe.

Anonymous said...

Bad manners acquired from los pinches gringos
