Tuesday, July 2, 2019


District Judge Adolfo Cordova administers oath of office to Trey Mendez as former mayor Tony Martinez looks on.

New At-Large "A" commissioner John Gowen takes his oath of office from federal judge Rolando Olvera.

Texas District 37 Rep. Alex Dominguez administers oath of office to Nurtih Galonsky
Martinez and commissioner Ricardo Longoria were recognized for their years of public service. 


Anonymous said...

Judge in top photo is Ben Neece, you moron!

Anonymous said...

Hope all stay far from Erasmo, a big dissapointment for BISD. Erasmo is all show and in it for FB likes. Empty promises and very little knowledge about anything. I voted for him and now we are stuck with him. Trey, please don't be like Erasmo.

Anonymous said...

che tony never learned to dress

Anonymous said...

The Fourth of July under tainted President Trump AKA individual number one is all about Trump wanting to be the tyrant he has always wanted to be. It is about feeding Trump’s narcissistic ego. But to take funding from the National Parks to the tune of 2.5 million dollars taken away for renovation of our national parks system to feed Trump’s narcissism is rape of the American people.

Anonymous said...

More of the same. Just a lot of obama style hope and dreams . Browntown will always be a shit hole failure and a embarrassment to Texas.

chuy said...

Good luck to the new mayor and commissioners, i wish you all well, and please make Brownsville Proud one more.

Anonymous said...

Martinez wearing the same jeans for the past 8yrs, pinche grandma

Anonymous said...

Good riddance of Toñia Martinez.
Now the FAILED dr. rose gowen next on the chopping block.
Let's see these new politicos can get us out of been the POOREST CITY IN THE COUNTRY IN THE STATE OF TEXAS BEING THE 10TH LARGEST ECONOMY OF THE WORLD status.
Toñia, and Ricardito couldn't do it reason why they're out.
That's why gowen has to go, as well as her THIRD WORLD BIKE LANES!!!! (can't stand the bit@h)
I don't understand how is it a city so rich in assets ie., we have a water port, airport, beach access within minutes, affordable housing, affordable labor force, a university, jr. college, trade schools, beautiful semi-tropical weather, bordering Mexico which offers other affordable amenities...AND WE'RE THE POOREST CITY IN THE COUNTRY?????
Somebody anybody explain that to me HOW IS IT POSSIBLE??????

Anonymous said...

Don't feel alone, You and 2500 other fools voted for that idiot and now we all have to live with it.But you believed his bullshit and he keeps slinging it on FB. And now you know the rest of the story.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Tony Martinez and Ricardo Longoria leave city government. They never accomplished anything. The city went backwards during their tenure and the city lost lots of money on bad real estate. Yes, Rose Gowen should go next before all our bike trails have a better surface than our streets. Lots of bicycles but few new jobs. Good luck to the new members of the City Commission we trust you can make decisions, direct good policies for the city and get us out of our deep hole. Martinez has left a lot of chicken shit that we hope you can turn to chicken salad.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, the new Mayor will fulfill some of his campaign promises one being to provide bus service on Sundays. We really need this services for the most needed. People do work on Sunday's and other activities.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Mendez: I voted for YOU. My family voted for you. I DONT live in the southmost area, but I have friends that do. They voted for Nuri. PLEASE DONT let us down. NO MORE second chances. Martinez will go down as the worst mayor we ever had. During his tenure we had a racist commissioner at large, lost city properties, Mr. Longoria naked on the internet. Jobs, major employers gone. Thank GOD he NEVER faced a major hurricane disaster.
If our new mayor and commissioners dont live up to the job, YOU ARE OUT!!!

Anonymous said...

I heard the two gringos and the coco were wearing bike shoes

Anonymous said...

The judge administration the oak of office is NOT Neece pendejo he's sitting on the commissioners table estupido racist republican fool

Anonymous said...

Tone, for one time you could have left your perrodo blue jeans at home.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HEADS UP, City Commission:

LONGVIEW, Tex. — On the eastern plains of Texas, local leaders are trying to stop the bleeding of talent to the bright lights of Dallas and Austin. They are sprucing up downtown, completing 10 miles of walking trails, investing in parks and schools and making other improvements that they hope will entice young workers to stay and help this part of the state finally claim a share of the Texas Miracle.
Few parts of America have nurtured faster job growth than Texas in the years since the 2008 financial crisis, in what is now the longest sustained economic expansion in American history. But that growth has largely left cities like Longview in the dust. No state — not even California, long held up as the embodiment of America’s widening geographic inequality — has seen a larger post-recession divergence between its elite cities and everywhere else.
Nearly all of the net growth in jobs and new businesses in Texas over the last decade, Labor Department data show, has been concentrated in four large metropolitan areas — Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. The economy has evolved toward more technology and service jobs, favoring areas with highly educated workers and high-end professional service industries — and leaving smaller, traditionally blue-collar towns like Longview at a disadvantage.

Anonymous said...

Do you think people want to stay here with LNG setting shop at the local port?
This is only the beginning there are plans to bring other none friendly environmental chemical companies down here so say good by to the new generation and any type of growth. The new money seeking elected officials will stop at nothing make the buck and run is their motto...
Thanks for the advice Longview tx.
