By Juan Montoya
What went wrong?
For days now, social media has been abuzz over the Brownsville Navigation District's plan to sign memorandum of Understanding between Texas A&M University System and Harlingen's Texas State Technical College to establish workforce training programs at the port.
On Wednesday, the BND board was set to approve the proposal, only to have it tabled on a motion by commissioner Steve Guerra and a second by Tito Lopez that resulted in a unanimous vote.

On Wednesday, local media reported that TSC officials held a press conference in which TSC President Jesus Roberto Rodriguez argued that his institution “should be the Port of Brownsville’s primary partner for workforce training” based on the community college’s “experience, capacity and local expertise.”
New Brownsville mayor and former TSC trustee Trey Mendez also spoke on behalf of TSC during the press conference.
“I believe that prudence dictates that they should also have discussions with the local community college first,” he said. “I’m not going to second guess the members of the (BND) board, because they’re elected to make their own decisions. I just want them to consider all the options before making a decision.”
BND chairman John Reed was said to have been the lead port official who forged the MOU between the port and A&M and TSTC. Reed's style, keeping details on the agreement close to his vest, didn't help any, said some port staffers.
"The devil was in the details and no one knew the cost or who was going to pay for it," said one. "That's just his style. He expects everyone to just go along with his decisions."
BND chairman John Reed was said to have been the lead port official who forged the MOU between the port and A&M and TSTC. Reed's style, keeping details on the agreement close to his vest, didn't help any, said some port staffers.
"The devil was in the details and no one knew the cost or who was going to pay for it," said one. "That's just his style. He expects everyone to just go along with his decisions."
BND's Guerra, who said that time had run out on those attempting to bring all sides together, said that the idea to work together should not be abandoned and that there is still time to address the concerns of the City of Brownsville and TSC.
"There is no reason why we can't bring everyone together to make something good happen for everyone, Brownsville and and the entire region."
However, Guerra acknowledged that having the port provide the land, pay between $1.5 and $8 million for the eventual construction of the center and other associated costs for professional services should not have been placed on the port's taxpayers alone, the majority of them from Brownsville.The workforce training would be for industrial companies that are located at the port or might be in the future. He did not rule out bringing an amended MOU to the board that would include the three institutions as equal partners.
"We just ran out of time," to fix the MOU, he said.
"We just ran out of time," to fix the MOU, he said.
A&M Regent Mike Hernandez- a driving force for the center - was one of its main movers. As a regent, he was in a unique position to bring the prestige and technical know how of a major university to the port. The idea to build a center there emerged during a recent workforce summit at the port attended by Texas A&M, which according to the agreement would provide training through its Texas Engineering Extension Service.
For the past three years, his Cameron County Educational Initiative has been providing vocational-technical training to local students, often without cost to the students. The center would have brought the resources and expertise of the A&M System to the port. Despite TSC supporters' contention that the college had not been invited, his supporters say they had been, but had not responded to the invites.
For the past three years, his Cameron County Educational Initiative has been providing vocational-technical training to local students, often without cost to the students. The center would have brought the resources and expertise of the A&M System to the port. Despite TSC supporters' contention that the college had not been invited, his supporters say they had been, but had not responded to the invites.
Now that the proposal has been tabled, it's unknown whether Hernandez will be willing to continue his efforts at the port. Some of his closest advisers say that Hernandez was deeply disappointed in the port's board caving in to the TSC complaints as well as those from Mayor Mendez.
"I doubt that he would reconsider," said one. "Brownsville lost UT and now it's losing A&M. They want to be in control all the time."
Later in the day, Hernandez said that: TAMUS through TEEX had offered the Port of Brownsville a workforce training partnership with Texas State Technical College to address the pressing workforce training needs but the local community college who we were willing to include in the partnership did not want TSTC, the top technical training provider in Texas, to be involved. Therefore, we feel it’s best to step away from the Port of Brownsville to consider other possible alternatives. We thank Chairman Reed for his vision and support."
Later in the day, Hernandez said that: TAMUS through TEEX had offered the Port of Brownsville a workforce training partnership with Texas State Technical College to address the pressing workforce training needs but the local community college who we were willing to include in the partnership did not want TSTC, the top technical training provider in Texas, to be involved. Therefore, we feel it’s best to step away from the Port of Brownsville to consider other possible alternatives. We thank Chairman Reed for his vision and support."
Campirano, a former TSC trustee and now a member of the A&M Advisory Board in McAllen, told the Herald prior to the meeting that the MOU “isn’t exclusionary or exclusive,” meaning it doesn’t preclude TSC from also pursuing agreements to provide training to companies at the port.
“We have an MOU,” he said. “It’s fairly simple. It’s straightforward: To engage in a discussion of workforce training. It’s on the agenda for consideration. We’ll see what happens. It’s really not much more than that.”
Campirano denied that signing an MOU with TSTC and Texas A&M does not mean TSC is locked out of training opportunities at the port.
“There is nothing that says (TSC) will not be considered or they can’t participate,” he said. “There’s nothing in the agreement that excludes them.”
However, TSC board members and its administration - including former trustee Mendez - apparently were not convinced.
"One of the proposed amendments when they saw the opposition to having Harlingen placed above TSC was for us to provide the training they (TSTC) didn't provide," said a TSC supporter. "That was like offering us leftovers. You don't do that to the taxpayers who have supported you since you started."
Brownsville, always crying. Losing A&M is a bad move. McAllen welcomed the Aggies! smh
We learned two things:
1. Local leaders need to pay their legal debt and fill empty classrooms is more important to them then access to world class training
2. Online bullying and threatening of elected officials is tolerated and acceptable practice (and works).
Meanwhile...SINTON (where on earth is SINTON?) got the steel mill.
And the LNG's, local industry leaders, and the remaining steel mill...make their relocation and training decisions (insert picture of billion dollar industry scratching their heads here).......
The only 2 Mexican American BND Board members, voted against the 3 anglos trying to step over Brownsville and its taxpayers one more time, Reed, Wood and Cowen need to be voted out as soon as possible
Our elected leaders and most people on this blog have children who have "choices" regarding education/training but Brownsville has a HUGE population of people who don't have "choices"
Thank You Brownsville leaders and Mayor Mendez! Thank You for ensuring the poor don't have choices.
You supported the removal of UT, now TAMU have made the choice for those with limited options....
When it becomes more valuable to control EVERYTHING and EVERYONE...rather to ensure access and choices for the poor we represent......we have failed. I think I learned this in a course at may have been UTB/TSC...or perhaps it was UTRGV....
Brownsville citizens are fighting about TSTC and Taxes.
TSTC uses STATE money.
TSC uses local money.
If the state tells TSTC to serve the County...should we be DEMANDING those services?
Did you all know it was a 4-way, not a three way MOU? The devil is in the details and he didn't pull out of Brownsville.
Meanwhile...Hidalgo gets on the phone and calls TAMU....SMH
It's ok Brownsville we have amigoland mall....
All this bickering, spitting, hissing and fighting for control is typical Browntown politics. In the end it is the people that lose. Me and mine are, the Mexican call to war.
Not true- lies to look like a victim
Well played TSC- lie to community and cause chaos and mistrust
Lies... confusion... chaos
Standard Behavior for the puppet master who now rules BISD- TSC- City and now port...
"Texas A&M University System of Texas." How aggie-like.
Meanwhile...children ask their leaders...
Why does Harlingen and Mc Allen get everything?
July 25 12:11, explain your comment. Just say it.
Leadership....standing your ground and making the tough decisions...that's what you is elected to do.
getting threatening text messages and phone calls and face book posts that make NO sense.....should make you stand stronger, not change your mind.
You approved the idea 5-0...a center where the best would be provided by multiple providers...for our community.
The elected officials threatening people should be ashamed for such a third world tactic...but those port commissioners should be more ashamed for not standing for the PORT TENANTS and INDUSTRY leaders who were counting on a skilled workers.
You ignored your tenants....that's NOT leadership.
HOw do you fix it now?
Since none of the port commissioners voted different than any other,10:25 seems a little bit racist, doesn't it?
Looks like the gringos are fighting back, now it is the Stanford Grads Vs TSC and Mayor Mendez
Brownsville and TSC continue to be a joke. There is no chance anything will improve if you dumbass residents keep electing dipshits to office.
To: Anony 9:51a, 10:14a, 10:25a and 10:28a. It's quite obvious you're the same looser on all 4 posts. Fuck A&M and the horse (Mike Hernandez) that they rode in on. Fuck TSTC for trying to weasel in on TSC territory. Those guys at the Port are lucky they came to their senses.
11:34am: Who is the 4th?
This is another failed Marin/Hernandez Scam (thank goodness ... failed).
12:11pm: You'd rather just roll over and let them give it to you in your bunghole, I guess.
"In the end it is the people that lose." Because of pendejos like you, Brownsville's citizens lose. You can't even tell what benefits your own community.
By bickering, they DID help Brownsville, menso. Now Brownsville will get the training, rather than Harlingen, or don't you get it?
Marin's day is coming ... soon.
Idiot at 11:37- since you insist on the art of name calling everyone who doesn’t agree with you
Tstc is supposed to serve the county- that’s what it’s suppose to gets paid state dollars to do so
Tsc attempting to bully and create lies and spin stories is so child like and serves only TSC
Bickering? No they were threatening (which I believe is beneath trey but not those that pull his strings)
As mayor he wears a different hat- and it doesn’t say TSC it says brownsville - and he will learn that soon enough - he’s a smart one
If this town is going to pull itself out of the hole- he must capitalize on local state and fed money...and TSTC is state
Frankly it’s time for TSTC to stand it’s grown and insists that tsc quit hindering them
From doing what states law requires them to do
Kicking out tstc ... or attempting to keep tstc is not in the best interest of brownsville
Trey, is this not a conflict of interest for you? Is Adela still pulling your strings. Don't get in trouble so soon!
from the poor side of town:
fighting with their hankies when it concerns la gran mordida everybody gets upset bola de putos...
Those of us who supported and voted for TREY...but were fearful that his strings would be pulled by "the spin doctors" have learned the bitter tasting truth.
You kept your friends at TSC happy...but did you do what is best for Brownsville?
The residents of Brownsville who attend TSTC and drive everyday to Harlingen for class ...are watching. The residents of Brownsville who work for TSTC are watching . The industry who hire from TSTC are watching.
You ignored all of listen to your friends at TSC.
The one question the angry mob needs to
HOW MANY WELDERS who graduated from TSC have been they or anyone hired this year? or in the past five years?
The answer..ZERO...why because they don't have a welding program-your getting one...great..but we need 100 NOW. We get them from Corpus, TSTC, small shops around the valley..or train them ourselves. I hire welders all the time...none from TSC.
In the end...our fears were realized. But there is still time for Trey to put on his BROWNSVILLE hat...and take off the TSC baseball cap. We supported him for an independent voice. Hope for a better Brownsville NOW. We need to pay bills NOW. We need to feed our families NOW.
Brownsville is more than TSC and downtown (and both are valuable)...but Brownsville's needs and Port needs are just as valuable (and frankly bigger in number)
Do you know why they tabled the issue? They know, if they approved the matter, they would lose votes in this coming elections, if it is so beneficial for Brownsville, they are majority (Cowen, Reed and Wood) they could easily have the matter approved, that means they don't care about what is best for Brownsville, all they care is about their political future.
Ok.... so did the mayor and his mob do this to fill classes or revenge and hate?
Is this about control, greed or revenge?
Terrible for our leadership
(By the way earlier post I don’t think TSC has a baseball team anymore either )
Congrats to McAllen and Harlingen Mayors who are burning up the phone lines to Texas A&M this week!
Puro pinche mamones if you really wanted to do something put some regulation or control on the mechanic shops and paint shops where the grads from tsc con get hired and work not pinche mojados that work for 20 a day and a lunch pinche guayes...
If you can't at least act as if you care estupidos
These guys did't make a banner?
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