Thursday, July 25, 2019



Anonymous said...


Que pasa con Comisionado Ruiz? Ahora salió que está en bronca con un residente por harassment. Y que mando a tres sheriffs a la casa del chavo a pedirle el teléfono. Estará abusando de su autoridad? Eso es malo, Juan! Investiga!

Anonymous said...

Thank God.

Anonymous said...

The attorney will take 40% so that leaves her with 60% not eought to pay the bus back to her home...

Anonymous said...

It's not over, Montoya. State courts next.

Petronilo said...

Juan i was reading the LA times newspaper said the City of Los Angeles water & Power dept was refunding over $50 million $$$$ to ratepayers because of over billing or over charging? MMM How come we cant do that here with PUB over charging for a bridge to no where power plant AKA Tenaska? We need those lawyers from over there here. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

all the lawyers are friends of the judge. They helped each other.
Most of them graduated from the same Law School.

The Judge was placed there by Trump. strong. You can not beat them..... it is over.

Anonymous said...

Why do you need a jury? If the judge can reverse the verdict. If the case should have been tried in state court why didn’t the judge say that before moving forward with the case. It sounds like The judge was bought and sold.

Anonymous said...

We're in mexico remember the racist pig in the wh wants to return all this land back to mex.

Anonymous said...

In state court, you can be fired for just writing checks without current members.

Anonymous said...

Texas, like most of the nation is plagued by a minority of judges who are biased, who take bribes, who back date their orders, who change the facts in their opinions or who just plain refuse to follow the law. A few have gone to prison eventually. But even one bad judge inflicts a world of injustice.

Brownsville Herald Editorial Letter Your voice.
