Friday, July 19, 2019


"Tell us how we're going to fix it. Tell us how we're going to fix it. I don't know anything about it...Do you want help or do you just want to bitch, you just want to to complain?...."

(Click to enlarge.)


Anonymous said...

Safis, too late chuy, you already shown your true colors

Anonymous said...

So you show your TRUE colors TREVINO... yes we know you helped your friends and left the poor to suffer You are NO leader ....and your language is pathetic ... you definitely forgot why you are there .., and who put you in office .., you are pathetic

Anonymous said...

Unsophisticated Mexicans. No surprise.

Anonymous said...

We need to vote all these arrogant self serving elected officials OUT OF OFFICE once and for all. These two family control has got to stop.

Anonymous said...

Nothing but a gas emmitting elected official (official?) Frowned upon this elected person he does it 10 times a day he should start taking sugar to limit his time and use it more constructive. LIke figuring out how to assist his constiguents to figure out how to HELP as it was he turned out to be one of the gas emmitting group. Hated to be there smelled really bad.

Anonymous said...

Trevino Bullshit. smh

Anonymous said...

Talk about Unsophisticated trash pinche racist republican why were you not invited to the wh idiota

Anonymous said...

So democrats galore vote these guys in then the guys piss on the people who put them there and tell them it's those yellow pissing republicans who are the problem but there isn't a republican within a hundred miles while it's raining

Anonymous said...

I still support Eddie Trevino over that idiot Cascos and his puppet Chris. At least he has the balls to apologize.

Anonymous said...

Of course when it rains everybody leaves to Las Vegas with all the judges remember limas...

Anonymous said...

Hope FEMA can make a difference.
Hard to believe that the flooding occurred exactly one year in some of the same places.
Maybe the engineers can figure it out.
Poor folks.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers can help.
Couldn't the Congressman or Senator ask for their help?
Their website claims they might.

See the following copied and pasted from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website

"Civil Works' Mission and Vision: Dedicated to providing quality, responsive service to the nation in peace and war. The Directorate of Civil Works is a major component of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Civil Works programs include water resource development activities including flood risk management, navigation, recreation, and infrastructure and environmental stewardship. Our mission also includes emergency response."

Anonymous said...

A pinche Eddie Trevino defending himself at 8:30pm lol. Karma is a bitch Eddie and it's not done with you yet! ;)

CC Voter said...

The little napoleon showed his true colors! Lil Eddie doesn't know politics and should have thrown that gutless veteran gus ruiz under the bus! Gus the little pussy that he is had been hiding from the residents in Santa Rosa! The lil pussy didn't have any answers for them BUT didn't want to face the onslaught of anger!
You can't control mother nature BUT there has to be some kind of fix to ease these types of deluges? What good is a flood way located within miles of Santa Rosa, Lyford and Sebastian? The flood way hardly went over the banks due to the rains? So, what good is it?

El Borracho said...

Listen to esteemed County Judge Eddie Trevino snapping at his constitutents.

Anonymous said...

Should have run a political ad
