Saturday, July 27, 2019


Image result for texas DPS making DWI stop
Special to El Rrun-Rrun

We have it from knowledgeable sources that the Department of Public Safety will increase their presence in the Brownsville area by as many as 30 troopers from throughout the state to crack down on possible driving while intoxicated suspects.

Although the DPS and local law enforcement periodically target these drivers, our sources in local law enforcement say that this weekend DPS is specifically targeting Brownsville for their crackdown.

The DPS already uses Los Tomates (Veterans Memorial) Bridge as a training ground for troopers targeting 18-wheelers from the maquilas in Matamoros. As a result, many truckers choose to drive though Pharr instead to avoid the overzealous trainees - and the huge fines associated with their citations.

This has led to protest from the county, whose income from bridge crossing is also affected.

You have been warned.


KBRO said...

I wonder how many alcoholics benefited from this post? Maybe this is a subterfuge to target people here illegally and send them to their mother country. Pretty soon you have to make your own tacos and mow your own grass.

Anonymous said...

Mexicans should be policed.

Anonymous said...

YOU have been warned, Montoya! DWI sound familiar? LOL

Anonymous said...

@July 27, 2019 at 9:05 AM

Your love for the whites is overwhelming malodorous have you looked at a mirror lately. Just go back to your immensely popular blog and stay there with your objects of worship.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry people DA Saenz has to prosecute each case or as back in the old days case files get sold or lost

Anonymous said...

All you stupid Montoya haters, why don't you find another blog if you hate him that much. Son puras Viejas con el chisme

Anonymous said...

Thank you All Law enforcement.

Anonymous said...

And the survey says: tiquetero must be from mcallen 30% of mcallen residents are fat lol lol lol

Anonymous said...

As someone who shares the road with all of those Mexican trucks and drivers, I am glad they police them as hard as they do. Tought titty for the bridge revenue, but a great thing for public safety.
