It was somewhat amusing to read the discussion by City of Brownsville commissioners when a group of residents of a newly-renamed street showed up in the commission chambers to protest the renaming and question the process by which E. Fronton was changed to McNair Family Drive.
Well, let's go over some of those "facts":
Fact 1: There were numerous forms "missing" that were sent in by residents against the renaming
Fact 2: There were residents who said they had never received a notice of the proposed change
Fact 3: Some of those attending the meeting said they never got a visit to their home as the city staff had asserted
Fact 4: And there was factual evidence that at least 15 pro-change forms were unsigned and only bore the stamp of the McNair Company, a sure indication of the McNairs "packing" the vote.
Fact 5: That the notices were sent only in English and not in Spanish and that the majority of residents on E. Fronton are elderly people who don't know English.
Fact 6: That when a group of Fronton residents did a door-to-door survey on July 15 they collected 46 signatures opposed to the change
Fact 7: That the city staff said a list of 30 pro-change signatures were submitted with the original petition and in the next few an additional 15 forms (among them the ones stamped by the McNair Company) were submitted by Enrique A. Melguizo who had originated the change. Even taking those suspect forms into account, it is still one less than the ones against the street name change.
Fact 9: Commissioner Nurith Galonsky was right when she said that "It was an injustice for the people who live on Fronton Street (and) the residents were opposed to it. The process was very flawed against them, they were not given proper notice and now they are not even given an opportunity to voice their dissent. There is something really wrong about that."
Fact 10: Fronton street resident Ernesto Hernandez Chapa said that their survey confirms that 90 percent of the E. Fronton residents are against the name change because of "personal, economic hardship, cultural, ancestry and historical loss." In fact, it's the only street in the downtown historical district with a Spanish name.
Is this too emotional for you, John?
Don't let the "facts" get in the way of the "fact" that McNair is a narcissist megalomaniac who is using his family name and his position on the BHA to ram the name change down the residents' throats and do exactly the opposite of what he was appointed to be on that civic board to do, preserve our city's history.
Fuck Harry McNair, and fuck you too John Cowen.... pinches gringos jotos...... and fuck everyone who voted for John. Jessica Puente wouldn’t have voted for this. And go ahead and fuck the city atty Decoss.... and Trey MendeZ also for being a panochon.
Cowen is a political dunce. Too-new to be anything but a tool. John was a big mistake, bigger than Erasmo Castro!
Boom!!! You just got schooled Mr. Cowen.
Juan, el Jerry McHale gave his white boy pal Cowen a free pass on Fronton Street! Que le pasa a ese guey que se cree Chicano? vato inutil!!!
That is completely Factually True of the situation that exists, and was created by a Non-Resident of Fronton Street, and that does not pay duly required taxes if not truly a Registered Historical Texas Landmark as required by all other citizens of Brownsville, Texas.
There is No Emotional Item to consider, Unless you are Holding Hands with Harry and he is not happy with You.
It is called Anglo domination.
well said
Recall Recall Recall somebody start a Recall they all have to go.
For the “Anglo domination” comment, that fat ass Jim Barton liked.... its Anglo masturbation, dumbfucks!
What more do they want they don't pay taxas that should be enought typical pinche gringo greedy and racist to the core...
They don't side with the voters, then give them the boot and vote them out. These people don't represent Brownsville. They represent their own intrest.
Están equivocádos todos Uds. pendéjos. Este pedíto fué puro St. Joe mafia.
for 10:51 AM: This fat ass's "well said" was a reaction to Juan's story, not the comment that happened to appear before mine. LOL But, I can understand how you might reach that conclusion.
Give it up Juan, facts have never been your strong suit. You are a lefty opinion guy all the way.
Cowen... your first black-eye you disappointed me and many others.
Fact-based look in the mirror
Tio Taco dice:
@August 12, 2019 at 12:08 AM
I have to agree con este estupido gringo no choice here.
That's what happens when you elect a bunch of whites and wanna be whites
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