The barkeep at a downtown bar in downtown Brownsville kept looking anxiously out the door.
He walked to the door and opened it and looked both ways. The barricades were on Adams and his bar was on 10th between Adams and Madison. There was no way any cars - and customers - could get to his joint. This was on Saturday,

Earlier, the tow trucks had gone down the street removing cars which had not minded the tow away warnings. Some of the people had come into his bar asking where they cars had been taken and how they could get them back.
"Cuanto costara?," one asked him.
"Esta caro," he had answered. "Mas de $100."

Then he realized the man didn't know English and had been unable to read the sings warning his car would be towed away after 5 p.m. before the 6:30 p.m. start of Cyclobia.
This weekend's Cyclobia was not as well attended as others, but the streets remained closed off nonetheless. There were city workers wearing yellow safety vests at every intersection joined by police officers in their cars.

Another nifty toy that wowed the cyclists was the camera-equipped drone that hovered over the station and up and down the street as the safety guys and the cops looked on.
"I wonder why they didn't use that when the houses caught on fire two blocks away on Monroe," mused a bystander.

Meanwhile, the bartender had a problem. The conjunto band could not get near the place and they needed to set up before the dancers started arriving, the men decked out in cowboy hats and the women in their high heels.
"I told them to come through the alleys and avoid the streets all the way from Eighth or Ninth Street by Washington Park," he said. "They got a big truck but I think they can make it through the alley."
The same story was repeated many times across the downtown area.
Businesses that count on the evening crowd - like the restaurant next to the bar at the corner of Adams and 10th - saw their profits wither away in the 100-plus degree heat and the streets empty except for a few cyclists and scores of city personnel standing around on the corners.
As them if they want to do this more often.
Let them ride the one time of year they get on their bike. Downtown Brownsville at night has no nightlife so they won't be bothering anybody.
Ranger hate, Gringo hate and now bicycle hate. Is there no end?
Why not do it at Sam's stadium? It will be a lot cheaper and the school can also get involved.
If I could ride, I would be pro-Cyclobia. Do they stop at Dodici? LOL
- Booby Weightman-Ramirez
Why can't they ride on the hike and bike trails???? Rose Gowen has lost contact with the reality of Brownsville and its citizens. The city struggles to develop the downtown area for commerce and then this bullshit bicycle event closes down the commercial center. Doesn't make sense, especially in this weather. I seldom see bicycles in the bike lanes downtown, most are in the auto lanes and usually not complying with the rules of the road.
come on Trey step it up!
There's no parking for automobiles because the sidewalks were moved to the streets for the bicycles that you don't see anywhere downtown. Go downtown and no bicycles people and if you see a group of bicyclists on the street, they were probably given money to say, look , there are people using the bike lanes. That a joke with this weather.
And if do not want them there once a year in downtown.. Have them move to 6th street from police station all Ringgold park, in front of zoo. And close off street hiway, ringgold and Palm ringgold and 7th. DO NOT have worry about restroom and shade. And call it the hills of Brownsville.
Not Ringgold and Palm the street next to the zoo, SO people cold get home.
If not the hills of Brownsville, the rolling Hills of Brownsville
Leave it to dimocRATS to come up with this brilliantly STUPID event LMAO LMAO!!!!
Look at that portly cyclist in front of the that coconut GOWEN LOL LOL LOL.
Cyclovias are just a waste of tax payers monies. They should be eliminated completely, if cyclists want to use rheir bikes, there are miles and miles of bike trails, which by the way, cost millions. Stop this nonsense of wasting tax monies, build much needed sidewalks instead.
@August 20, 2019 at 1:17 PM
So there's no nightlife downtown? I guess the article that was written above detailing the problems downtown business owners had with CATERING TO THEIR CLIENTELE THE EVENING OF THE EVENT completely went over your head.
This event is an absolute boondoggle. There's absolutely no reason why something like this can't be held at the sports park, or somewhere completely away from downtown. Or better yet, the event should be done away with altogether. This city has way more pressing issues than allowing cyclists to ride their bikes through the downtown streets.
Business owners are not the only ones who cringe when they know Cyclobia is coming up.
This whole article is about people who were bothered, and people still comment people weren't bothered.
Por eso no ganamos.
To 8:51 above: Talking to Trey is like talking to a bump in a log. He doesn’t listen unless you say “pizza-pizza”.
AND THEY WANT A PAY RAISE!!! Oops wrong time wrong place so soooory
Y nunca ganaras pendejo learn to write
@10:27 Pinche Coco hillbilly parrot! COCONUT is the new word you learned! I think you need an old de viejitos huevos to suck on lol You need to do better in learning new words pinche joto!
Salad with burnt croutons
Juanito would take on a much different position on bicycles downtown if he were to get on one for the first time in his life. He would experience the euphoria of wind whipping past his white peppered hair and the exhilaration of the Schwinn wide seat under his crotch. He would enjoy the ecstasy of that ringing bell harmonizing with his whistling of "La Cucaracha" off key because of the gaps in his teeth.
Come one Juanito, get on a bike.
Cyclobia is a family event and a lot of fun. If you don’t want to participate, no problem. Keep your fat ass on your couch and watch TV. .
Yes thank you for throwing away good money after bad shit, thank you for your uppity thinking in the poorest city in the USofA, thank you for your unsupported projects that benefit this community as a whole like bus shelters, fixing pot holes, flooding since the beginning of time, traffic lights unsync, traffic jams all over the city, the homeless, the mean motorcycle cops, the highest allowable traffic fines, etc etc etc etc we thank you and we hope you don't get re-elected for the sake of our health and the city...
Historical Association to host Bee Strong Honey event The Heritage Museum is located at 1325 E. Washing st.I think the location limits the amount of attendees and is catering to a specific group even though it is paid by tax funding. I would attend but there are a lot of limits.
@August 21, 2019 at 1:14 PM
Eres un inbesil inutil y hediondo pinche gringo maricon
Nothing wrong with riding bikes but ride them in the vast bike trails and stop wasting tax money on logistics, overtimec pay and traffic jams downtown. There are more city employees working Cylovias than participants, stop this nonsense event that affect downtown businesses.
@3:30 Gringo tu abuelo pinche Coco hillbilly parrot! Ya parrot, no more using the word Gringo! I know you like old wrinkle gringos hands Biden and Sanders! A la escuela ve ya baboso!
@August 22, 2019 at 10:16 PM
pinche inutil gringo gabacho perdido te busca little hands guay ya sabes pa que mamon!!!
pinche Coco hillbilly parrot GRINGO GABACHO HONKY RED-NECK
Foul mouthed hillbilly
The should use the drone to look for burning houses not to demonstrate to stupid bikers (not motorcycles) wrong priorities typical city of brownsville public servants
Tone deaf dysfunctional city commissioner that's all we have here we need to vote her OUT elections are coming up soon.
@August 20, 2019 at 5:48 PM
Yea like that pricipal that got indicted, no gracias keep it where it is now or move it to the bike trails nobody uses them anyway.
An off the road ambulance WHAT THE HECK FOR if they can't get to a burning house that's around the corner of their station!!!!!
Juan, Sad news Don Mario Villarreal passed away yesterday. May he rest in peace, great man who did so much for others. He was also a veteran, served in the Army as a commissioned officer in the 1950's.
Juan, Sad news Don Mario Villarreal passed away yesterday. May he rest in peace, great man who did so much for others. He was also a veteran, served in the Army as a commissioned officer in the 1950's.
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