Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Remember when Palm Valley Police Chief Alvaro R. Garcia he was arrested and booked on three charges of tampering with a government record?

He is charged with submitting this record to the Texas Municipal Police Association "with knowledge of its falsity and with intent that it be taken as a genuine governmental record and with the intent to defraud the (association)."
Garcia was arrested at the Palm Valley police headquarters by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement,alongside Texas Rangers and the Cameron County District Attorney's Office Special Investigations Unit.
Apparently, Peña reached an agreement with the state after he was confronted with the evidence during the task-force investigation.
After he left the Palm Valley Police Department, Peña has found employment as a court bailiff under constable Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez's staff. He is currently assigned to the Cameron County Court-At-Law #3 under Judge David Gonzalez III. In fact, the judge's father is listed as his campaign treasurer.
And judging by his campaign finance statement, he is getting all his support from lawyers who may practice their profession before the court.
Garcia's trial - he has pleaded not guilty - is scheduled for 9 a.m. September 16 with announcements September 12.
In his slogan he says "Looking to bring back integrity to the office and serve the community" didn't this guy get popped with cocaine and marijuana at his home in harlingen a few years back while he was a Baliff in pct 2 only to be let go on a technicality? Just saying I wouldn't want a druggie constable in control of the high drug traffic area but that's just me idk.
In his slogan he says "Looking to bring back integrity to the office and serve the community" didn't this guy get popped with cocaine and marijuana at his home in harlingen a few years back while he was a Baliff in pct 2 only to be let go on a technicality? Just saying I wouldn't want a druggie constable in control of the high drug traffic area but that's just me idk.
This guy Pena is definitely the establishment candidate he is being endorsed and showered in cash by judges and lawyers and endorsed by all the usual Compadres. All to get rid of the current constable who wont go along with the corrupt compadre program. Mike I snort coke and live in Brownsville not primera Trejo, Guz I'm a pussy marine Ruiz, Eloy my baliff got arrested by the feds Cano, Adrian I have Guz Ruiz Balls in my mouth Gonzales and the list goes on.. and like that other dude said Pena got arrested for drugs wow how is this dude even a cop and the balls on this guy to now want to be the head Law Man in the area yea that's sketchy. Another thing isn't this dude a Baliff? What's your experience wanding people with a metal detector all day? And you cant even show up to some police class and have to compadre your way to get credit...Hellll naw.
Where is CODY ???
@9:22 It's best you don't go...they don't accept Texas lone card lol
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