Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Almost seven years ago, City of Brownsville Health Code Inspector Willie Gonzalez got into a little trouble after he went to the Toucan Lounge with a gun in his glove compartment to confront his girl friend who someone told him was drinking with another man inside.

Even though the shooting resulted in a man being paralyzed from the waist down and two other people suffering gunshot wounds, Gonzalez's political connections - his mother was the City Secretary Lydia Gonzales, a close friend of then-city manager Charlie Cabler - spared him prosecution.

A state grand jury finally indicted Gonzales two months after the incident on accusations that he fired his handgun and injured a man and a woman in the parking lot of the bar. The jury issued two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and one count of unlawfully carrying a weapon on alcohol premises on the man.

Her was placed by the city administration on administrative leave without pay.

Then authorities, citing the unwillingness of one of the victims to testify against the shooter and finding that he had shot the two victims in self defense, dropped the ball. Following that finding, Cabler said Gonzales has been brought back to work and given several assignments.

He was allowed to return to work at the city and went about his merry way.

Well, we understand that Willie's luck ran out. Seems like there was a problem with the results of a drug test and he had the option to either resign or be terminated.

We are still trying to get details on his latest scrape with authority and will pass them on as they become available though the city's public information process.


Anonymous said...

Mayor Trey Mendez is an unmitigated disappointment. Just saying.

-Booby Weightman-Ramirez

Anonymous said...

Finally, this worthless fuk will no longer be a city employee. Now we need the Engineering department to be removed and start getting rid of all the worthless employees there. Employees like Carlos "No Balls" Lastra, Doroteo "Missing In Action" Garcia, and Luis "Know It All" Alonso. This department is not really needed. Hiring a professional Engineer to do work for the city will be more efficient and cheaper, than having three do nothing fuks.

Anonymous said...

Karma baby, Karma. Remember juanito montoya what goes around comes around y ya se yego el dia. adios MFker.

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem America faces is that there used to be 41 young workers for every retiree, but soon there will be only 2 young workers for every retiree. The only solution to this problem is immigration. So, of course Republicans are against it.

Anonymous said...

El marano negro, Art Rodriguez, should get demoted or fired. He's a good for nothing Health director. The only reason he got the job as director, is because of Lydia Gonzalez and Cabler. He is the worst director and no one likes him in his department.

Anonymous said...

Art Rodriguez El Mamon de bolas AKA "El Marano Negro" is a self- serving Mexican Trumpet!!! He and his twin sister Oscar Salinas " El Albano Rata" are by far the top worthless scumbags among such others like Carlos Elizondo "La Rata", Charlie "Chale Chale", Raul Salazar "El Scrooge who stole Christmas", ......and then there is no end!!!

Anonymous said...

Somebody's going "shit I get more votes if I indict the fool".

Anonymous said...

Tinker Bell
