One of the squatters removed had fashioned his own shelter using cardboard and plastic crates in a nook alongside the catholic school across Jefferson facing 13th Street.

Her belongings were picked up by several parishioners and moved to La Casa del Nylon despite her protests.
Now one can hear her arguments to the roar of the buses arriving and departing from the Multimodal Terminal (the bus station) just a block away.
The diocese and church prelates will probably say that the parishioners were acting on their own in removing the eyesores from the front of the church and the premises of the school.
It is unknown where the man who had fashioned his shelter from cardboard and pieces of plastic crates and boards went.
God id watching you, Immaculate.
Demos Gracia al SeƱor
She did not want to live under the Catholic tradition, they made her a Jew.
the church wont help the locals but are quick to help the central americans
They all went to veterans park including their dogs. Maybe some of the racist republican that post here can help them since they are white
Good investigative reporting. A few weeks ago the woman at the gift shop had her luggage lit on fire inside the portico. Fire stains on the walls to ceiling. Thankfully the building did not burn down. Since school is back in session religious education and sacramental preparation has begun. The gentlemen's camp also a fire hazard. All this sensitively handled by staff. No parishioners involved. Most clerics unaware, too busy with listening to confessions, Masses, and feeding the homeless at night.
Good investigative reporting. A few weeks ago the woman at the gift shop had her luggage lit on fire inside the portico. Fire stains on the walls to ceiling. Thankfully the building did not burn down. Since school is back in session religious education and sacramental preparation has begun. The gentlemen's camp also a fire hazard. All this sensitively handled by staff. No parishioners involved. Most clerics unaware, too busy with listening to confessions, Masses, and feeding the homeless at night.
Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. wants Texas women to complete a three-hour adoption course before receiving an abortion
House Bill 68 filed by Rep. Eddie Lucio III and Senate Bill 101 filed by his father, Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr., both of Brownsville – would bar the UIL (the governing body for public school competitions in Texas) from hosting "regional or statewide" competitions in the same location
The Most Unpopular Democrat
Democratic Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. on the outs with his own party
Democratic Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. on the outs with his own party (Photo by John Anderson)
Speaking of dead bills, Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr., D-Brownsville, may have put a massive primary election target on his back when he filed Senate Bill 17
his son, Rep. Eddie Lucio III, also D-Brownsville. Now Democrats are furious about what they see as unconscionable condescension to women by the Lucio's
Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr., D-Brownsville, spoke out as the lone state Democrat in support of the anti-LGBTQ "bathroom bill" this week. Lucio is known for backing conservative policies at the Lege; he has steadily supported and authored anti-choice bills throughout his tenure.
Sen Lucio: “I don’t believe in separation of Church and State”, Claims Bathroom Bill Wasn’t Bought.
Then, DO something for the homeless!
Why is this a bad thing? If people are so concerned, they should raise money to build a legitimate homeless shelter that can be built somewhere, or one of the downtown buildings can be purchased and repurposed as a homeless shelter. Why should the church, or anybody, allow people to squat on their property? As someone earlier mentioned, the homeless person staying across the cathedral at the gift shop caused damage to the structure. I'm sure people would be blaming the church and demanding they pay for any damage done to their cars had any of those sustained damage during mass. You can't have it both ways. You can't cry about the suffering of the downtrodden and homeless then complain when they do something to your property.
The city should make more efforts to clean up downtown. This is exactly why people see downtown Brownsville, and Brownsville as a whole, as a second, or third-rate city. We need to clean up some of the problems we have downtown and the homeless situation is definitely something that needs to be taken a look at.
at: 12:35am
Tell that to the racist republicans your racist president and los rinches idiota/o...
and ICE
1865 Congress gives final passage to, and a sufficient number of states ratify, the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to outlaw slavery. The amendment reads: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”
1865-1920 Following the American Civil War, hundreds of thousands of African Americans are re-enslaved in an abusive manipulation of the legal system called “peonage.” Across the Deep South, African-American men and women are falsely arrested and convicted of crimes, then “leased” to coal and iron mines, brick factories, plantations, and other dangerous workplaces. The formal peonage system slows down after World War I but doesn’t fully end until the 1940s. However, in recent years, activists have noted that the 13 Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not outlaw prison slavery, and that requiring inmates to work in prison industries today constitutes a continuing form of modern slavery.
Slavery is still a big business here in the U.S.
The church does have an obligation to keep the property safe and available for worship. I am certain, this was not done lightly.
No money to help the poor or insane. All spent settling lawsuits against pediophile priest that the church spend years hiding.
By the Grace of God. The homeless are strangers in our land.
That lady camped at the gift shop is now at veterans park where dog shit rules. People go there with their dogs unleased and the dogs crap every where and stink the place up they are suppose to pick up their dog shit but they don't.
mental illness is for real
The city needs to develop a plan for dealing with the homeless, beggars and the mentally ill who are on the streets. We have an ordinance against soliciting in the streets which has gone un-enforced by our local law enforcement officials (probably at the order of their supervisors), yet the city officials and the city manager probably don't give a shit. "Pay attention to the little things and the big things will fall into place". Is there an effort in Brownsville to assist the needy on the streets???? It is a public policy issue that needs to be addressed before we have to expend more tax dollars to clean up the human waste in the city, as in San Francisco. We build bicycle lanes for the few who ride bikes, but spend nothing to assist those who have no housing, food or mental care.
The new mayor has no clue how to deal with this issue. That seems to be out of his reach. He only does preservation & pizza.
They don't pick them up because its more expensive for the city while giving a ticket to a local will result in fine being paid. The are discriminating just like the motorcycle cops targeting only traffic.
What the hell do you expect? You live in a third world class county, filled with corrupt so called leaders. The leaders like it this way because they are use to milking the system and make a profit by keeping it third world. These commissioners, and political individuals are making a killing on themselves. Check their salaries, cars , homes and investments. The so called catholic church, is part of the problem. Priest, like the killing priest in Hidalgo who killed the Irene Garza, are protected by their own and do not go through the legal system as you or I. World class case of cover-up corruption by our local leaders. Oh, by the way in the veteran park not only is there dog shit but human shit as well. Filth
Sent them all to the bike and hike trails there are a lot s shelters, water fountains and places to take a nap.
If he who is so concerned about the homeless, why does he or she not open the doors to their house or the gates to their yard for them. The Immaculate Cathedral is the only one who has been concerned enough for the homeless to feed them every night.
where is team brownsville?
they pass downtown twice a day on their way to deliver food to central americans in matamoros.
the MPP program is to discourage the asylumn seekers
yet team broensville is encouraging the leeches they should call it team illegals
I would say to those who are "so concerned" about the homeless... "Bring them to your homes". It's just that simple. Blessings.
@August 21, 2019 at 2:22 PM
Idiota when your ancestor arrived here by force they got here eating roches and rats and sometimes their own buddies pinche idiota.racist republicans
Good people should not have to walk through human filth to go to church.
Juan should open up his home and yard to the poor unfortunates. He loves them so much, he should step up.
Now I know why they shut down the water fountain at veterans park so the homeless can not wash and and clean their clothes but why punish the local citizens that like to visit that place STUPID parks dept...
or so they need a permit?
@August 20, 2019 at 12:17 PM
What? They can't fix pot holes and you want this idiots to develop a plan to help the homeless. GIVE ME A BREAK!
They should stay up north where they belong with their gringo brothers they only bring more sickness down here just like european cockroaches.
Are they vacinated?
The influx is coming from the NORTH and the south maybe they are looking for a job at the PORT!!
The COB and the demonic church doesn’t give a FUCK about homeless people. They are only interested in funding streams to support their evil...well, priests sort of have their own agendas counseling youth.
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