Monday, August 26, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Cameron County Republican Chair Morgan Graham barely survived a no-confidence vote during this month's party meeting of the GOP executive committee held Saturday.

With 21 precinct chairs voting, the vote tally stood at 13 "ayes" and 8 "nays," barely one vote short of the two-thirds needed to pass the no-confidence vote, according to state party rules.

A video of the meeting shows that the precinct chairs did not want to go into executive session to cast the vote and opted to vote in open meeting.

There was no discussion on the reason why the 13 precinct chairs who voted against Graham wanted to censure her, but she said that the insurgents will be able to bring the vote again at the next month's meeting.

Graham was obviously taken aback at the unexpected attempted coup that started with a motion to suspend the rules and the motion of non-confidence. Some party loyalists say that a segment of the executive committee was upset that the county party had not held regular meetings. But they say that last month there was no quorum to proceed and the meeting was cancelled.


Anonymous said...

The Republican Party in Brownsville is the equivalent of an obscure taqueria, people! I used to be a Republican, but they didn't like me enough.

- Booby Weightman-Ramirez

Chon said...

juan very hard for a republican to win in yellow dog county like Cameron with a couple of exceptions but even with the corruption to the core and people know it but they still vote for the democRATS. Been like that for decades and most likely for generations to come. No matter who is in charge of the Republican party here in Cameron, like the Group Eagles last album Till Hell freezes over, maybe then there will be a change in Cameron county. .

Anonymous said...

Can you run the spacex launch live?

Anonymous said...

Hop scrubbed, next try in [ 17 hours 15 minutes 20 seconds ] !closures & !NOTAMS 27-28th from 2p-12am CDT. Elon: Igniters need to be inspected.

Anonymous said...

“Southmost might have started with one or two taquerias, but now you’ve got all these different types of places that are all doing excellent work,” he said, copy from the daily.

WHAT!! When I went to BHS in the 60's there were no taquerias in the southmost area but there were hamburger stands that sold burgers for 6 for a dollars and the larger ones for 4 for a dollar. There was ONE tortilleria and the rest were mom and pop stores. Nothing else, oh and the drive inn Ruenes, where HEB is today. puro BS

Anonymous said...

Republicans in Cameron County hold about as much power as a Catholic in Mecca.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Theyre trying to get rid of the one hot guera they got

Anonymous said...

Hop scrubbed, next attempt in [ 9 hours 25 minutes 21 seconds ]. Fueling can start anytime after road !closures at 2pm and they're targeting 4-4:15pm for the hop.

Anonymous said...

Hop Scotch and slip that's what they call it only in brownsville oop boca chica texas

Anonymous said...

The holier-than-thou, beyond reproach, squeaky-clean, Bible-thumping Republican hypocrites are starting to eat their own. I guess she is too hot for them.

Anonymous said...

If you're so concern just tell your idol racist republican that this is a hurrican and he'll have the place nuked

Anonymous said...

@August 27, 2019 at 10:03 AM

