Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The fallout from the foiled (and failed) coup against Cameron County Chair Morgan Graham is just starting.

Insiders say that the attempt by at least three discernible factions of discontents to pass a vote of non-confidence in Graham did not get the required two-third votes needed to pass and came up a vote and a dollar short.

Some were upset that more meetings weren't being in the county despite a lack of a quorum in July, and others had other beefs against her. One of those factions was led by Robert Louis (call me Bob)  Prepejchal and they voted to suspend the rules and ram through the vote of non-confidence in the chair.

Now this meeting was held on Saturday and Bob (as he likes to be called) took the lead in pushing forward the non-confidence vote. The insurgents almost made it.

But perhaps it was better for Bob that the vote didn't go their way. If – as it was apparent many of those among the factions believed – they thought that the vote of no-confidence was enough to remove Graham, someone didn't read the rules of procedure too well.

Not only would it not have resulted in the removal of the chair, but no one could replace her until the vote had been sent to the state GOP committee, and ultimately, to the Senate Republican Executive Committee for their decision on how to proceed. In other words, it wasn't automatic that a vote to replace Graham by the local executive committee would have sufficed to remove her and replace her with, say, Bob.

And anyway, Republicans are a self-righteous bunch who safeguard their holier-than-thou image. The meeting took place on Saturday, but what many people didn't know was that Bob had a date at the Cameron County Court-at-Law before Judge Laura Betancourt Monday to answer a charge of an assault causing bodily injury, a Class A Misdemeanor.

Apparently, some time in the past (on or about March 22) Bob was a bit peeved that a man at a bar was getting chummy with his date and he allegedly sucker punched the dude (one Rene Luna) and inflicted a bit of pain that involved some bone fractures. He was indicted June 7.

Republicans are a squirrely lot when it comes to protecting their image. Now, a Democrat would probably have voted for someone like Bob without a blush. After all, maybe he was protecting his partner's honor or something like that. You know, a manly thing.

But try to sell his candidacy to the blue hairs of Laguna Vista or SPI or up the county Harlingen way. As they say in Southmost, No way, Guey!

Anyway, Bob's troubles aren't over with the justice system. Discovery is set for September 24 and a pre-trial conference is scheduled for October 17.

The silver lining to this whole episode is that our Republican brothers probably dodged a bullet (as Morgan did) by not trying to remove Graham and replacing her with a chairman who was facing charges in a criminal case two days later.


Anonymous said...

Bunch of scientology idiots!

Anonymous said...

Juan oh JUan, Must you bring other peoples head shots? Don't you have your own?

Anonymous said...

was that guy a cop?

Anonymous said...

This failure is so completely pathetic that Roman had to have a part in it.

Anonymous said...

Ray de Luna is a wimp to begin with, however what happen to his body guard Don (the mucher Deleon? There always together.

Anonymous said...

Cold cocking a senior citizen? I guess that’s one way to keep the majority of the Republican Party in line!

Anonymous said...

“The data clearly show that the Port of Brownsville is a remarkable resource with a reach extending far beyond the Rio Grande Valley,” said the report’s author, economist John Martin. “With more than 51,000 jobs related to the port’s operations and more than $3 billion in total economic impact across the state, the port is a significant driver of opportunities today and in the future.”

A friend of mine that works at the port was telling me the other day that he doesn't know any body that works with him and continued, most everybody there is from matamoros or other parts of mexico like tampico. So who is the port economic impact helping???? I like their wordings "beyond the Rio Grande Valley", YEA MEXICO!!!! and who supports it? WE DO! OUR TAXES...

Anonymous said...

Wow Bob punched a guy. How many demorats are, or have been in the lockup from Cameron County? Ms. Graham where has she been? Under her leadership what has she done for the Republican Party? She should be having a press conference once a month just to list the slim that runs this county. She could have had a field day with Gus Ruiz over the arrest of that kid from Tio Cano Lake. Bob, keep it up she needs to go and thanks for being a man when it comes to standing up for females.

Anonymous said...

Bob standing up for females by ganging up on one and trying to bully her to let him take over and now he was punching the guy in front of witnesses not because his date was talking to another man throughout the night? He is changing his story again. Good thing he puts his stupidity in writing.

Then there how he was bragging to Democrats at Cobbleheads he would take the party from Grahm right after they win the vote and run the meeting. Bob "retired" Prepejchal needs to just focus on his job as a cashier at Dick's and fetching my golf balls.

Anonymous said...

Well at least republicans are doing something and have a far better track record look at the socialists dems they haven’t help the valley never just raise taxes so they can have more. How many dems have gone to prison in the valley. The state and federal government are going to have to build a prison just to house them. Democrats started the civil war started the KKK President Wilson sold the fed to super rich dems, dems giving orders to the military in the Philippines to kill every man women and child while they raided towns and villages for the government to help them kill a rebellion. World war 2 was their enough time to warn the navy about japans attack a great many people think so. Pres Truman and the pope both helped nazis war criminals escape Europe one was the man who invented the rocket to be used against England. President Johnson before he signed the civil rights bill said that we need to keep these n.....s in one place give them housing and welfare put the drugs there too we will keep promising to help and we get a voters vase for the next 100 years. That’s a dem take a look at the valley what we pay for politicians what is our ROI. Return on investment so far nada. Start waking up give the other side a chance. I would rather have a Bible thumper working with me than a group of people that are nazis. How about Clinton’s kill list these are people who have sold their soul they ain’t never gonna do anything for the public. Iran will have a nuclear bomb and missle thanks to Obama traitor

Anonymous said...

My brother hit the guy after he refused to stop groping and this is old news but this blog which is racist to say the least and follows the teachings Hitler propaganda I can understand it’s failure at being fair and just. I also understand the reason behind this when u run a fascist blog u loose people can easily be led astray but once ur true self comes out there’s gonna be a finality to it. When I print lies u get sued u wind up broke a living in tent city LA. Attacking people because of their religious belief is as low as u go. Time for a burning at the stake on the other side. To be a real stupid ass is one thing to be a stupid ass and attack somebody without evidence or the facts is really mental. Truly you have exhibited the IQ of a Protozoa and you just proved the reasoning of the other side. When u go home make sure u hug your dad Hitler thank him for teaching u how to kill millions of people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bob is the shit!! He gets wasted and doesn't give a flying fuck about you or your readers Juan. In fact, he's tickled to death you even bother to write about him... loser blogger writing about a bar fight involving an under the radar Republican.. LOL..

Anonymous said...

So they go from a class act like Morgan to a barmaid banging, back room brawling, booze guzzling blowhard like the big time blunder Bob?

Anonymous said...

what ever happened to sanpinones or whatever his name is?

Anonymous said...

@August 28, 2019 at 10:13 AM
Drugs are bad, m'kay?

Anonymous said...

A rif raf tends to bring out more rif rafs and they all belong to the same party. what a show. Worth reading Juanito.
The dems are having a ball over this.

Anonymous said...

Bob has his issues, but his "brother" Jerry is a fucking loony. He would kiss Trump's ass and finish by flossing his teeth with the freshly implanted golden hair from his nut sack.

Anonymous said...

I did not know we had a Republican party in Cameron County. I only know of two parties in Cameron County the Democratic Party and, the Carlos Cascos party.

Anonymous said...

You mean the fence party and the demo party those are the only two we know of.

Anonymous said...

Trump administration barring tours of migrant detention centers, Democrats say, he's concern about those people touring the detention centers picking up bed bugs and staying at his motels. bad very bad

Anonymous said...

That's not true, Carlos is against the fence!

Anonymous said...

Carlos Cascos is hot.

Anonymous said...

@9 pm: you mad bro?

Anonymous said...

I can for a matter of fact suck my own dick
