(Ed.'s Note: In the wake of the Israeli authorities denying two Muslim members of Congress entry to the country - later modified for one on condition she did not speak her mind on their treatment of Palestinians - their supporters are calling on U.S. authorities to bar Israeli officials from entering this country. Their reasons are outlined in a 2018 report by Amnesty International below. Compared to the crimes committed against Palestinians by the State of Israel, what could two U.S. congresswomen do that would even approximate them? )
*Israeli forces killed more than 290 Palestinians, including over 50 children; many were unlawfully killed as they were shot while posing no imminent threat to life.
*Israel imposed an illegal blockade on the Gaza Strip for the 11th year in a row, subjecting approximately 2 million inhabitants to collective punishment and exacerbating a humanitarian crisis.
*Freedom of movement for Palestinians in the West Bank remained restricted through a system of military checkpoints and roadblocks.
*Israeli authorities unlawfully detained within Israel thousands of Palestinians from the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), holding hundreds in administrative detention without charge or trial.
*Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees, including children, remained pervasive and was committed with impunity.

*Israel continued to demolish Palestinian homes and other structures in the West Bank and in Palestinian villages inside Israel, forcibly evicting residents.
*The Israeli justice system continued to fail to adequately ensure accountability and redress for victims of grave violations of international humanitarian and human rights law.
*The authorities continued to deny asylum-seekers access to a fair or prompt refugee status determination process; hundreds of African asylum-seekers were deported and thousands were threatened with deportation.
*Conscientious objectors to military service were imprisoned.
*Israeli authorities continued to expand illegal settlements and related infrastructure in East Jerusalem and elsewhere in the occupied West Bank, including by legalizing outposts built without state authorization on private Palestinian land. They held local elections in October across Israel and in illegal settlements including in occupied East Jerusalem and the occupied Golan Heights.
*Israeli authorities continued to expand illegal settlements and related infrastructure in East Jerusalem and elsewhere in the occupied West Bank, including by legalizing outposts built without state authorization on private Palestinian land. They held local elections in October across Israel and in illegal settlements including in occupied East Jerusalem and the occupied Golan Heights.
To read entire report, click on link: https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/
Israel is the country getting the most ion foreign aid from the U.S. They are acting stupid. The women are Americans, and members of Congress. Cut the off!!!!
Never allow your enemies into your house. Nothing good will every come from doing so.
there is no one more concerned for the safety of Jewish people. I have made that clear. The Israeli government does not represent the Jewish people. I fully support a full ban on anyone in the Isaeli government coming to the U.S.
Our congress pays their bills and we have no right to send who we want from congress to see what is happening.
I say no more funding for Israel until there is a new government
Bobby WC
You sound lost, Blimp. Blogsquatter!
Juan and Bobby are always siding with the enemy. Both of you racists need to leave this country!
drain the oceans so nobody from cockroach europe can no longer come here
How PATHETIC. Our first Muslim lawmakers and their first priority is to drag the US into their stupid obsession with Israel. Dammit, these women are a joke, they are the Democrat equivalent of what Roy Moore and Sid Miller are to the GOP.
Muslims hate Israel, they blame Israel for everything that's wrong with their shithole countries, when the oil rich trillionaires in Saudi Arabia could have stepped in at any time to provide aid to the Palestinians. The Bin Laden family and Saudi could fund improvement projects across the entire mideast but they prefer to spend it on fast cars and Muslim jihad training centers. Palestine could stop their male youths from attacking soldiers but instead they encourage it, the only way these families make money is by collecting their 'martyr' payments for terrorism.
These two moronic loudmouths are a stain on the Democrat party.
No se hagan pendejos!!! Muslims hate Jews and Christians. As long as their (bible) advocates killing non Muslims, they have no right crying foul. Why don't they openly come out and start preaching their (bible) is wrong???
The more they come into our country, the more they want to change our laws.
Sorry Juan, this is one where I disagree with you.
Some of these commentators have obviously been indoctrinated by the Christian Taliban & other Right wing & Racist bigots. Ignoring the underlying issues of Israel's brutality against Palestinians (after taking their territory), they attack two women, who have overcome insurmountable odds to become a voice for their constituents, to bring to the table the concerns of discriminated classes & to investigate the concerns of an oppressed class of people. To say their "bible" (another indicator of your religious indoctrination) advocates the killing of non-muslims is to deny the teachings of your own Old Testament, which advocats much worse. Christians, Muslims & Jews all worship the same God, the God of Abraham (the root of which is of Hindu origin, i.e. Brahma). None of them should be able to forcibly convert anyone, whether through jihad or crusade. Our constitution protects us from this, just as it protects the speech of these two brave women. Religion has no place in politics. It can lead to brutal regimes, i.e. Israel (and others). Ad hominem & Guilt by Association attacks are logical fallacies and never get to the root of the issue, e.g. Israel's taking of Palestinian territory & their brutal treatment of those oppressed people. The two congresswomen have a duty to determine whether US financial aid to Israel is warranted under the circumstances. They are not advocating any religious agenda. You Go Girls!
@8:38 PM
-Ah, puto. Sacate el dedo del culo, desgraciado! Tienes cerebro de pendejo, vato inutil!
Vela wants to be the pimp of this group of ragheads
The "Squad" of four moronic women of color, have become the new face of the Democrat party. That is good, because they will grease the skids, for the fall of the Democrat Party.
Oh please, the US would never cut aid to Israel. To even suggest that the Democrats should consider passing bills to cut aid to the one decent, functional, civilized country in the middle east would drive the powerful Jewish voting block straight to the Republicans.
Seriously, these women are retards. They have the spotlight and immediately, take us straight into their moronic Muslim religious war with the Jews. Islamism had trashed the parts of the middle east they control, everywhere they get control becomes another backward shithole. No amount of money can help them because their culture and religion are defective. Qatar and Saudi Arabians are among the wealthiest people on the planet, they are shitting oil money every hour, gold plated toilets and diamond covered Lambos and gold vending machines, yet those places are hell on earth. Women stoned to death on the regular, beheadings, men butchered for being gay, that American journalist killed with a saw. The poor areas fare eaven worse, Boko Haram in Africa, raiding girls' schools and taking the girls to rape them because they aren't Muslim, therefore it doesn't count. Billions in aid has gone to Palestine in the last 70 years and they refused to invest it wisely, they used it for terrorism. The nearby Muslim countries refuse to assimilate or help the refugees. There is sadness all over the world, but the Palestinians are professional victims. This Democrat supports Israel 100%.
Of course not you democRAT loving fool! I though believe that the USA should bar Mexican officials who take our money and do not a damn thing about their drug problem!
To former RGV LEO. The drug problem is not a Mexican problem, not a Colombian problem. It’s a U.S. problem. If there wasn’t a market there would be no cartels. Prohibition fueled the Mafia and enriched Al Capone. “Small government” Republican fascists just love to legislate morality. Like Prohibition the “war on drugs” is an absolute failure,
No, Anon, the drug problem is a Mexican problem. Specifically, the cartels are amassing billions of dollars, much like Saudi Arabia, and hoarding it. The people of Honduras, Mexico, Colombia, Equador are oppressed, poor people living in poverty. While the cartel clowns layabout in luxury, driving lamborghinis, carrying gold pistols, cutting up their enemies and stringing them up under bridges, hiding billions of cash in their own walls and under their floorboards.
It's strange how the Western culture tells us to feel personally responsible for the suffering of those people. It's not a US citizens' fault the Colombians are poor, it's not the US taxpayers responsibility to feed them. ITS THE DRUG CARTELS HAVE HOARDED ALL THE MONEY IN THE COUNTRY, AND THEY ARE LEAVING THEIR OWN COUNTRYMEN TO STARVE. Just like Saudi Arabia has billions coming in every day from their oil wells, and they sponsor terror schools and extreme Islam schools, they host fundraisers for the Palestinians, and the money never gets there because the entire country is corrupt. It's not an American problem. It's not Israel's problem. It's a Muslim problem with their own greed and corruption, just like the cartels. Fuck these two idiots for trying to get us involved in their stupid religious jihad against the Jews. We remember who flew planes in the twin towers.
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