Wednesday, August 28, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: To say the short launch of SpaceX "Hopper" was underwhelming, is to state the obvious. However, through the hype of Elon Musk and local mainstream media, there are serious issues that have come to the fore. 

In the piece below, Camden, Ga. resident Steve Weinkle outlines his opposition to the establishment of a Spaceport there. We have kept the Camden-related arguments to a minimum and focused on his comments related to the Boca Chica site.

However, somewhere in the smoke and fire some facts have been ignored. There will not be 12 satellite launches a year at Boca Chica, no 300 good-paying jobs (at $75,000 a year) for local workers, and nothing to attract the millions of aerospace tourists who were supposed to boost the local economy. 

If they had come, the show would have lasted all of a minute. It's now clear that pristine Boca Chica Beach has been handed over to billionaire Musk as a test area for Spacex and access to the public beach denied to everyone else.) 

By Steve Weinkle

SpaceX just completed the previously delayed and aborted Starhopper test at their Boca Chica test site. Although the test ignited a few grass fires, Boca Chica residents and their homes are safe.

The issue is not whether SpaceX or any launch company can eventually get it right. The question is how much financial and safety risk must the public absorb on behalf of a commercial rocket launch company and the promise of a few jobs?

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reviewed SpaceX’s recent problems with fires at their Boca Chica launch site. Those recent incidents indicated that SpaceX’s activities there are far more dangerous than they originally expected.

SpaceX sought a 656-foot maximum altitude for the test. After performing a hazard analysis for the proposed launch, the FAA only allowed 492-feet.

And unbelievably, the FAA raised the third-party liability insurance requirement for the flight from $3 million to $100 million.

Read the entire FAA Permit for the Starhopper launch, and especially the very last line of the Permit.

The insurance cost increased because the FAA performed risk calculations identifying a risk envelop sufficiently large enough to harm non-involved public like those living behind the launch site in Boca Chica.

Possibly, the revised risk zone extended to homes 5 miles to the north and northwest on South Padre Island and at Port Isabel. The larger risk area also includes green-outlined areas which are Texas public parks and US Fish and Wildlife Refuges. Marine transportation in and out of the Port Isabel Channel may also be impacted.

SpaceX can afford the cost of a $100 million liability policy for a rocket test that goes up 492 feet. They’re rich enough with government contracts to have deposited a cash bond for the $100 million if they chose.

(The startup rocket companies Steve Howard and Jimmy Starline envision using Spaceport Camden [Georgia] have no successful launches, even to 492 feet. They are not billion-dollar companies with deep pockets and proven rockets. Even if Camden never allows experimental launches, there are no small rocket companies with proven safety records knocking at Steve Howard's office. They don't exist.

Is it realistic to think that if they develop a launchable rocket, they will justify launching at Spaceport Camden where the insurance will be significantly more expensive than at any other spaceport?)


Anonymous said...

Nothing-compared to LNG

Anonymous said...

Where is the proposed, highly explosive, compressed gas LNG facility to that launch site??????? Lighting fireworks next to a gas station. BOOM

Anonymous said...

Your first comment is just plain bullshit...

Ive heard from people as far as California that this was very cool... people who are far more knowledgable of the potential.

Obviously you can't understand what this means because your "success" is having this article published on a underwhelming blog.

Anonymous said...

En la primera se les chingo el estora!!

Anonymous said...

Waaaaaa! Fuck all of you crybaby armchair environmentalist! Constantly getting your asses kicked. Great job SpaceX. Yes LNG is on the way.

Anonymous said...

Just more than two years ago, a liquefied natural gas storage tank exploded at a facility near the town of Plymouth in rural Washington state.
One of the LNG plants proposed in the Port of Brownsville, for example, would be situated less than two miles from a populated area on Long Island Village.

The one in Washington state hasn’t been the only LNG plant accident. While there aren’t a lot on record, there have been some deadly accidents.
There are two typically talked about when it comes to LNG plant safety. Both incidents resulted in many deaths.

Another accident, which is not talked about as much, happened in February of 1973. It was the worst industrial disaster in Staten Island history — an explosion blew the concrete off a liquefied natural gas storage tank. The Texas Eastern Transmission Corp. tragedy killed 40 workers. The blast ultimately brought an end to the construction of two larger LNG tanks in that area.

Posted: Saturday, June 25, 2016 10:34 pm

By LISA SEISER | Staff writer

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Anonymous said...

Your first comment is just plain bullshit...August 28, 2019 at 12:46 PM

Anonymous said...

The LNG plant site will be very close to the rocket launch site and the airport site is north of both.
All we need now is a PETN and a TNT company situated in the middle of all these other businesses. Don't hold your breath...

Anonymous said...

Another Titan scam set up by the Scumbag Rene Oliveira. Elton Musk should be made to pay the money back to the City and GBIC.

Anonymous said...

Enough said I'm gettin outa here going to san benito where quiet rules.

Anonymous said...

The next fire cracker day in new year's good luck brownsville tx by than you'al should have a tnt or a petn factory with an a century abatement in the downtown area.

Anonymous said...

There is an explosives manufacturing plant in the area of the port. It is unmarked and they keep quite about it but it is there.
And yes, space exploration is a cool thing and the science is amazing, as are the potential discoveries but you do not need to be an arm-chair environmentalist (as if caring about the environment is a bad thing) to know that SpaceX, a for profit private company has taken control of Boca Chica Beach from the county with the consent of county leaders and to the detriment of generations of people who visit the beach so they can make more money.
And who cares what people in California think about it?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That explosive plant should be investigated immediately!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What happened to all the jobs that space X was supposed to offer the county,marines county commissioners should start asking questions? Time to review that contract on those tax abatements.

Anonymous said...

The BISD students can launch their home-made rockets they build for their science projects, faster, cheaper and higher. How much did this attempt cost them? The students build them out of recycle materials!

Anonymous said...

and they don't need no tax abatements at 10:55pm.
