Now that we have three declared candidates for the District 27 Texas State Senate seat held by perennial furniture and Republican footstool Eddie Lucio for the last 28 years, get ready for an encore of Eddie's shtick.
The two other candidates are Texas State Board of Education Board member Ruben Cortez and Brownsville attorney Sara Stapleton. (Stapleton, by the way, has discovered she has a Spanish surname, Barrera. Nobody ever knew until now that she's running for office.)

Espousing a GOP ideology seems to be about the only way a Democrat can run and win in the Rio Grande Valley. A Republican running on Democratic issues will never win. Hell, it's getting to the point where a Democrat can't win running as a Democrat down here.
Where is exactly where the role of a Republican in the guise of a Democrat comes in.
That's our Eddie. His religious beliefs allow him to come out against women's rights. His platform is the platform of the bishop of the Brownsville diocese. And he will say he's a fiscal conservative but makes a living being a "fixer' for corporations that rob his constituents, but leave his offering basket full.

And he has been turning a blind eye to the port workers who are the lowest paid workers on the Gulf Coast because he's a good fiend of the commissioners on the "clubby" port board of commissioners.
Once he has another four-year term in the Texas Senate, he'll forget "la gente," conjunto music and Spanish and opt for country music and a Central Texas drawl that rivals the legislators from Kerrville (or is it Currvul?). Hell, he'll even don knickers to knock off a few rounds of golf with the good ol' boys.
And once there, he will hang out in the edges of the table hoping that the Republican controlled legislature will throw some crumbs his way. He will, of course, do their bidding, if there is any more bidding to be done.
He did that by providing them with the necessary vote to do away with the two-thirds rule that gave Democrats in the senate a toll to blunt the GOP excesses. Now they don't have to count on two thirds of the senate, which would have included Democrats, to ram through anything they want.
Eddie seems to think he's doing God's calling by voting with the Republicans to deny poor women pre-natal care, legal abortions, and women's health care. It's like a priest being the marriage counselor for a newly-wed couple. How can someone who has never been in a man-woman relationship counsel someone who is? How does Eddie know what a woman feels after she's reached probably the most difficult decision in her life to terminate a pregnancy?
He pushed thorough a law in the senate that requires them to view alternatives to abortion before they can go through the procedure. That was SB 1869 relating to "resource awareness sessions" for women seeking abortions.

Some Democrats pushed for an amendment that would allow for minors to obtain a bypass immediately upon request if they had been raped or abused by incest. Not for Eddie. He was the lone Democrat to side with Republicans on this one.
Why subject these poor women to further agony based on his personal morality? After all, it will be them who must answer to the higher power when the day of judgment comes, if he truly believes in eternal justice. Should they seek a wire hangar and a dark alley?
What kind of morality is that?
He was in the middle of the corruption that led to the $21 million debacle of the Bridge to Nowhere when he convinced the commissioners to ditch Brown and Root Engineering for Dennanbaum, convinced commissioners in Willacy County to hire a private prison contractor that resulted in bribery verdicts against some of those same commissioners, and collects "consultant" fees from numerous corporations who do business with his constituents.
No, Eddie is not a tramp. He's not a second-story man. Or an unscrupulous politician. Eddie is a cheap whore with a taxpayer-funded orthodontist masterpiece so he can look special interests in the eye and give them that "come hither" smile.
So, he wouldn't pay you? is that what this is about?
Thanks for the inside scoop on Lucio. It gives me plenty of reason to vote for him. I don't want a real Democrat with a real Democrat adgenda in Austin.
The health and medical ($381,118), building and construction ($253,250) and legal ($222,951) industries are the top contributors to Lucio’s campaign. The top donors are Border Health PAC ($262,500), Perry, Bob & Doylene ($206,000) and Texans for Lawsuit Reform PAC ($111,667).Shelley borrowed the old quote from Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis about how sunlight is the best disinfectant.
“These issues need to be brought out into the open,” he said. “The average voter doesn’t realize how this money is being spent.”
Sen. Lucio, state leaders named ‘worst’ legislators
By Elizabeth Hernandez/The Brownsville Herald | Updated Feb 8, 2013
AUSTIN – Texas Monthly magazine named Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. one of the 10 “Worst Leg-islators”.There is no more unreliable senator veteran than Eddie Lucio Jr,” Hart writes. “His nicknames say it all: Sucio (‘Dirty’) Lucio and El Resbaloso (‘the Slippery One’).” Hinojosa said he’s glad he received the mention. Lucio indicated that he made the list because, I don't care never have and never will." SPECTATOR SENATOR. WE DO NOT WANT YOUR MONEY. YOU WILL BE VOTED OUT AS A DISGRACE TO BROWNSVILLE. FOR BEING WEAK,INCOMPETENT,DISHONEST,AND A DRUNK GOLFER. With boy caddie at your side.
I am voting for Ruben Cortez, an actual Democrat.
You are wrong about only fake Republicans being electable. The Lucios have always won with politiqueras and cheating, and because they almost never have an opponent.
Democrats have had enough of the GOP fake religious crap, of Trump sellouts claiming to be Dems. The Sucios are not democrats. It's Democrats, not Republicans who will make the decision in the Democratic primary. By the time the general rolls around, Lucio won't be on the ballot.
I'm with Lucio! Largate a chingar a otra cantina, Juan.
Juan according the VMS Joey Lopez is the drive behind these huge raises for elected officials, and county judge has agreed too saying we need a raise not a huge one as proposed but some type of an increase, looks like the rice is cooked on these raises at tax payers costs
2:12, me neither!
And the idiots keep voting for this thief!
We will VOTE to win either Stapleton or Cortéz to bring jobs to the valley.
Footstool EDDIE LUCIO! Lol. He will retire before election.
EDDIE LUCIO JR. License to Discriminate’: Texas Senate Advances Anti-LGBTQ Bill Lucio didn’t comment during floor debate, though he told the Senate Committee on State Affairs last week that he believed the bill “does not discriminate.” His office did not respond to the Observer’s request for comment. the bill would have died without Eddie Lucio’s Jr blessing
Gosh, is'nt all that the American way?? Sounds to me like a regular politician...digo yo.
TX Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr.
(D) - District 27 voted yes. HB 359 - Corporal Punishment in Public Schools
Defines "corporal punishment" as the deliberate infliction of physical pain by hitting, paddling, spanking, slapping, or using any kind of physical force as a means of discipline
Texas Republicans advance a bill that would allow doctors to refuse LGBTQ patients and state senator Eddie Lucio Jr. (D) voted in favor of the bill, license to kill LGBTQ
Mamucas politices only practiced in South Texas specially RGV
eddie quien fue el el guey que te dijo que te quedaba el pantaloon la gorrra QUE MAL TE VEZ NACO ERES Y SIEMPRE VAS A SER NACO
Eddie Lucio Jr. the DINO poster boy and perfect example of why term limits should be applied to all elected positions.
He will not get to heaven when he holds a baby up while he is stomping on the mother. This county's poverty is a reflection of the state leadership starting with the Governor trickle down to Lucio Jr. who does their bidding.
We the people deserve a real Democrat with genuine integrity. Vote for Sara Stapleton-Barrera. Sara may not be a well known person, which in this town is actually a good thing, because it means unlike so many others with name recognition, Sara is not part of the political underbelly many complain about.
Some here state we need Republican representation to fix things down here. Well, they've overlooked this one fact...We've had Republican representation in the form of Eddie Lucio Jr. for thirty years now. We are still piss poor with high rates of joblessness while staring down the face of a billion dollar toxic industry asking for ten year Tax Abatements where we the tax payer's carry the burden, just for starters.
It's time for a real Democrat to represent Democrats. Sara is that person.
Sara Stapleton-Barrera WHAT? Barrera? Just like the car dealers - Bueno Bonito Barato, Dale Gas, Somos Familia etc etc etc. WHY? Just wondering...
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