During his campaign for election to the Pct. 4 Cameron County Commissioner position, Gus Ruiz's propaganda made much of his service in the U.S. Marine Corps as a fire team leader in Iraq. It continues on his county website where he is posing in front of the Iwo Jima Memorial in Harlingen.
In other words, as as Marine, he could take take a hit and keep on coming.
And it only got worse.
The people there, who were still under water a week after the flooding event, were desperate and exasperated at the slow reaction from their elected officials.
One of them, a Santa Rosa resident named Joel Alvarez Jr., who was living in a car and whose parents were flooded out of their home for days, attended the meeting and sent Ruiz a nasty email afterwards telling him, among other things, “Go fuck your self you piece or shit,” and also, “Burn in hell.”
The complaint by combat veteran Ruiz - who served, it is assumed, to protect our freedoms - started that he felt harassed, tormented, and feared for the safety of his family.
This is curious because as any law enforcement officer can tell you, they are subject to this and worse. Does that mean that they can file on just about anyone they ever arrest?
For example, Ruiz sent a letter to Precinct 5 Constable Eddie Solis May 17, 2018 after he received a missive from the lawman.
In it, Ruiz wrote that: “As a County Commissioner that happens to be a lawyer, I must inform you that there are federal and state laws that protect me from intimidation, obstruction, retaliation, abuse of office, prosecutorial misconduct, and malicious prosecution. It is obvious that your motivation for writing and sending your Letter is Political retaliation because you are “"Butt Hurt.”
If this isn't harassment, what is it? And he has a kid arrested for telling him to "Go fuck yourself" and "Burn in hell?"
During Tuesday's public comment commissioners court meeting, San Benito resident Raul Castillo gave Ruiz a primer on free speech, the First Amendment, and abuse of power.
"It's illegal to arrest people for wearing at them," he said. "Some of us are here because we're concerned about our local political impotence when it comes to flooding and drainage. Others are here because we feel that many of you dropped the ball after said flooding. I'm here because of the latter. Because not only have you dropped the ball when you handled public discourse after this flooding, but I believe some of you have acted in violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.
"You know what I'm referring to. No politician or judge is above the law, or above criticism. Now, I know no one likes to get told to go burn in hell, I know I don't. But I would just like to propose a simple question to you: Who is more of a threat here, a desperate houseless (sic) citizen who after receiving no answers from his local officials emails a local politician telling him to burn in hell or the politician who uses a vague harassment statute in the Texas Penal Code to arrest said citizen?
"You are setting a future precedent of intimidation to anyone else who would otherwise want to speak out. Shame on you for violating your most basic obligation. And shame on the judge who signed this warrant knowing the precedent it would set for future political discourse in South Texas.
Judge Eddie Trevino: "Thank you Mr. Castillo..."
"I promise you this will not stand. We will not be intimidated. "We will challenge you every step of the way."
To see Castillo's statement, click on link: http://cameroncountytx.swagit.com/play/07302019-842
He will be the first speaker in the public comment section after the pledge of allegiance and moment of silence at 0:23.
I don’t think what mr alvarez did constitutes harassment. Mr Ruiz it all comes with the territory. Can you imagine police officers arresting everyone that called names.
If everyone who swears at a politico is arrested. Have the people in the country would be jailed for what they said about Trump.
Ruiz needs to go. What an asshole!
The flooding that occurred in June was all the way to Hidalgo and Willacy counties as well.
It was the same flooding that has happened four years in a row.
No wonder the residents of these areas are so irate.
Imagine all the repairs that have to be done over and over again.
Sandbags in many cases are useless.
It was a nightmare. Small farm animals and pets were lost too.
Fortunately there are multiple churches and other non profits pitching in to do some of the work to help to restore some of the homes back to living conditions.
Still there is much work to be done.
Wonder why Cameron Willacy an Hidalgo counties allowed the subdivisions to be approved in these flood zone areas.
Maybe a moratorium on new rural subdivisions and building permits in these flood zone areas is in order.
Could these counties put together a plan and a time schedule to make adjustments?
Could this plan be well publicized with occasional updates to let these residents know how things are going?
Let's hear about the proactive measures that are being implemented rather than having reactive type meetings.
Ask the counties to appoint a Flood Czar.
Maybe farmers could illuminate the effects of the water flow too.
Ruis abused his power. Judge Trevino should have censured him.
It's been proven with my own experience that veterans are thin skinned. They always overreact and blame it on their service.
Yes. he is an asshole, come and arrest me, because he is a lawyer, he thinks he's above the law, an abuser of power.
A tit guy, have not grown, piece of shit.
Well all the country is giving the flood victims is a Libra De Salchichon and four sandbags.
For 12:19 you sound like you got heel spurs.
One of the locals is offering creamations at 750.00 a pop maybe that what he meant...
But I'm a marine guys vote for me.... broken record change the script the marine crap is getting stale actual marines are getting pissed your probably the same type that demands a discount at McDonald's.
Like thye say, Ruis if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
or buy an extinguisher
Who authorized his arrest? you cannot just tell an officer to go arrest someone for something like this is its abuse of power for sure I smell rival rights violations.
Commissioner Ruiz, I had no idea that a Marine could be such a pussy. Good job on having anyone who recognizes you poke fun at your weak personality.
8:31 His last name is spelled Ruiz and not Ruis. Also It's They and not Thye. The right way to spell cant is can't. I'm a fifth grader from Canales school.
@August 2, 2019 at 11:22 AM:
from canales elementary and a teacher just like that library guy from harlingen oh but he's a gringo they automatically get a degree when they are born. so sorrrry
4:00pm,just a clarification. cant stand the heat dont come into the kitchen cool arrow
Remember those words?
@4:00pm...Just a clarification no need to get upset."If can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen" . I'm a student at Canales school and please watch your language.
If a citizen has the stupidity and lack of decorum to tell Commissioner Ruiz to go fuck himself then he better be prepared to face the consequences and not hide under the First Amendment. Good for you Gus.
So what i go to kinder
Commissioner Gus Ruiz is a coward plain and simple. He attacks other people willingly but is quick to file charges when done to him. There is no other word to describe Ruiz but a "Pussy"! I was at the special meeting that was held two weeks ago in Santa Rosa. Eddie Trevino used profanity in my presence which I took offense to. Does that mean I can go to the Santa Rosa Police Department and get a warrant of arrest from Judge Salazar for Eddie Trevino for disorderly conduct? If they can do it so can I!
At Anonymous 3:52 PM....Hide under the First Amendment? Good for you Gus? Lol This has to be you Gus defending yourself as always. At first I thought it was your personal ass kisser Constable Adrian Gonzalez defending you since Gonzalez always seems to have your balls in his mouth. Then I realized that there are to many big words in that comment which eliminates him cause...well let's just say it.. Gonzalez isn't the sharpest tool in the shed and has the smarts of a 1st grader. So it has to be you Gus! You are an elected official! Put your big girl panties on and act like it!
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