1. Gary Indiana
Gary has 75,000 residents, but lost 6% between 2010 and 2018. Just over half of the population works, and 36% live in poverty. The most miserable city in the US was once a manufacturing mecca, but those days are over.
A drug enforcement agent who grew up in the area told The Guardian in 2017: "We used to be the murder capital of the US, but there is hardly anybody left to kill. We used to be the drug capital of the US, but for that you need money, and there aren't jobs or things to steal here."
2. Port Arthur, Texas
Port Arthur, a city surrounded by oil refineries, has 55,000 residents. Fifty-three percent are working and 30% are living in poverty.
The city was hit by hurricanes in 2005, 2008, and 2017. Harvey, the latest, caused $1.3 billion in damage. Officials fear that if people keep leaving, Port Arthur will fall below 50,000 people and. make it ineligible for federal grants.
Port Arthur, a city surrounded by oil refineries, has 55,000 residents. Fifty-three percent are working and 30% are living in poverty.
The city was hit by hurricanes in 2005, 2008, and 2017. Harvey, the latest, caused $1.3 billion in damage. Officials fear that if people keep leaving, Port Arthur will fall below 50,000 people and. make it ineligible for federal grants.
The city already lost many of its residents between 1950 and 1980, when 600,000 people left after the manufacturing industry collapsed. With 43,000 abandoned homes, it's been struggling with blight, and is considered one of the most dangerous cities in the United States.
4. Passaic, New Jersey
Passaic has 70,000 residents — 58% of people working, and a third are living in poverty. Its youth council said the city has problems with rugs, violence, and poor sex education.
5. Newark, New Jersey
Newark has 282,000 residents, 62% are working, and 28% are living in poverty. The median commute time is over 35 minutes long.
Like Flint, it's had problems with lead poisoning its water supply. The city has also struggled with race relations, which bubbled up in violent riots in 1967, and has it's fair share of violent crimes, particularly in 2013.
Pine Bluff has 42,000 residents, and between 2010 and 2018, it lost nearly 14% of its population — the biggest loss on this list. Fifty-two percent of people are working, and 30% are living in poverty.
People have been leaving due to the state losing almost 3,000 manufacturing jobs between 2016 and 2017. In 2019, things deteriorated further when the Arkansas River flooded the city.
People have been leaving due to the state losing almost 3,000 manufacturing jobs between 2016 and 2017. In 2019, things deteriorated further when the Arkansas River flooded the city.
7. Flint, Michigan
Flint has 96,000 residents, and it's fallen by 6% between 2010 and 2018. Just over half of people are working, and 41% of people are living in poverty — the highest on this list.
The city has struggled with a decline in manufacturing. By 1990, General Motors had downsized in the area, leaving many without jobs.
Flint is perhaps best-known for the water crisis it's been facing since 2014, where residents were being poisoned with lead. On top of that, it's got 20,000 abandoned properties to deal with, a consistently high murder rate, and an opioid problem.
8. Camden, New Jersey
Camden has 74,000 residents, and its population fell by 4% between 2010 and 2018. Nearly 57% of people are in the work force, and 37% live in poverty. The average household income is $26,105 — the lowest on this list.
It used to be a manufacturing city, but that fell to pieces between 1950s and 1970s. It's had a high crime rate and been known as one of the most dangerous cities in the country, but it is improving. In 2017, there were 22 murders, which was lowest number since 1978, thanks in part to new police procedures.
Flint has 96,000 residents, and it's fallen by 6% between 2010 and 2018. Just over half of people are working, and 41% of people are living in poverty — the highest on this list.
The city has struggled with a decline in manufacturing. By 1990, General Motors had downsized in the area, leaving many without jobs.
Flint is perhaps best-known for the water crisis it's been facing since 2014, where residents were being poisoned with lead. On top of that, it's got 20,000 abandoned properties to deal with, a consistently high murder rate, and an opioid problem.
Camden has 74,000 residents, and its population fell by 4% between 2010 and 2018. Nearly 57% of people are in the work force, and 37% live in poverty. The average household income is $26,105 — the lowest on this list.
It used to be a manufacturing city, but that fell to pieces between 1950s and 1970s. It's had a high crime rate and been known as one of the most dangerous cities in the country, but it is improving. In 2017, there were 22 murders, which was lowest number since 1978, thanks in part to new police procedures.
9. Warren, Ohio
Warren has 38,000 residents, and its population fell by 7.7% between 2010 and 2018. About half of people are working, and two-thirds live in poverty.
It's had a slow economy for a while, but things weren't helped when General Motors announced in 2018 it would stop work in a plant nearby, meaning people had to leave the city to find work. Along with Youngstown, Warren has the second highest rate of people struggling to find enough food in the country.
10. Huntington Park, California
Huntington Park, the 10th most miserable city in the US, has 58,000 residents, 63% of people are working, and 28% of people live in poverty. The median commute time is 31 minutes.
It has a checkered history with waste management. A former waste disposal facility situated in the community is being cleaned up, but work was suspended after residents complained about dust and the smell.
Huntington Park, the 10th most miserable city in the US, has 58,000 residents, 63% of people are working, and 28% of people live in poverty. The median commute time is 31 minutes.
It has a checkered history with waste management. A former waste disposal facility situated in the community is being cleaned up, but work was suspended after residents complained about dust and the smell.
11. New Brunswick, New Jersey
New Brunswick has 56,000 residents, 54% of people are working, and 35% are living in poverty. It has had problems with crime - In 2017, the city's assauts with guns rose 64%.
New Brunswick has 56,000 residents, 54% of people are working, and 35% are living in poverty. It has had problems with crime - In 2017, the city's assauts with guns rose 64%.
12. Brownsville, Texas
Brownsville has 183,000 residents, 56% of people are working, and more than 31% of people are living in poverty. More than 35% don't have health insurance.
The city is on the Mexican border, and often has unauthorized immigrants passing through, making it one of the most patrolled places in the country. According to locals, three different types of helicopter fly overhead. Concern around immigration has also made it difficult for some residents to sell their properties.
The city is on the Mexican border, and often has unauthorized immigrants passing through, making it one of the most patrolled places in the country. According to locals, three different types of helicopter fly overhead. Concern around immigration has also made it difficult for some residents to sell their properties.
For the other 38 "miserable" cities, click on link:
Wow everyone does a top “12” list. Besides it’s a bogus list if Austin isn’t in the top three poverty cities and moving rapidly to No. 1 through socialist city govt. policies.
Who cares let's built some more bike trails and duck ponds and name all the streets with gringo names!!! Tax only the super poor, GRINGOS don't pay taxes here. Forget about flooding, traffic jams, POTHOLES let celebrate maybe those super rich mexicans can come up with a name to begin a new festival. Como "la Ciudad de los PENDEJOS FESTIVAL". PURO PINCHE MAMONES...
House big spender #4: Eddie Lucio III
57 million taxpayer-funded reasons why THIS Texas non-profit is sheltering Jane Doe
Trump Administration to secure an abortion; Sophie reported the NAME of the company running the shelter caring for Jane Doe.
(photo credit: Texas Tribune)
And THAT’S where 57 million taxpayer dollars, a Texas State Representative EDDIE LUCIO III and the Texas “not-for-profit” refugee industry intersect.
Senate big spender #3: Eddie Lucio, Jr.
spent $7,016 on flowers (gf),
and $6,226 on golfing
Wow! Think what it would be if the gringos were still running the town. We can thank out great Mexican leadership for our wonderful rating in the misery index.
They were being polite in the description of shit hole browntown.
The artilce has the population wrong and every realtor I know is selling with no problem. There is new house construction everywhere. New apartments are going up all over town. So I would suggest the researcher did not do his research.
On Boca Chica and International more and more landlords are redoing the face of the buildings to make them look crisp and new. There is new retailspace being built everyone.
The one thing we need is a living wage ordinance and things will be fine.
Juan, great sociology reporting! By the way, I am El Numero Uno "Most Miserable Resident" of Brownsville, bro! I only wish they would add a Blimp to those helicopters. LMAO.
- Booby Weightman-Ramirez
Trump is clearly unhinged, with any other Congress at any other time this disgusting monster would have either been impeached or removed via the 25th amendment, how in the hell anyone can still support this evil moron is beyond me, no wonder Trump said "I love the poorly educated".
Let's keep this information a secret because the rest of the RGV cities might take advantage of the stupidity of Brownsville and our local crazy city commissioners. Good job McAllen, harlingen. Weslaco, Pharr. Edinburg, Mercedes, Hidalgo, Mission, La Feria, Omito too.
Texas Correctional Industries (TCI), the industrial division of the Texas prison system, has been operating as a cut-rate, custom craft-goods supplier for dozens of Texas legislators. One politician furnished his new home with prisoner made goods. The goods include a dining table with hand-carved state seal adornment, ten chairs, bar stools, kneeling benches, a holy water font and altar chairs all of which cost Democratic state Senator Eddie Lucio $6,319.
Lucio counters that he has broken no law and paid for the goods with his private funds.
“Really what it is, it’s going to be a comprehensive rewrite of the whole entire code
I heard its going to be so that the rich have fewer restriction, fewer rules and less inspections just like his racist republican president and all the grant fundings will be for his elistist cronies...
Really so more bike trails and no pot hole maintenance more flooking more traffic jams no bus shelters they are still fixing the gas oops diesel engines and I hear they are making a deal to bring another whore house down here GUESS WHO'S.
Your friend Jerry McHale posted a photo of himself clearing trash somewhere and man he has a huge fucking gut. He now looks like Bobby WC! Poor bastard.
In all honesty, I was born and raised in Brownsville, TX and this place is a dump. There is something wrong with the politicians here. There is something wrong with the people here. There is something absolutely wrong with everyone who keeps pretending like we live in a friendly city, a pretty city, or even a business minded city. Brownsville is the exact opposite, jealous/fake, not pretty to the eye, poor, and has a complexity with power when it comes to our politicians. Brownsville is simply surviving and not thriving whatsoever. Brownsville has been the exact same place it has been since I was in middle school, it has a dump of a downtown, a Chilli's, and a Mall. The people of Brownsville need to truly open their eyes and realize that none of this okay, none of this is normal, and none of this should be like this. The first step in change comes with acceptance, so except it, we are a dump. NOW DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Brownsville is a sad town. Nobody smiles. This "misery" is apparent on every face you pass on the street, in HEB, at Stripes, um...where else is there to go...um, um, um? People shuffle, not walk. They look to the ground, not up to the sky. There simply is no joy in Brownsville. It is a city that has lost its mojo - or maybe never had it. Defeat is written on the faces of the children and permanently etched in the faces of their mothers. Hopeless is not an adjective here, it is an everyday condition. The many scientific variables this study used in its survey needed only to walk down any of our streets to see MISERY.
Texas has the highest rate of uninsured residents in the nation — 1 in 4 Texans has no health coverage — and the rate in the Rio Grande Valley is even higher. Medicaid is closed to anyone earning more than $196 a month, leaving many working adults ineligible and without coverage.
MIKE SIEFERT: I think one of the huge frustrations about living in the Rio Grande Valley, even though we're about one-and-a-half-million people and the poorest region of a very wealthy state, is that we are totally ignored.
Brownsville is like a giant sheet of fly paper. The people here are stuck, because most can't function elsewhere due to low education and language skills. So here they are, stuck in the city with the lowest income, lowest education, most unhealthy place, filled with corruption in the nation. Still, they think they are in a paradise. Well what else can you think and surive stuck here on the fly paper. False hope is all they have
The attraction to fly paper = LNG SpacX Titan tires and others the scam is not to pay taxes for at least min 10 years the elitists (mostly gringos) not to pay taxes on their property (ever) because they clam its of historic value even though it was built last year the elected officials making over 100k a year while most here makes from 18 to 20k a year start a job training school at the port but bring that school from up north while there a top grade school here.
Yes its a giant fly paper to attract the scammers and the crooked gringos
I love it 9:35 - BROWNSVILLE IS LIKE A GIANT PIECE OF FLYPAPER. I could not have said it any better.
GIANT CESSPOOL is better guay
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