Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Image result for carlos elizondo trialA jury of eight women and four men – after deliberating for about 4 hours – declared former City of Brownsville Fire Department Chief Carlos Elizondo not guilty on six counts of computer security breach and that he accessed the Brownsville Fire Department Emergency Reporting System while suspended by the city and without its consent to access the reporting system.

The verdict came after less than a day of testimony from five prosecution witnesses including current Chief Jarred Sheldon.

The jury went into deliberations just a little after 10 a.m. and issued their verdict about 4 hours later at 2 p.m with a one-hour and a half break for lunch.

The defense headed by attorney Eddie Lucio did not present and witnesses during the trial.

Elizondo, who was suspended in October of 2017, was indicted last July on 11 counts which were reduced to six. He faces a separate indictment accusing him of theft and misapplication of fiduciary duty over allegations he stole from the firefighters association.

He has also pleaded not guilty to those charges. Those charges are pending.

During his closing argument, Ass. D.A. Arturo Teniente told the jurors that Elizondo accessing the system was not a life-or-death matter, but that as a former fire chief, he personally knew that the system was restricted to only a select number of people. Teneinte emphasized details of charges 3 and 4 which the prosecution views as their strongest.

On the other hand, defense attorney Eddie Lucio tried to minimize his client's acts saying that there was no written policy that specifically stated he was prohibited from accessing the system.

Apparently, the fact that there was no written policy prohibiting city workers on suspension from accessing the computer system swayed the jury to issue their not guilty verdict. It is unclear whether the verdict will mean Elizondo will mean he will get his job back at the department.


Anonymous said...

Got lucky this time but I think this is only the first round.

Anonymous said...

He should get his job back and straighten that department out. Starting with the Sheldons, pedrazas and the EMS morons.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the jury got it right.The state charged him criminally for a crime that was not written, but just a kinda sorta understanding around the office. A fellow should not be convicted absent a clear violation of clear written law or regulation.

He may be an asshole from the headwaters, but not a criminal under these circumstances. This is just another example of the DA charging folks with little or no evidence of a crime. That sum bitch Saenz needs to go.

Anonymous said...

He was just dragged along for such a long time when the DA's office knew that they never had a leg to stand on.... Let the man go on with his life and yes...he should get his job back with retro pay along with his attorney fees... Carlos if you are reading this comment, Just get your life back and to HELL with all the haters out there. Come on Chief Elizondo...Let's get back on the firetruck!!!!

Anonymous said...

Corrupt crook gets out free. What's so hard to understand that being suspended and told not to access department files means its okay for him to access them?????? written policy or not lol.

Anonymous said...

City of Brownsville did him wrong. All because of the politics of whose side you are on. He needs to get his backpay immediately. He was done wrong by several organizations. His family has been put through a lot. Elizondo needs to be reinstated to his job or an equivalent position pronto!

BobbyWC said...

He needs to sue the city for their part in this mess.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Our DA seems to have a habit of charging people for doing things that are not crimes. I am suprised he still has ADAs who are willing to prosecute these bullshit cases. Villalobos was a crook, but at least he didn't charge innocent peoplel with bogus crimes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So, now you apologize for your character assassination of Elizondo, Montoya. smh

Anonymous said...

Political lynching from the start. The DA should leave it alone and respect the Jury’s opinion on this.

Anonymous said...

SpaceX is trying to buy out a small community of mostly elderly South Texas residents, saying the company didn't know its rocket testing would cause "significant disruption" to their lives.

California-based SpaceX offered a non-negotiable deal to buy homeowners out of their properties at three times the appraised value, according to a letter sent to residents of Boca Chica Village and first obtained by Business Insider.

The letter said real estate company JLL is managing the process, which gives residents until Sept. 26 to accept. Several residents said they plan to reject the offer.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Itswhoyouknowville, TX now watch all charges dropped and he files a miltibillion lawsuit. Get in line attorneys.


Anonymous said...

Justice is served at the expense of the poorest city in the country.
WOW unbelievable


Anonymous said...

That attorney is good .... gets another GUILTY man free ...

Anonymous said...

what is the PUB doing?
they razed the baseball field and walking trail.NOBLE has the contract? are they apending my surplus money from the ludicrous fee hikes?

Anonymous said...

Elizondo brought this shit upon himself now you want to make him a saint no mames.,"you reap what you sow" its that simple.

Anonymous said...

“In appreciation of your support, we will offer all residents of the Village who accept the purchase offer the opportunity to continue their connection with the development of Starship by extending an invitation to attend future private VIP launch viewing events that are unavailable to the public.”
Is this a negotiable offer on their part?
Its like get the hell out of here but you can come back and visit.
Where are the elected officials that are suppose to take care of its constituents?

Mahoney Duro said...

chief looks liek you just hit the jackpot lottery

Anonymous said...

When you are suspended of any job, you can't perform any of the job duties, period. That is why you are being suspended. You can't access their computer systems, you can't drive the company vehicle, you can't use the company account/credit card, pretty much you are not supposed to use anything that is purchased by the said company that suspend you. There is no written rule for it but that is how it works.
So the question is, elizonzo did access the system while being suspended but why? To modify something that he was accessing, to print something so he could later use as evidence? Yet, that wasn't brought up. So yes, he did access the system while being suspended. The act itself isn't a crime but the reason of doing it (viewing confidential info, modifying something on the report, etc) is. I still don't get why he wasn't charge guilty. This gives the idea in the valley and in brownsville, if you got money and get a good lawyer, you can pretty much get away with anything...

Anonymous said...

You idiots who are saying he should get his job back have apparently forgotten he is also accused of stealing thousands of dollars from the firefighter's union.

Anonymous said...

The union is a separate entity from the City. It should not be lumped together otherwise it is not a union. The union is operated by the firefighters not the city.

Anonymous said...

So glad some of you pendejos don't practice law or are an attorney, and if you are well good luck rotflmao kms.

Anonymous said...

They did it again and it will happen again until you idiotas get educated on how to vote and not who gives out chicken plates this will NEVER stop. Hold all these culeros accountable for once and for all if not stop complaining and hope none of your family and friends don't get in any trouble cause they will make an example out of them JUST LIKE THE FAJITA PERSON...
