"The battle lines have been drawn. The time is now to replace the ineffective leadership of the Brownsville Historical Association. We have lost too much over the past five years. Why should Brownsville be shackled to inept, stifling museum executive management? We need to start the search for a leader with professionalism, a visionary, for what we deserve as Texas' most historic city. Please contact the board of directors immediately to demand change!" Gene Fernandez
"Allow me to start by saying that my statement to your illustrious body should not be taken as an aggressive, spiteful measure; rather, it is a long-held conversation that needed to come forth.

"I don't ask forgiveness for what I am about to say. I have held silent for far too long. I have stood holding my tongue over the observance of far too many transgressions; there have been far too many moments where every rule in the book was broken out of lack of professional bearing on the part of an administrator who had been placed in a position of trust.
"We are going to center on standards, principle and content in this 'moment of revelation.' There is no room allowed for personal, self-serving opinions - only facts that stand to illustrate the better or worse of

"I don't ask forgiveness for what I am about to say. I have held silent for far too long. I have stood holding my tongue over the observance of far too many transgressions; there have been far too many moments where every rule in the book was broken out of lack of professional bearing on the part of an administrator who had been placed in a position of trust.
"We are going to center on standards, principle and content in this 'moment of revelation.' There is no room allowed for personal, self-serving opinions - only facts that stand to illustrate the better or worse of
a.) What we have, and
b.) Where we want to go in our institution - The Brownsville Historical Association.
"A third fact, or reality, that we are going to discuss here aligns itself with
"A third fact, or reality, that we are going to discuss here aligns itself with
c.) 'Where did we Come From?'
Some of us either knew or might have heard of the wonderfully civic-minded, giving souls who were part of this institution's past and of it's very making: Eddie Valent, Harbert Davenport, Clarence LaRoche, Ralph Schmeling, Ruby Wooldridge, Mika Bramble, Rita, and George Krausse.
"If you haven't known of their service, either ask or Google their names. They are gone, but their efforts lent strong measure in what we have today as a center for heritage stewardship.
"Contrast this cherished vanguard with what we have at present. Perhaps a person's age may not be a factor, but a reasonable combination of their active ages while serving BHA would easily top five hundred years; whereas, an equal comparison of seven of our current staff would have difficulty exceeding half of that span.
"They were there because there was a conscious effort to have them there and value their contribution. They (many of them) had either lived the fascinating early years of the twentieth century, were related and mingled with the shapers of our early society, or took a keen interest in the science of our local heritage.
"None of them were recent transplants from distant cultures, nor did they rely on cyber-journalism to push their pens or wag their tongues.
"It is obvious that the earlier banner-carriers and cross-bearers of the BHA not only brought character and substance to that institution, but they also created and passed a mission's torch onward to project a sustainable path for the future of this guardianship.
"They were visionaries - far contrasted with what we have as our leadership fiber at present. By comparison, and to state it bluntly, our present staff and its executive director would have difficulty in motivating the building of a doghouse, much less the erection of a Historic Brownsville Museum, a Simon Celaya train housing, or even a Heritage Resources Center.
"What is lacking from this leadership is the ability to think outside of the box - an inspired element that all C.E.O.'s and executive directors are sought to possess as standard operating equipment upon their hiring. Anybody could likely manage a Dollar Store or a Church's Fried Chicken (practically anyone), and surrender a reasonable acumen towards the maintenance of a set of books and pay the water bill on time.
"That's not what an ethereal institution such as a museum needs to give it respect and even glory. For anyone who has ever held a position of executive management, they are fully cognizant that it is not a bean-counting post, and much less, a social platform.
"If you haven't known of their service, either ask or Google their names. They are gone, but their efforts lent strong measure in what we have today as a center for heritage stewardship.
"Contrast this cherished vanguard with what we have at present. Perhaps a person's age may not be a factor, but a reasonable combination of their active ages while serving BHA would easily top five hundred years; whereas, an equal comparison of seven of our current staff would have difficulty exceeding half of that span.
"They were there because there was a conscious effort to have them there and value their contribution. They (many of them) had either lived the fascinating early years of the twentieth century, were related and mingled with the shapers of our early society, or took a keen interest in the science of our local heritage.
"None of them were recent transplants from distant cultures, nor did they rely on cyber-journalism to push their pens or wag their tongues.
"It is obvious that the earlier banner-carriers and cross-bearers of the BHA not only brought character and substance to that institution, but they also created and passed a mission's torch onward to project a sustainable path for the future of this guardianship.
"They were visionaries - far contrasted with what we have as our leadership fiber at present. By comparison, and to state it bluntly, our present staff and its executive director would have difficulty in motivating the building of a doghouse, much less the erection of a Historic Brownsville Museum, a Simon Celaya train housing, or even a Heritage Resources Center.
"What is lacking from this leadership is the ability to think outside of the box - an inspired element that all C.E.O.'s and executive directors are sought to possess as standard operating equipment upon their hiring. Anybody could likely manage a Dollar Store or a Church's Fried Chicken (practically anyone), and surrender a reasonable acumen towards the maintenance of a set of books and pay the water bill on time.
"That's not what an ethereal institution such as a museum needs to give it respect and even glory. For anyone who has ever held a position of executive management, they are fully cognizant that it is not a bean-counting post, and much less, a social platform.
One must have a depth of professional training in employees,. management procedures, financial management, business law, civil rights issues, logistical planning, and in the case of a museum entity, a basic foundation in the arts and (specifically) in history. The first four of these essential abilities constitute what will keep an institution out of the courthouse if that matters.
"I can fully see and I have seen how given boards might retain a detached involvement with the affairs of management and governance of their assigned corporation. It is hard enough to find board members who will show up, maintain vigilance over the objective management of an enterprise and make the hard decisions while at the same time remaining impartial in their judgment of their executor. However, past BHA and HBM boards have divorced their social alliances to arrive at what is best for the institution.
"I ask you, members of the BHA Board, examine what has become status quo in your museum system. Observe what has become missing from the total package that Brownsville deserves to claim as its pride of heritage stewardship.
"What legacy features have been charted up on Miss Tara Putegnat's watch? I can personally state that I (and those who know me do not find this difficult to believe) approached her numerous times with prospective projects that surely bordered on the grandiose, only to hear EVERY time, 'People are tired of being asked for money...', or, 'That's too much of a bother...', or 'Where are we going to put it...', or 'DO NOT GET ANYMORE ACQUISITIONS!'
"I ask you to detach yourselves from the friendships. I ask you to focus on what the greatest city in Texas, from a historical standpoint, deserves upon your guidance and administration. We need nothing less than a visionary, a professional, a compassionate and dedicated executive administrator, not one who leaves at 3:59 pm and arrives at 10:01 am and can't be reached by phone (other than by voicemail) after hours.
"This is a 24/7 position and we have someone who has yet to wake up to the responsibilities other than finely tuning beer bashes, rather than organizing historical lecture series, or workshops on historical subjects, or the organizing of adoptive programs to generate fieldwork on historical sites.
"You see, it's all about history, or it should be, and we have the most further focus from that element. We have a sergeant where a general should be.
"PLEASE, for the sake of our accumulated, glorious heritage and that of what we will preserve for our future, do the internal inspection. Make the hard decisions that reflect a dedication to your trusted position of overseer of our heritage legacy."
"I can fully see and I have seen how given boards might retain a detached involvement with the affairs of management and governance of their assigned corporation. It is hard enough to find board members who will show up, maintain vigilance over the objective management of an enterprise and make the hard decisions while at the same time remaining impartial in their judgment of their executor. However, past BHA and HBM boards have divorced their social alliances to arrive at what is best for the institution.
"What legacy features have been charted up on Miss Tara Putegnat's watch? I can personally state that I (and those who know me do not find this difficult to believe) approached her numerous times with prospective projects that surely bordered on the grandiose, only to hear EVERY time, 'People are tired of being asked for money...', or, 'That's too much of a bother...', or 'Where are we going to put it...', or 'DO NOT GET ANYMORE ACQUISITIONS!'
"I ask you to detach yourselves from the friendships. I ask you to focus on what the greatest city in Texas, from a historical standpoint, deserves upon your guidance and administration. We need nothing less than a visionary, a professional, a compassionate and dedicated executive administrator, not one who leaves at 3:59 pm and arrives at 10:01 am and can't be reached by phone (other than by voicemail) after hours.
"This is a 24/7 position and we have someone who has yet to wake up to the responsibilities other than finely tuning beer bashes, rather than organizing historical lecture series, or workshops on historical subjects, or the organizing of adoptive programs to generate fieldwork on historical sites.
"You see, it's all about history, or it should be, and we have the most further focus from that element. We have a sergeant where a general should be.
"PLEASE, for the sake of our accumulated, glorious heritage and that of what we will preserve for our future, do the internal inspection. Make the hard decisions that reflect a dedication to your trusted position of overseer of our heritage legacy."
Gene is pissed, truly pissed and for good reason. BHA fired him over who he supported in the past mayoral election. They should have known better, as Gene is the one true expert on local history and has a very broad base of support. He is a very nice person, but if you set his tail feathers on fire, he will go for your throat. Sic em Gene!
The BHA management (there is no leadership), as most positions in Brownsville and Cameron County are chosen through the "compadre" system, not based on experience or training. As a result, the status quo or "this is how its always been done" exists. The city and county seem to refuse to look for professionals to fill important positions....but prefer people that can be controlled or won't "rock the boat".
Arm Chair Quarterback? The history has been made, and the legacy is forever engraved in the books. The problem isn't the museum or whomever works or volunteers there. The problem is the Brownsville politicians and municipal staff that make the illustrious history of the city impossible to even exhume. Ever wonder why people are so eager to "serve" in Brownsville?
BHA does need to develop a plan to save history, like the subject of this story Fernandez recently produced. Otherwise all of importance in Brownsville will go away: https://www.kveo.com/news/preserving-rio-grande-valley-history-through-photography/
So why hasn't he gone after the board members? Remember Gene if your gonna stir the pot your gonna have to lick the spoon
I was truly shocked when Mr.Fernandez told me he was no longer at the museum. I would occasionally go in and he never disappointed me with his knowledge of our local history. I am beyond disappointed and doubt I could get the same help, knowledge and enthusiasm as I did with Mr. Fernandez. Such a shame.
This guy is so verbose and loquacious that his point is missed. Perhaps if he rewrote his commentary in plain English his point would be made instead of trying to impress his readership with big words and coming across like a misguided individual. Even Juanito doesn’t use these crazy big words.
Gene you made a decision to support some one who lost so it didnt turn out good, so suck it up like the rest of us. thats why many keep their mouths close and dont say a word or it comes back to bite them. ni mode, time to move on and look for another job, position or whatever. adios
LOONEY Gene! I am more concerned about HEB closing.
Looks like the same person wrote all those comments and who cares about this so call bs organization seems like its run by high schoolers with a jr high education. Close it up and save several millions for more bike trails....
pinche changos.
Gene, tell us what you really did. Some may say you didn't want Trey Mendez, but I feel you will get more followers if you came clean.
Gene is fucking insane. Why doesn't he talk about all the crazy things he did while at BHA and all the warnings he was given before being fired. Also, everyone buys his BS about history because they dont know that he is making up half of it.
To quote Mr. Fernandez, "The time is now to replace the ineffective leadership of the Brownsville Historical Association." Change will only happen when the people stop voting for democRATS.
The time is now for these mamones to go self sufficient quit mamando sucking off the citizens the poorest city in the USA with texas having the (I forgot how that saying goes)... AND QUIT VOTING RACIST REPUBLICAN... THE DEMOCRATS ARE THE ONES GIVING YOU THE FUNDING
No shame by these so call elitist gringas running this stupid organization begging for funding ever year knowing full well that 95% pf the monies comes from Mexican-Amricans pinche pidichas pidiendo a los mejicanos has become a tradition from these gringos organizations NO SHAME NO SHAME...
He thinks he should have got the job Miss Putegnat got. Waaaaaa! Since he is throwing stones, let’s hear all the shit he pulled when he was employed. If he was wrongfully terminated, why did he not sue?
all good things come to and end
Gene should come clean about all the crazy shit he's done.
Go visit Historic Brownsville Museum and you will come out with a smile in your face after spending 2 hours carefully taking in the historical items on display there. There is so much to learn. Buy some of the books that are there and get yourself educated about our heritage. I would now love to see someone find those Escandon Room books that have been lost or stolen or boxed away that prevent many of us from doing genealogical studies like before. I look forward to working at the Mary Yturria room with the books that were once stacked up in the narrow aisles at the City Cemetery Museum. The books were not dead, so why at the City Cemetery Museum? The Yolanda Gonzales collection" Where is it? Where did she collect them from? Where are the books from the Hunter Room. I guess the ghosts at Fort Brown took them with them. Let's get organized and make it the best historical collection in the valley. We need to get people who are objected and not biased and feel that they are the only ones that know the "real" truth. Gene tends to do that and so does Javier Garcia. Where is he now! The problem is that we are all Mexican Crabs pulling each other back into the barrel. Grow up and get with it. We have so much history.
This is Eugene Fernandez. I have never hidden behind "anonymous", and I am not about to start now. I am going to address four of the most "out in left field" comments: 1.) Sept. 26, 3:09pm - "He thinks he should have got the job that Miss Putegnat got. Let's hear all of the s*** that he pulled when he was employed. If he was wrongfully terminated, why did he not sue? REPLY - I have basically been retired for the past five years. I took on this job as a minimum wage pay spot. When the position of Exec. Dir. came up, PLENTY of people urged me to apply, but I told them that I had been in executive management for over thirty years, and I was not interested. Besides, I felt that I could give back to Brownsville in a better manner by doing what I do best - Special Projects and Acquisitions. My record speaks for itself in what I accomplished in six years. I took in over $2 million in acquisitions, and my special projects speak for themselves - The 1926 Fire Engine, The Jagou Plantation Bridge, The 1832 Texas Navy Flag, etc. NOW, the second part of this comment points to one person, and one person alone - David Parsons, BHA employee. This is a verbatim quote from him that I heard MANY times. When I asked him to give me an example of the S*** that "bothered" him, he couldn't come up with any specifics, and he tried to engage me in a fight, yelling, "Get the Hell out of here". HE ended up being reprimanded, at the reluctance of Putegnat.
This is Eugene Fernandez. The next comment that I am going to reply to was issued by "anonymous" on Sept. 25th 10:30pm. "Gene is F****** INSANE. Why doesn't he talk about the crazy things that he did while at BHA and all of the warnings that he was given. Also, everyone buys his BS about history because they don't know that he is making half of it up". REPLY - AGAIN, there are particulars in this conversation that tip me off that this comes from Putegnat's Pets. There was a protective layer of henchmen/women who relentlessly harassed me with impunity, and this was literally encouraged by her. If she had a reason for firing me, why did I produce on an unprecedented level for six years, and why was I subjected to continual harassment for the last two years? On the statement "...he makes half of this up", AGAIN, this is vintage David Parsons. He is a bitter Yankee who wouldn't know South Texas history if it bit him. To prove my point, just walk up to him as he mans the phones at BHA and ask him a specific question about one of the founding families of Brownsville.
This is Eugene Fernandez. The third reply that I will make to the OBVIOUSLY miffed crew at BHA concerns itself with two comments: 1.)"...so why hasn't he gone to the Board Members"; and If he was wrongfully terminated, why did he not sue"? My answer to both of those points is YES! I have copied the Board Members with a general explanation of this situation, BUT, this is part of the problem! If they allow a person to guide this venerable institution who has broken every rule in the book, as pertains to Employee Management, AND who has not created ONE legacy project for BHA, this may well be in need of scrutiny. I gave my passion! I came into work one and one-half hours early and left forty-five minutes late every day, and on Sundays, and on my days off. I lived, slept, and ate history and presented this aspect to the public. My exhibits were FINALLY ones of depth and complexity for a museum that was stale and unimaginative for so many years. My fault was that I produced.... I was flatly told by Putegnat and McNair NOT to produce... "we will call you if we need you".... and I have voice recordings that would blow everybody's socks off with their insensitivity. My reply to the second part of the comment is....I AM IN THE PROCESS OF SUING! I extended an "Offer of Compromise"..... which they ignored. Guess what, tomorrow marks the 30th day, the time limit will expire, NEXT, Certified Mail "YOU HAVE BEEN SUED". This is a travesty, and has been a virtual nightmare for my wife and myself for over two years, and it didn't have to happen if Putegnat had not had such a lack of Job Security fixation. I'm asking for support of the decent people of our region. They (BHA) can't allude to the nebulous claim that I am "Loony", and that I make up history. This does not serve our community. We deserve better!
They show up with a bucket every year pidichas become self sufficient than you can do anything you want STOP THE BEGGING maybe your elitist families can sponsor this organization.
WOW !!! I JUST SNAPPED TO THE OBVIOUS! THANK YOU BROWNSVILLE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION FOR PROVING MY ARGUMENT !! In the scornful, negative comments to this blog post, what is the common fiber? They are filled with insider information that ONLY a present or past employee could know! Does this tell you what I've been going through for the past two years? I can't think of a soul outside of BHA who would be that mean and spiteful in their commentaries about me. I haven't harmed anyone. I have dedicated so many years to civic projects, given historical tours to well over a thousand school children and Leadership Brownsville classes. I live for history, yet there is one pocket of evil-minded, selfish people, under the leadership of one person who fears me the most - BHA employees! Do you see now why I have had to walk on eggs for the final years that Putegnat considered me a threat? THIS IS SICK!
Close it down stop the entitlements to this organization BOLA DE PIDICHES
Pinche Juan… Why are you so scared about letting my post get published…. But you let GENE’s posts get on… You really are a rata like the ones you complain about…
Gene, come clean.
Ahhh… Lawrence Eu”Gene” Fernandez… Brownsville’s prime example of an extortion artist. Anyone ever wonder why he spends so much of his free time at retirement homes? One would hope that he is gathering oral histories of days past, but that is not the case. He is gaining first access to estate sales and finding ways to help himself. Don’t believe me? Go see what he is trying to sell or pawn off at his “Antiques Store.” While you’re at it, ask him what’s on his criminal record that keeps him from passing a background check.
Read any of his posts on social media where he tries to harken back and liken himself to some of the great historians of Brownsville’s past… Gene can’t even measure up to the giants of the past. Gene is uneducated and thinks his work history of being a manager at a hotel qualifies him as a historian.
Gene, lo que no es verdad, ni coraje da! Why are you so pissed off? You only present what you want to present and your version. I saw you belittle a gentleman at the Mary Yturria Room once when he had the guts to stand up to you regarding your version of Juan Cortina and you threatened him - I notified the police and I can just open the back door and have them come arrest you.
Several of us walked out after you put on that power struggle against that man who was only asking you a question. It is your way or the highway, so I guess that is a reason why some people are not in love with you.
Gene Fernandez, where are your wine boxes at the BHM?
Attn Gene. When you start throwing stones, expect people to throw them back. Don’t be a crybaby about it.
Exposing everything that is wrong with this organization in public it needs to be revamp clean house get rid of the elitist that are running this place.
It is amazing how many people here share the same name.....”anonymous”.
Maybe we should have a family reunion.
I'll go even if its free and offer chicken plates, but who's gonna play I like eating chicken plates and hearing music
LISTEN UP, EVERYBODY! I'm going to give you the most classic example of, if you call yourself "anonymous" you can claim anything within one's imagination that would classify as defamatory, and even trod over into libelous territory without any fear that your stupid, insipid remarks would be put to any kind of a test of proof. EXAMPLE: "Anonymous" stated that I made the rounds of the nursing homes as an "extortionist", preying on the aged and stocking my antique shop with their possessions. How ignorant can one get! First off, how many of the aged have this person spent time with? I have been extending my loving friendship to family friends, on my own time, for thirty years, and I usually walk into an empty room. Secondly, I started my last antique shop venture to HELP the estate of my dear friend, Mary Hicks. I had her goods featured there WITHOUT COMMISSION, and ALL of the proceeds went back to helping keep her alive. I paid out of my own pocket for the first three months of utility bills. Just to keep that endeavor going, I was selling my acquisitions from flea markets (primarily), garage sales, and such that I had stockpiled for over twenty years in my warehouse, going directly back into paying rent. I'll make it easier for this IDIOT. ALL of the items of her personal possession were inventoried by the court. ALL sales revenue has been accountable as having gone directly back into her estate. This is public record. Even an "Anonymous" can approach the court to examine the procession of her estate. I spent weeks of volunteer time inventorying her possessions. I organized a public estate sale, with the Trust Administrator there, in charge of the cash box.
Beyond the fact that I brought container loads of antiques into Brownsville from San Antonio and Corpus and New Braunfels for ten years straight, I did the other charitable ventures for several of my beloved family friends: The Russell Rentfro, the Luis Avila, The Hicks, and I even tried to help out in the Dorfman estate. Contact them. Try to tell them that I am a vulture, but you had better not be in the same room with them at the time. YOU WILL HAVE A FIGHT ON YOUR HANDS if you EVEN propose such vile accusations. This is proof that you have no idea what you are saying, and your sole mission is to cause harm to someone who IS compassionate. Go through my facebook and TRY to tie the many visitations of and to my ANGELS to any kind of extortion.... contact their families with you preposterous lies and self-serving theories.
ALL RIGHT, NEXT!.... Some self-serving comment was posted whereby I was claimed to have "belittled a "gentleman" during one of my lectures at the Mary Yturria room. I can't believe you were even one of the, perhaps, three people that held opposing views to my factual content. The "gentleman" was a vagrant who was obviously either inebriated or drug-primed. At the onset, I announced that this lecture was NOT a debate, yet he and two others had an aggressive ax to grind over the subject matter (that I had researched for twenty years)(it wasn't conjectured). He wouldn't take my prompting. I finally HAD to tell him to stop making a scene, otherwise, I would have him removed. HOW convenient, that I was victimizing a poor defenseless "gentleman"! Well, you are outnumbered! My other attendees, (46, and I have the sigh-in sheet) will argue with you.
I'm going to address a comment thread that has appeared twice - "It's either my way or the highway". Oh, Yeah....You have opinionators that are so very offended that their UNIQUE opinion should even be questioned! Well, let me tell you...ye who haven't ventured beyond Water District #5, I am proud of the fact that I have traveled over one-half million miles throughout this hemisphere in my lifetime, and I have the perspective to analyze issues on a level that these exposures have given me. SO... if anyone else comes up with this "He doesn't allow contradiction"... just try to match me. I can honestly say that I am mature, and of decent bearing enough to speak on issues that I have a knowledge of, and I will admit that there are other issues that are someone else's province.... unlike the crybabies who try to cover their limited scope, who are armchair experts, OR are people who are inherently out to drag people down, even if they don't know them.
...and for you who say, "Don't be a crybaby..." Well, I have the cajones to have stood up to all of the slander and defamation that has come my way (mainly from the crybabies at BHA who are making a feeble attempt to accomplish anonymity, in the protection of their "Queen Bee"). There are many among us who don't like oppression, harassment, and privileged dominance, so I would walk very cautiously. You are outnumbered. There are only three or four of you. For all others who are seeing this, it is a classic example of how the elitists try to push someone down who has the passion to pass on our local heritage and history to the esquinquiles, and these elitists just don't want to be outshone.
Dale gas gene
No te dejes Gene sacales mas mierda...
I rarely come down here only when I see injustice bulling and ganging up on someone as innocent a Gene. Do not hold back they want a WAR give-em one and sent them all to HELL (I really shouldn't say that word).
Who’s the crybaby now?
Gene says,
“I'm going to address a comment thread that has appeared twice - "It's either my way or the highway". Oh, Yeah....You have opinionators that are so very offended that their UNIQUE opinion should even be questioned! Well, let me tell you...ye who haven't ventured beyond Water District #5, I am proud of the fact that I have traveled over one-half million miles throughout this hemisphere in my lifetime, and I have the perspective to analyze issues on a level that these exposures have given me. SO... if anyone else comes up with this "He doesn't allow contradiction"... just try to match me. I can honestly say that I am mature, and of decent bearing enough to speak on issues that I have a knowledge of, and I will admit that there are other issues that are someone else's province.... unlike the crybabies who try to cover their limited scope, who are armchair experts, OR are people who are inherently out to drag people down, even if they don't know them”
You are literally defending yourself from a contradiction… Anyone can see this for what it is, a desperate ploy. You’re a sad, sad, man… This is just comical. I also noticed that you did not try to defend yourself from the other accusations… Interesting…
Gene is as crazy as they come... Wow... Late night rantings...
Gene, do you realize how gullible and thin-skinned you are? That's why we are taking you for a fool here. You react in such ways that it's now fun to read your replies. Calladito se ve más bonito. We all know what you did whilst at the BHA, no need to lie. We saw the good and the bad. Too bad now you sound bitter.
Hey Gene. You still allegedly hiding your wine boxes at the Mary Iturria room? I heard about it from a whistleblower.
Gullible? Not nearly as gullible as you. Do you actually believe, or do you also think that the general audience believes that I am here for your entertainment? You hide behind an alias, you spout outlandish fabrications...I am not on your hook. I have a full, in the daylight life to be proud of. Goodby!
And yet, here you are...
Hey Gene!!! Look who keeps coming back!!! Guess that makes two of us. This whole story is hilarious... Slow news day Juanito? Who's on the hook now?
Slow news, It's obvious, people aren't as willing to crucify me, as you are, for whatever nefarious reasons. I've lived a life that has given back to my beloved community, and you "anonymous" obviously have not, nor is there an element of pride that you can present. As I said before, I have NEVER willfully caused harm to anyone, unlike the malicious, bored "anonymous" INDIVIDUALS who have nothing better to do than berate and tear down those who have given back to our society. You are in a minority. I can settle with that.
The problem with that Gene is that it’s just another fabrication that you have chosen to sputter out, and no matter how many times you say it, doesn’t make it any truer. You just can help yourself, again it’s a sad situation that you have managed to get yourself into. Here you are arguing with someone who you think you know… But do you? If you can settle with thinking that I am in the minority, good on you… But am I? By the way, what happened in the summer of 1991? Just curious…
Mr. Fernandez, why can’t you leave well enough alone? People have tried to help defend you and you are here feeding the trolls. The harder you fight back the more they come at you. I was in your camp… But you keep making me second guess your supposed innocence. Someone who feels the need to keep going at it this hard has a problem.
Gene is a dirty old pervert who thinks he’s God’s gift to women. Ask him what he was doing in the early 90’s when he was convicted for indecent exposure!!! He’s a sick, filthy, perverted individual who treats women like objects.
Dear Mr. Fernandez, I last had contact with you on FB 04/24/2021 in which you deleted my comments The issue was and is that you never returned by phones calls. I have interest of the burial sites of 2 known ancestors at Old City Cemetery. I contacted you in regards a photo I received from a volunteer. I was sadden to see that their resting places has mounds of dirt on them and am not sure if the graves are identifiable. I wanted to meet with you to get my issue in order. You never called me back. When I commented on FB about your no response is a response, you said the it was my responsibility to maintain the resting places. You said I had a sour attitude and to go elsewhere with my dilemma as you would give me no assistance. You basically meant go to hell. You pride yourself as a person who has a vast knowledge of RGV history. Calling you out demonstrated your indignant attitude. I was simply trying to honor my ancestors. One of my ancestors, Margaret Collins b 1849, married R J Winders in Cameron Co. Much later, he was buried in San Antonio. After finding this connection, I was instrumental in attaining a headstone for this MXAm War well know soldier from the Ddept of Vet Affairs. I got it done! My better years are behind me and with Covid surrounding, it is doubtful I can manage this issue. Again, I am calling you indignant. My name is CANDY ANDERSON GONZALES with RGV pride and a descendant of Collins, Salazar, Guerra, Estapa, Nichols. P Collins arrived to fight in the MXAm war in 1839 and married J Salazar and later C Guerra. My Collins line originates as a Tejana. Adios!
Mr. Fernandez: As a history buff, you may have an interest on the following research I located
Peter Collins b 1820 Ireland, arrived to RGV 1839 as a marine in the MXAM War. In 1860, Cortina invaded his property, stealing cattle and a horse. P Collins died in 1863 being buried at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Brownsville.
Mrd in 1849 to Juana Marua Salazar b 1829 Matagorda - d 1859
Notable child from this marriage:
Margaret Collins born 1849 Cameron Co - 04/24/1902 Tucson,AZ
Margaret married Robert Jackaway Winders in Cameron Co on 03/09/1865 by Father Panigot. Robert Winders was well liked by his former veteran friends. Margaret and Robert created a grand and well known saloon at the time in Ft. Worth.
Margaret and Robert later became friends and mining business partners with Wyatt Earp. It was rumored that a child Margaret and Robert were raising, was a child of Wyatt Earp and a Jewish lady who had died.. Later, Margaret married O. C. Smith who also associated with Wyatt Earp in Tucson. Smith was a saloon owner, gambler, deputy sheriff of Tombstone, lawman. Winders and Smith of pat of the taming of the Wild West.
I do have a photo of Peter Collins b 1820
Most likely, you will do nothing with the material I have past on to you. As you said you would not be of any help to me in your capacity. Shame on you. Have a good one! CANDY ANDERSON GONZALES
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