Monday, September 9, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Image result for sylvia garza perezSplitting largely along gender lines, eight members of the Cameron County Salary Grievance Committee voted to deny Cameron County County Clerk Sylvia Garza-Perez a $8,000 raise.

The committee has nine members drawn from the grand jury pool, but only eight attended, with five female members voting against it and two of the three men against. Garza-Perez was the lone county official to file a salary grievance. Her current salary including a $960 phone allowance is $84,580.

The results now go to the Cameron County Commissioners Court tomorrow where Cameron County Administrator Pete Sepulveda will present the committee's recommendation to the members.

Garza-Perez denied she was asking for the $22,000 proposed raise that was published in the newspaper by the county. This is what appeared then:

                                                    Current             Allowances
                                                                      (Phone)    (Total)        Proposed    Increase        
Cty. Clerk   Sylvia Garza-Perez  $82,620     $960       $84,580       $105,960     $22,380

Instead, she said that she had filed her appeal with the grievance committee for only a $7,000 raise and that she had never been told that the county would publish the notice that indicated she wanted a $22,000 raise. She told another blogger tat she asked the committee for $15,000, but would settle for $8,000.

 The last time that County Judge Eddie Treviño made a comment on why the tabled raises he said that there was no money in the budget for raises for public officials, but didn't explain why they were published in the newspaper anyway.


Anonymous said...

Look if you want a $7000 raise you ask for $22,000 and smile when you get it.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness, this pig deserves nothing, she should look for some thing else to do, had a hard time with being bonded, a rat!!

Anonymous said...

is that 960 per month?

Anonymous said...

No way Mario Saenz said she requested a $22,000 pay raise and Mario knows everything about Cameron county politics .

Anonymous said...

That’s just perfect she does not deserve a raise she is never in the office and when she is she is running her campaign... she needs to go

Former RGV LEO said...

Good! If this "no show" elected official doesn't like the pay she is getting for doing nothing, then get the hell out of office!
Run for JP beat Linda and do weddings and make a lot of money on county time!

Anonymous said...

Editor's note: This is the first of two stories on conflicts of interest involving lawmakers with business ties to public entities.he filings list Eddie Lucio's III law practice as a party to eight to name a few underwriting transactions between three finance companies and Cameron County — where Lucio's district is located. Lucio said that he received "nominal" payment from the underwriters'
This means a finance company paid him to negotiate directly with the public entity that wants to issue the bonds.
Bond underwriting transactions are the most common way lawmakers benefit from contracts with public entities... 3 million dollars tax payer money?

Anonymous said...

NO means NO what part of NO does sylvia not understand?

Anonymous said...

It’s gratifying to see that cooler heads prevailed and Texas A&M University, along with Texas State Technical College, will establish a job training program for tenants at the Port of Brownsville.

Plans to sign a memorandum of understanding between the port and the institutions had been tabled last month after Texas Southmost College voiced its opposition to the agreement.

TSC President Jesus Roberto Rodriguez said that his college could provide all the job training the port needs and deserves primary consideration because it is based in Brownsville and the two entities are supported by the same local taxpayers. After an exchange of letters between Rodriguez and A&M System Chancellor John Sharp, Sharp suggested the university might back out of the deal.

Fortunately it didn’t, the MOU was signed and the training program is back on track. TSC and the port already have their own MOU for similar job training. Talks with A&M began informally during a workforce summit held this summer at the port. Officials at A&M, one of the nation’s top engineering institutions, suggested that they could help provide training for new industries that are expected in the near future, such as natural gas distribution plants and a steel mill.

There’s nothing wrong with educational institutions fighting over business. And the issue goes beyond competition for potentially lucrative programs.
A strong argument can be made for expanding job training programs at TSC, since most of its students live in the area, and the 5.8% local unemployment rate is significantly higher than the national average of 3.7% and state average of 3.4%. More job training opportunities can help reduce the gap by training local students for port jobs.

At the same time, utilizing Texas A&M’s resources could benefit port industries in ways that TSC can’t. To begin with, there’s no guarantee that enough Brownsville youth will want the kinds of jobs and training the MOU will provide, and TSTC’s 13 campuses across the state give port industries recruitment opportunities that the local college can’t provide.

The preference has always been to offer such opportunities first to local residents, but recruiting beyond the region isn’t always a bad thing. People who relocate to the Valley for new job opportunities bring new investment in the local housing market. They are new taxpayers who will help feed our economy, support our businesses and add to our culture. Those who already live here usually don’t provide such a large initial jolt of new resources when they take new jobs here.

The trust is that any competition between the colleges will spur innovation and improvement, and that it won’t preclude the opportunities that surely will arise for them to cooperate on research and other issues when the opportunities present themselves.

Doing so will benefit the schools, port industries and, most importantly, the Rio Grande Valley as a whole.

Anonymous said...

I don’t care how educated you are, how good you are at what you do — you’ll never have the same contacts or opportunities, you’ll never be seen as equal to whites.

Anonymous said...

Since Sylvia has been county clerk the Customer Service in that office has definitely gone down!!! When I worked for the past administration I was allowed to preform sexual favors for all the powerful married men in the county and all the popular girls in our office would too!!!Ever since that evil woman was elected and then reelected she has put an end to that type of CS. Can't wait until our wonderful DA picks someone to run against SGP . I will be working extra hard to make sure she doesn't win again !!! In the mean time I will be attacking her on hottest blog on FB Pura politica C.C. !!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting around the county clerk's office on Harrison St. and SGP is now where to found !!! How can she ask for a raise if she is NEVER at the office!!! We need to vote her out !!!

CC taxpayer said...

Sylvia if you are not happy with the high salary you are making now and obliviously you are not, why dont you just quit -resign and come out to the real work world where the majority of us folks live and work in and try to see if you can get a higher paying job in cameron county? Dale gas and dont let the door hit you on your way out.

Anonymous said...

It’s gratifying to see that cooler heads prevailed and Texas A&M University, along with Texas State Technical College, will establish a job training program for tenants at the Port of Brownsville.

FOR TENANTS can you clear this statement. The offer is for business or companies at the port??

Anonymous said...

In response to the 6:26 comment, you are absolutely correct, no matter how educated you are, you will never be considered as an equal in the Brownsville area. You almost have to be as corrupt as the so called public leaders and follow their corruption in order to step up to the plate. Check the comment above as in regards to TSTC present Jesus Rodriguez, he is stating that "his college", TSTC could provide all the job training at the Port needs because it is based in Brownsville, But yet, in reality TSTC is one of the 13 campus in Texas that "GIVE" port industries recruitment opportunities that local colleges don't. The absolute truth is that the local taxpayer monies is being used to benefit the port of Brownsville, by training their future employees at the expense of our local taxpayer's money, and not educating our students in other ventures. Yet, is the port of Brownsville exempt from paying taxes? Not all our Brownsville students want to work for the port of Brownsville, Mr. Rodriguez. How much is he getting paid to support such corruption? It is nothing more than a win win for the corrupt public officials.

Anonymous said...

Now that the raise has been denied, she of course (being a greedy Democrat) is denying that she was asking for the raise. Like other elected officials in the county....she is greedy and should be turned out of office by the voters. She depends on an ignorant electorate to get elected. Unfortunately, all local Democrats depend on the ignorance in the community and corruption.

Anonymous said...

Yes since SGP took office she took away the jobs of the working girls of the Mexican bill Cosby ... now SGP and her side kick aka la pizza face ... go to Moro’s to get dolled up to attract and abuse the men ... both Divorced and preform favors to the bail bondsman... SGP pimps herself out to the vendors and gives favors ... now that’s a working County Clerk , “ well deserved pay raise ...

Anonymous said...

Thank god for no more straight ticket vote ... she can kiss her fake ass out of office .. and her brown nosers staff is gone !

anonymous said...

She ought to be a shame of herself, she’s never in the office always out on conferences how does her going to so many conferences benefit the county also she’s always out at schools reading to children and doing presentations she needs to get her ass to work that’s why citizens of Cameron County otherwise people need to not vote for her

Anonymous said...

So glad our Cameron county DA doesn't have anyone running against him!!! He can dedicate more time finding someone who can finally beat SGP !!! With Luis running unopposed and Mario's new blog SGP doesn't stand a chance!!!

Support Law Enforcement 2020

Anonymous said...

I went to that office and the lady there said she was Sylvia and that lady does not look like the picture here not even close - what happened??? Oooooh photoshop
