Monday, September 23, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Thousands of people have received this Instagram alerting them to the fact that one of the employees of Angelita's Cafe's is registered as a sex offender with the State of Texas.

If you remember, that cafe is where Brownsville Independent School District board member Erasmo Castro co-hosts a podcast with blogger (Brownsville Observer) Jim Barton.

The person(s) who posted this on social media say they have nothing against the business, but merely that the public should be alerted to the fact that such a person who has to register with the state on these nature of charges works there.

The fact that Erasmo, as a BISD member, and knowing about the man still continues to promote events there and to make it a popular hangout shows a cavalier attitude toward the serious issues that might arise from this situation. The cafe hosts chess lessons where students are instructed in the game.

Social media posts show chess sessions where boys and girls are participating.

The owners, Martin Leal Sr. and his wife Angelita are the parents of Martin Leal Jr. (who social media alleges to be a co-owner), and who was convicted of attempt to commit indecency with a child ( a 13-year-old girl) through sexual contact in May 2016 and was sentenced to a seven-year probation where he has to renew his registration annually with the Brownsville Police Department and the Cameron County Probation Office. He is also registered on the state's website (See graphic. Click on to enlarge).

We don't know if Barton has been notified of this situation but we know Erasmo has because he is a social media maven.

If you think about it, guests to the duo's podcasts have included political candidates and incumbents, law enforcement officials, among other leading citizens in the city.

Castro, as a BISD board member, is showing dismal judgment coming on the heels of his recent brushes with the law including a DWI, an alleged speeding incident, and a nebulous incident involving a police inquiry into his behavior with another man in the parking lot of a local lounge.

The people who have posted these warnings have made it clear that they are not against having the young Leal renew his life and gain employment.

But when you thrust in the fact that a BISD board member promotes event there knowing that a registered sex offender works in the establishment, the situation changes drastically.

Castro, who has a checkered criminal past of his own, should know better.


Unknown said...

The only issue I have with this article is where Mr. Montoya writes, "the people who have posted these warnings have made it clear that they are not against having the young Leal renew his life and gain employment."

I doubt this very much. It seems to me as if these warnings were posted to cause problems for the establishment, the senior Leals, and everybody attached to the podcast, including those who have appeared as guests.

Nothing in Brownsville is ever as it seems. While some may applaud the nobility of the warning, there is probably an ulterior motive behind the warning being released when it was released. Timing is everything.

Qui bono?

Anonymous said...

(Castro, who has a criminal past of his own)

He stated recently, that 10 years ago, he saw some people dump a half eaten Rutledge burger in the trash and that he had serious thoughts about picking up the burger and eating it. He didn't say if he did eat it or not. I mean, WTF are we supposed to think of him after that???

Hugo Vespucci.

Anonymous said...

Barton is oblivious to this. He needs the show, Montoya. smh

Anonymous said...

This speaks to the ignorance of the Brownsville voter, who cares little or nothing about the qualifications or character of who they vote for. Given the right media exposure and a short planca, six pounds of poop can be elected to office here.

Anonymous said...

That Castro guy concerns me. The way he trolls around the schools and takes pictures with kids. The most concerning are pictures of him with male teens where they are cheek to cheek. What grown man does that unless they are father and son or somehow related?

Something is really wrong Brownsville!

tom landrie said...

Hey Juan, give the man a break. You are poisoning people. Don't be a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Wow. They are doing their best to make a little money- new start

The people who wrote this are simply trying to punish them for political reasons

I will now spend some money there— second chances - new beginnings

How sad —- they didn’t write this to protect anybody - they wrote it to destroy somebody

Anonymous said...

So gross and Erasmo his bff. Erasmo keeping a low profile but got tix to the Cowboys games. Vendor perks?????$$$ I tell you all vote trash get trash in return. Who payed for the trip, BISD? He was at a board conference and then went there. Game and vacay.

Anonymous said...

juat killed their business
never mind the man is trying to make a living instead of living off the system

Anonymous said...

Is this Martin Leal, the teacher at Stell with BISD? Or is it his son?
Children playing chess in a place where rules are not followed, are not being shown a good role model environment - but then, do they know about it?

Anonymous said...

Erasmo is another THING! He does not take things seriously nor carefully. Why does he insist on doing questionable things knowing that he does live at the Glass Palace and subject to everyone's eyes. When will they get him out and what will also become of you recent article, now removed, about his other buddy on the school board. She needs to be removed also.

Anonymous said...

Horrible stain on a good restaurant. Montoya has his own battles with alcohol. He's not the one to bring warnings such as this one. smh

Anonymous said...

Martin Leal owner of Angelita Café is as arrogant as Erasmo. He feels he is untouchable because he was an Ex Teacher and Erasmo is a BISD board member. Did you know that Mrs. Leal is still a teacher at BISD. I wonder what kind of favors and recognitions she is getting because Erasmo does the Pod Cast at her Business. People don't see the big Picture. Erasmo has become the same person he hates the most Sylva Atkinson. Sylvia Atkinson has abused her position to get favors and make money however she can. Now Erasmo is doing the same thing. It is sad how Brownsville is the poorest city in the USA but we have the biggest scammers in the USA. Steal from the Poor is how they get rich. As far as Angelita Café, they need to let parents know their son is a Pedophile and Registered Sex Offender that works there. They have an obligation to the parents to see if they want to leave their children alone there while they play Chess, wink wink, while this Pervert drools on his next victim.

Unknown said...

@7:45 PM said it best:

"How sad —- they didn’t write this to protect anybody - they wrote it to destroy somebody."

That's the main idea right there.

Anonymous said...

He made a mistake he paid now he needs to get his life together which what he is doing. Help your son as much as you can he will need all your help this is a great beginning pay no attention to these haters. God Bless...

Anonymous said...

Nothing is said about the Scumbag Rene Oliveira the coke head king mixing with the students while parades himself as a moral person. He should be banned from public office until he has faced a jury.

Anonymous said...

This blog is the KISS OF DEATH

Anonymous said...

Blogger at 9:06 AM. You sure did hit the nail on the head. Do parents know that these children are "playing chess" at that café? Do they know the background of those that patronize that place. Birds of a feather, stick together. Does SPA also frequent that place? And, yes, you are right about this lady and her arrogant style and "my way or the highway" way of thinking. She thinks her shit does not smell. She manages to somehow fanagle her way out of trouble, but her day will come for what goes around comes around.

Anonymous said...

Ain't life in Browntown fun? I mean, watching Mexicans try and destroy each other is a real hoot! They are a caniblistic bunch.

Anonymous said...

I must come to the defense of Mrs. Angelita Leal. This woman has nothing but heart. She worked very hard to get a teaching certification, she adores her students and she is running an honest coffee shop. This has NOTHING TO DO WITH HER. LEAVE HER OUT OF IT.

Anonymous said...

Juan eres la marioneta de los gringos, Johnny voy, baseball lover.

Anonymous said...

Ain't life in Browntown fun? I mean, watching Mexicans try and destroy each other is a real hoot! They are a caniblistic bunch.

Idiota its a daily occurrence in cockroach europe pendejo... gringos eating each other NOW THATS FUN TO WATCH DON'T GO TOO FAR YOUR PRESIDENT DOES THAT EVERYDAY

Joe Moose, Lord of the High Courts said...

I'm surprised you people are trying to mudsling a successful local business rather than focus on more important matters, say, SpaceX trying to buy Boca Chica Village.

Anonymous said...

Why is he working around so many teenagers? Can he do that? Do the parents of those little teen girls I've seen there know that dude is a perv? There is zero excuse to be a 20 something year old man and have any sort of sexual contact with a 13 year old girl. Martin Sr. likes to act holier than thou on Erasmo's page passing judgements on people when he's got his pedo son creeping on the local teenie girls. It isn't about ruining anything. It's about getting things right.

Anonymous said...

While on the topics of predators and coffee shops in Brownsville! Let's not forget! :)

Anonymous said...

He must of sucked some really good ick to get his record taken out at 2033. I wonder who was the lucky one that it
