Sunday, September 1, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: According to the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, this is the [alphabetical list, we stand corrected] list of  coaches in Texas. Tom Chavez, at $115,410, led the Brownsville Independent School District contingent.

Chavez, a star in his own time, has survived because he was a protege of form AD Joe Rodriguez and later became AD himself. 

But his latest performances on the sidelines were dismal. From 2015 to 2018, he compiled a lackluster 2-38 W-L record. In 2010, he was perfect at zero wins, 10 losses, equaling his perfect W-L record in 2015 (0-10).

He has filed a grievance with the district over a poor evaluation and removal as coach from Rivera High School.)
Image result for paragon artificial turf, brownsville texas


Anonymous said...

Not only that...the BISD board just added some very high paying deputy jobs—- two

The highest paid Supt in history and now two very high paid Deputies- all from out of town—— don’t tell us we are the best choice then tell us we suck as employees—-

At least Tom Chávez was good at some point and a local. Agree in turf- preveious board over paid. But this board closed schools and hires outsiders for big big big record breaking salaries

Last board was bad but this board is terrible it has some serious issues doesn’t believe in locals ——they went outside and hired the Supt and deputies—- cuz locals aren’t good enough!!!!

New slogan #BelieveInBISD (but not the staff) #Outsiders
Too bad we can’t go out of town for our board members!

Anonymous said...

And Hanna lost to McAllen Memorial! Cut those salaries already!!! smh

Anonymous said...

Austin Lake Travis’ Hank Carter is the highest-paid coach in the state at $158,512. He and Austin Westlake’s Todd Dodge are the only coaches in the state to make over $150,000.

Anonymous said...

The artificial turf was approved by the electorate during the 2016 TRE projects listing. A district as large and as accomplished as our should have the best, or so Minerva Pena always say - "they never need nor want for anything" so what are you complaining about. If it prevents one crippling accident on the field, they are worth it to the parents of the athletes that use it. Pull the efforts down just like all Mexican Crabs that pull themselves down regardless of their ability to do better. Take pride on what we provide for our children!

Anonymous said...

When is this gonna stop the aveverage salary here is no more than 18k. PUROS PINCHES PAYASOS. AND THEY'RE OFF 3 MONTHS WITH PAY-OH BUT ITS IN THE CONTRACT...

Anonymous said...

Do you know how many hours a day a football coach puts in? I would say anywhere from 12 to 16, 6 days a week, it continues into Sunday, and then they bring their work home, their family life suffers, they deal with a bunch of crap all day, every day, parents, students, administrators, other coaches, irate spouses, their own kids, it never ends. There is scouting, play reviews, making game plans, practice, being scrutinized for everything they do or don't do on and off the field, so figure all that into their salary, it is not easy being a coach.

Anonymous said...

Looks more like WE are overpaying taxes so these idiots can binge on spending on shit they don't need from their cronies and getting a donation when elections come...What a scam and WE idiots fall for it all the time.


Anonymous said...

Why do insist on misrepresenting facts? Is propaganda all you know? This is not a list of the highest paid coaches. It’s a list, in alphabetical order of all coach’s salaries in Texas.

Anonymous said...

Print their winning records.

Anonymous said...

@September 1, 2019 at 10:38 AM

Typcial, you inadvertently forgot to say "We have ASSISTANTS FOR EVERY LITTLE THING WE NEED". And they make over 40k a year". And don't forget all those fringe benefits, and I am not going to list them maybe Juanito will one of these days, right?

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is the poorest and also the least educated place in the United States. There is a firm connection between lack of education and poverty. The lack of education and English language skills traps people in this corner of the world. None of this is about to change and the corrupt "community leaderships" preys on the ignorant people of Browntown.

Anonymous said...

10:43 AM....Come on now, misrepresenation is the coin of the realm on this "blog". Nobody comes here looking for actual facts, just opinion, political spin and bull shit.

Anonymous said...

Someone fed this guy bogus info.... who could that be...

Anonymous said...

To September 1, 2019 at 10:38 AM

That is their chosen profession. They knew what they were getting into. Need RESULTS! Yes,Teachers do deserve more pay. Also, all Law Enforcement Agencies are vastly underpaid compared to them. And they put their lives on the line everyday for the community with so little appreciation.

Anonymous said...

September 1, 2019 at 1:57 PM

Maybe they deserve another month OFF with pay. Police don't have three months off with pay nobody in this universe has three months OFF with pay. You figure..

Anonymous said...

September 1, 2019 at 10:53 AM

Your mean losing records non of them have any winning records but they like to get paid like they have a winning record mamones

Anonymous said...

September 1, 2019 at 11:58 AM

He's in jail

Anonymous said...

They should run for public office and then vote themselves a pay raise.

Anonymous said...

To the person who thinks those of us that worked in education and get three months off--that's baloney. We worked the contracted days and the district took that yearly salary and spread it out over 12 months. Educators have not had 3 months off in years. We usually started in the middle of August and got out after Memorial Day.

Anonymous said...

You don't work - You don't work PERIOD. Its in the contract is baloney and a scam time to stop. NOBODY IN THIS UNIVERSE GETS THREE MONTHS OFF WITH PAY - OH ITS IN THE CONTRACT...

Anonymous said...

Lets see they remove 90(3 months) and add those 90 days to 9 months so that means you work sat and sun to make up those 90 days BALONEY. If you worked sat and sun you'd quit. SCAM NOTHING BUT SCAM JUST LIKE THE ELECTED OFFICIALS HERE.

Anonymous said...

I have heard a lot of so call teacher say that the reason they are in that profession is mainly because of the three (3) months off with pay. AND THATS A FACT JACK!!!

Anonymous said...

Let's see if he can comprehend this. It is contracted days by state law we do not get paid for any holiday or spring break. We only get paid for 187 days and that salary is divided by 13 months.

Under Section 21.401 of the Texas Education Code, teacher contracts must be for a minimum of 187 days of service. Under Section 25.081, a school district must provide 180 days of instruction for students. How many of the remaining seven days are used for staff development is determined locally. There are not any state laws or rules regarding the days on which staff development is scheduled. The schedule is determined locally. There are certain requirements and guidelines for the content and delivery of staff development in TEC Section 21.451.

Anonymous said...

My bad they divide the salary by 12 months.

Anonymous said...

They only get paid for 187 days and that salary is divided by 13 months. the 10-month teacher contract year requires a "minimum" of 187 days of service. In other word they can and SHOULD work 12 months... just like the rest of the WORLD...

Most Americans work 245 days per year meaning teachers get nearly 13 weeks more vacation time than the typical US worker.

"Let's see if he can comprehend this." I sure as hell DO

Anonymous said...

What they can't comprehend is that ITS TAX MONEY THEY ARE GETTING PAID WITH so easy to see and we as taxpayers have a right to complian WE ARE NOT IN CHINA OR RUSSIA read a book on rights in USA

Anonymous said...

divide salary by 13 wow and he's a teacher???

Anonymous said...

Since we were paid a daily rate according to our years of experience and any stipend we get if we are specially certified, with 245 days, I would be getting with 32 years experience $93,948.98 a year. I guess I should go back to teaching, but no retirement is great!

Anonymous said...

Those of you talking crap about educators getting 3 months off, have no idea what it is to work with kids. Coaches put in way too many hours. Is it our fault we went to college and received a degree. Also the test to get certified is no joke not everyone who finished college can pass it. So if you’re mad at the system go get a degree and get certified then see if you can handle working for the school district.
