Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Part I
And the Emperor fiddled while Rome burned.
I don't know who he has as his adviser, but whoever it is, they should be replaced. In one of the poorest communities in the United States, the mayor should NOT be charging $45 s a head to sit in a publicly-owned ballroom to hear him pontificate on the state of our fair city. This event should be open to the public and held in the evening so working stiffs and the majority of the community could attend.
This event should not have been sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and held at the Events Center. So much for the mayor being a man of the people.
He is right about one thing. The zoo is a critical component to Brownsville's tourist industry. However, the years have taken their toll on the zoo. It is in desperate need of repair and restructuring. I wonder what this "zoo master plan" is. One can hope the details will be released sooner rather than later.
Is it because he owns a building where his fancy pizza and wine restaurant is located and would like to see his property value skyrocket? Does he have other business partners who are gobbling up sections of downtown in hopes of making money off the new direction downtown is going in?
Brownsville should be more than hike and bike trails, pizza joints, and art galleries. Brownsville should be more than poetry readings and fancy bars.
Brownsville is a community of almost 185,000 people who need things. Tangible, real world, usable things — not pie-in-the-sky farmer's markets and fancy places to have dinner. I'm sorry, but the state of the city is pretty grim.
Brownsville is broken. Instead of worrying about investors and stakeholders and cultural district designations, the mayor should be listening to the citizenry and he should be trying to solve the REAL problems that exist in our city.
Infrastructure and urban planning has to be at the top of the list. I know infrastructure isn't sexy. I know it isn't a fancy wine and pizza place, but infrastructure is a start. If the city is in shambles, nothing else matters. Infrastructure is the foundation of Brownsville, and if we can't spend time, money, and resources to fix that, not a whole lot else is worth fixing.
We need to have a viable, real plan in place to start identifying and analyzing all the infrastructure failures in town; and we need to come up with a plan to start fixing them. We need people with urban planning and city engineering expertise and education to come up with these plans.
Brownsville should be more than hike and bike trails, pizza joints, and art galleries. Brownsville should be more than poetry readings and fancy bars.
Brownsville is a community of almost 185,000 people who need things. Tangible, real world, usable things — not pie-in-the-sky farmer's markets and fancy places to have dinner. I'm sorry, but the state of the city is pretty grim.
Brownsville is broken. Instead of worrying about investors and stakeholders and cultural district designations, the mayor should be listening to the citizenry and he should be trying to solve the REAL problems that exist in our city.
Infrastructure and urban planning has to be at the top of the list. I know infrastructure isn't sexy. I know it isn't a fancy wine and pizza place, but infrastructure is a start. If the city is in shambles, nothing else matters. Infrastructure is the foundation of Brownsville, and if we can't spend time, money, and resources to fix that, not a whole lot else is worth fixing.
We need to have a viable, real plan in place to start identifying and analyzing all the infrastructure failures in town; and we need to come up with a plan to start fixing them. We need people with urban planning and city engineering expertise and education to come up with these plans.
Our streets flood, period. When it rains, there are several sections of the city that are underwater. That needs to be fixed. I get we are close to sea level, and I get that it isn't going to be an easy fix, but we need to be able to get there. There needs to be a way we can solve our drainage problem.
Also, I understand the soil here in the Lower Rio Grande Valley is unstable and soft, but we need to come up with a way to fix the roads so that they don't break up, shift, and create streets lined with potholes, cracks, and crevices.

There needs to be new technology in the road paving and surfacing industry that can be used to fix the issue. Refilling potholes is not even a temporary fix anymore.
There are so many other issues that go hand in glove with infrastructure.
Road signs, road general maintenance, and a legitimate centrally controlled traffic center with computers and camera monitoring traffic needs to be put in place.
Road signs, road general maintenance, and a legitimate centrally controlled traffic center with computers and camera monitoring traffic needs to be put in place.
Traffic along Boca Chica, Ruben Torres, and Alton Gloor, as well as traffic along the highway is terrible and should all be controlled from one central location where a dedicated team of monitors and engineers can make sure traffic runs smoothly. Emergency management also needs to be addressed. We are very fortunate we have not had a major natural disaster hit Brownsville, but we need to be prepared for something in case it should happen.
Urban planning also needs to be addressed. I know Brownsville was one of the first cities in the Valley to have a public transit system, but that system is mired in the past.

The Metro needs restructuring and revitalization. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard about bus shelters that don’t exist or bus service that isn’t available on a Sunday.
Urban planning also needs to be addressed. I know Brownsville was one of the first cities in the Valley to have a public transit system, but that system is mired in the past.

The Metro needs restructuring and revitalization. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard about bus shelters that don’t exist or bus service that isn’t available on a Sunday.
These are things that need to be addressed. I don’t see why Brownsville is still stuck in the old mentality of nothing important happening on a Sunday, but that is post-WWII thinking. It is critical that Brownsvillians have access to public transportation every day of the week.
Public safety needs to be high on the list of priorities as well. We have made improvements in securing new equipment and vehicles for the Brownsville Fire Department, but now we have to follow suit with the Brownsville Police Department.
We need more police officers. In addition, we need those police officers to be better equipped with state of the art equipment to be able to combat the increasing threats from the border violence and other issues that plague the city.
Public safety needs to be high on the list of priorities as well. We have made improvements in securing new equipment and vehicles for the Brownsville Fire Department, but now we have to follow suit with the Brownsville Police Department.
We need more police officers. In addition, we need those police officers to be better equipped with state of the art equipment to be able to combat the increasing threats from the border violence and other issues that plague the city.
The Brownsville Police Department is land-locked. It should probably be relocated into a newer state of the art facility. In addition, Brownsville should look into the possibility of breaking up the police department into separate divisions and entities. Brownsville definitely needs a dedicated traffic division.
I understand Brownsville has a uniform services division that runs patrol. However, we probably need a separate traffic division with a deputy chief who reports to the chief of police who is solely responsible for traffic enforcement.
We should also create a park police department, similar to what San Antonio has, that is dedicated to patrolling the public spaces downtown and in the other parks and recreational areas around town.
We should also create a park police department, similar to what San Antonio has, that is dedicated to patrolling the public spaces downtown and in the other parks and recreational areas around town.
We also need to keep updating the EMS arm of the fire department. We may need to look in to the option of having private ambulance companies come in to Brownsville to help with response time, or perhaps we should separate EMS from the fire department and have them be run as a separate public safety entity.
Finally somebody with a real vision pulling no strings this is what we need in Brownsville Texas, but family ties and other chain link strings will not allow it to happen. Let's all go back to sleep...
Exactly the words I was writing down for publication. This article really tells how the cow chewed the cabbage and I am anxiously waiting for the Part II. If one person can be so eloquent in writing this type of response, why are the rest of our not joining him in protesting about how citizens are "tirados a loco!" Prophecy: A politician will promise you the stars and the skies to get your vote, but will throw you to the dogs when he is planning on how to fill up his own pocket first. Maybe Trey needs it to buy other pants besides blue jeans. As a lawyer, a board member, a mayor, why does he insist on wearing blue jeans like the other "what's his name" mayor.
Blue jeans were used for playing baseball in the vacant lot in front of the house and we did not pay thousands of dollars to buy torn blue jeans. We wouldn't even want to wear those our mother's patched up when we tore them while playing marbles or football in the neighborhood. Now they use them as "fashion." My foot, go to the segundas and buy some pairs, cut them up and put them in the washer with a bunch of clorax and wha-la! Where has all the pride gone? I know Trey is the new kid on the block but he had so much to offer when he was running and now that he is safely seating, he does not seem to have the know-how to do something better for our city, except for
downtown cantinas! A city should not be founded on recreation activities like those of la chisquiada Rose Gowen. We need to re-create our thoughts and efforts to dedicate to the real issues that face Brownsville all over.
Can't wait to read Part II. Good job, whoever wrote this piece. Keep it coming and I bet we could have a Part 10 if we all sat down and did something about it.
"Keep it coming and I bet we could have a Part 10 if we all sat down and did something about it."
Why don't you run for mayor?
Pantalon Blue Jean con Flaco Jimenez pasa la tequila.
Well written! Bravo!! It's sad but true-the state of our city is grim.
Yawn. Much, most of this has already been on the Blogs. This guy just arranged it in one story? Okay.
LOL, such monotonous and drab writing… I wish someone would actually report something factual for a change, instead of their bullshit feelings… If you have a problem with someone who is wearing blue jeans to an informal event, that’s on you… What a sad life some of you people have.
Whoever wrote this piece should be mayor! She/He is much more in touch with Brownsville than Mendez.
The person who wrote this has no clue on what is going on with the city. These are just plans. They are worthless without implementation. There is finally a public works director with an engineering degree, street lights are being synchronized. there are master plans coming into place. Being a hater or being negative solves nothing but create further division.
Mierda y más mierda surge por doquier, El alcalde Juan Mendez y sus pericos igual de lacras, en tanto el comisionado Neece arropando a su hermano de la politica, que hasta foto y micrófono le da, a ver qué dicen los agremiados, que sí son honestos empresarios que no se prestan al juego de doble moral de la comunidad. Lo dicho, mierda por todos lados.
Good riddance to the old downtown! It’s good to see young people there for once and not a bunch of old ass Mexicans drinking shitty beer.
Half these people don’t even vote and don’t give a shit! Look at the elections results! Telosico “a citizen’s perspective”
The person who wrote this was Pat Ahumada..... now what do you think of this gibberish?
Carlos Atkinson
There is no reason Brownsville can't be a town where folks with the recources can enjoy a night out and the general population can have big improvements in public services. Give the poor mayor a chance to pull his head out of his yuppie ass. He might see the light yet.
October 24, 2019 at 10:08 AM said:
"The person who wrote this has no clue on what is going on with the city. These are just plans. They are worthless without implementation. There is finally a public works director with an engineering degree, street lights are being synchronized. there are master plans coming into place..."
Of course they are just suggestions. I am not an elected official. I have absolutely no power to implement any of these things. I am simply suggesting there are problems that need to be fixed. You're saying I have no clue what's going on, and you mention the director of public works has an engineering degree. And what, exactly, has happened to fix the problems we are experiencing? The streets are still a mess, I haven't read anything about any of your supposed "master plans" to fix them.
Street lights are being synchronized? That's the problem. You read what I wrote, yet you didn't internalize any of it. You simply came to your own conclusions and assumptions. It has absolutely nothing to do with synchronizing the traffic lights. It has everything to do with having a centrally controlled traffic center where engineers can monitor traffic, analyze traffic patterns, and adjust the length of traffic signals at any given time of the day. I welcome you to visit the intersection of Boca Chica and Palm Boulevard from about 3PM - 5PM. The lights are synchronized but they don't allow for an efficient flow of traffic.
I welcome you to post any real information on these supposed "master plans" that are going to be falling into place.
You comment on me being a "hater" and being negative. I am simply commenting on the real state of the city. I don't think it's responsible to stand in front of a ballroom full of people and tell them the state of the city is strong when it really isn't. I am not trying to divide anything. I am pointing out that we have real world problems that require real world solutions.
And to those who think what I wrote was boring, monotonous, or bland, this isn't a Shakespearean sonnet. Most public policy writing can seem dry and bland. I was not writing to entertain, I was writing for those who have an attention span long enough to be able to digest what I wrote rather than for those who would rather discount something because it was too bland for them to read.
There are some people in this city that feel that tax dollars should be allocated to commercial development because commercial entities pay more property taxes than "residential citizens". This idea is total bullshit as far as I am concerned and makes for prejudicial city planning. The fact that the "State of the City" presentation was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce seems to confirm that this city gives priority to commercial interests and the $45 dollar entry fee seems to confirm that we "mere residents" are second class citizens. This situation stinks, but it seems that the mayor is O.K.with this prejudice because it benefits his business interests.
NO VISION, NO MISSION, folks were you all expecting some new? well think again, NADA Mayor Trey Mendez stinks.
I wrote it and I'm not Pat Ahumada. If you are Charlie Atkinson, it's a pity you didn't do more of this while you were a city commissioner. If you had, maybe you'd still be an elected official instead of having to have relied on a family member to juice you in to BISD.
Police Dept can't even police themselves!
I love this part for its frankness. "And to those who think what I wrote was boring, monotonous, or bland, this isn't a Shakespearean sonnet. Most public policy writing can seem dry and bland. I was not writing to entertain, I was writing for those who have an attention span long enough to be able to digest what I wrote rather than for those who would rather discount something because it was too bland for them to read."
I agree with your assessment. But tell me how a mayor in 5 months is to fix all of these problems, especially with a limited budget? The new Director of Public works was just hired. How long is long enough for him to get a handle on things? If we were at a year I would say failure, but we are at 5 months for the mayor, and maybe two months for the new Director of Public works.
And not I do like the way you wrote it. You were frank and that is good.
The person who wrote this, PLEASE come forward, tell the citizens when you are going in front of the mayor and city commission and WE, the concerned voters will go and support you on your presentation.
Trey turned out to be another one of them like worthless city manager Bernal with his total alignment nonsense. Great job to whoever wrote it.
I heard it's not even his money. He "owns" with Mama's money?
Director worked in the city of garland tx. People who live in Garland have to clean up and dry out after severe flooding damaged homes overnight. An estimated seven inches of rain fell in less than 24 hours in the area, which caused street flooding and water to rush into homes. WITH this director we will be underwater. Director of public works with engineer degree, AND his only job is to synchronize lights. So many bosses in the city dept and still cannot make sense on doing a fair job performance. This 70 year OLD director will make trey look WORST on job performance.
If I were a couple of years younger and had the money to waste for campaigning, I would certain run for mayor. The first thing I would do is get on a bus for a guide tour of Brownsville with a bunch of citizens who can point out the wrongs in a specific area. I would take my staff to classify their concerns, and hold a workshop with every department involved and hand them the concerns involving their department. I would set a time-line to have them and their staffs to study each item and come up with a solution to each problem and turn it in to the mayor. I would review each department and then meet with the city manager and financial officer for budget discussions and set a tentative outline for approaching each area. I would then hold another workshop with the commissioners and assign each the tasks that encompass their area of responsibility and urge them to meet with the citizens in a localized area and get further information. Now we will be ready to attack problems based on priority and safety, and not for entertainment purposes. I would get down to work with each commissioner and his group to show that I am aware of their needs. I am just a peon who was born and raised in Brownsville, and do have a formal education who would if he/she could. Health issues, old age and no money keep me from searching the position. But I know it would be a simple as I have stated above. I am sure there is someone who can afford to do all this and I would be willing to work in my area to help out.
Kinda a late to run for mayor is that how you're going to help improve the city? Running late...
@ October 24, 2019 at 5:59 PM
I am NOT assigning blame. Expecting the mayor to undo decades of damage to our fair city in less than half a year is like having expected Vicente Fox to have undone all the damage the PRI did to Mexico for 71 years.
I am just a regular Joe. I am not a Brownsville Blue Blood. I do not have a fancy Brownsville last name. I have no hidden agenda. I do not have an ax to grind. I do not dislike the mayor. I do not know him. I am simply saying the mayor should be focusing on other things. He is a lawyer. He had to go to school for a lot longer than I did. He should be well-versed in public policy, government, and administration.
The only point I'm trying to make is the mayor, and the rest of the city administration, should have done everything possible to make this event open to the public, and the mayor should have focused more on the real issues that plague our city. Brownsville is more than the sum of her downtown parts. We need help for the whole city — from District 1 to District 4, from the Port, down SPI Highway to the Airport, From Southmost to Las Prietas and Military, from Palm Boulevard to North Brownsville, and everywhere else in between.
I don't have all the answers. I'm just smart enough to know I'm too dumb to figure it all out by myself. It takes a team. Maybe we need a City Advisory Board with representatives from all parts of the city who can meet with the mayor and commissioners to let them know exactly what's going on in their part of town. Maybe we need to break up the four districts into smaller districts and have more commissioners on the board. I don't know. All I know is we need to start identifying the real issues that we need to work on, then we need to figure out a way how to fix then.
Again, I'm sure more people will complain and tell me to shut up and that my ideas are stupid, and that's fine. I didn't write this to change anybody's opinion of anything. But someone needs to start saying something, and something needs to be done.
dale gas pat
shut up - next time run for some type of public office and than you can come up with your ideas. There's a city election in 2 years. Tell us you want to make a change and will run for some type of elected office. Be lagit...
Don’t be stupid! Brownsville needs even more museums, bike trails, coffee shops and upscale bars. Stop posting on your heavy flow days.
Maybe the present mayor can get some idea from the comments made here. It would not hurt to jot down these ideas and follow-through on them. I don't have a degree that took eight years to complete, but I do have common sense that was taught to me by experience. And, for those that are not convinced, a politician will offer to build a bridge over HEB if that is what he knows you want to hear, but forgets to live up to his promises as soon as he is comfortably sitting behind the seat, doing nothing, except enriching himself.
It doesn't take a college degree to understand these chingaderas. "Como dice Charlie; dale gas!" Surely there has to be one such person somewhere in Brownsville.
Da mayor Mendez will spit in your pizza if you don't write good things about him!
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