Well, the judicial robe is gone in the new campaign signs of Ricardo Adobbati, a candidate for the District 404th Court in this coming Democratic Party primary.

We refer to his new signs that seem to indicate that he's misrepresenting his office title by a very careless placing of the word "for."
Even a layman who reads Chapter 255 of the Texas Election Code ( not Chapter 254) would know that a candidate may not represent that he or she holds an office that he or she does not hold at the time of the representation.
"If you are not the incumbent in the office you are seeking, you must make it clear that you are seeking election rather than reelection by using the word "for" to clarify that you don't hold that office.
Adobbati is facing Ass. District Judge Louis Sorola in the 2020 Democratic Primary this coming March.
The word "for" must be at least one-half the type size of the name of the office and should appear immediately before the name of the office.
A glance at the "new" Adobbati's signs clearly shows that either he doesn't understand the election code or the rules of the Texas ethics Commission when he approved the layout and wording for his new signs.
It seems fairly simple to us, but then again, we re not blessed with the keen legal acumen of this candidate. If someone can't follow the to us evident guidelines, how can we expect him to interpret the Texas Penal Code that impacts the lives of people, their freedom, assets, or rights?
Smart enough to earn the money to buy a rolex...I'm voting for him.
Who cares, Montoya! So he has a fancy watch. His opponent, Louis Sorola, has a wife and a mother-in-law also on the county payroll! Enough!!!!!
'Trey is a joke among us' sounds familiar?
Interesting to see the PAID advertisements of Adobbati's opponent to the right of your "story". Obviously your rates include you attacking the opponents of your PAID advertisers. You have NO credability!
Gloat, squawk,bluster babble flaunt, people that are gloats tend to throw their weight around. Is that what you really want at: October 10, 2019 9:58 PM. Is this another stupid voter as someone here mentioned.
How much is Sorola paying you? He's supposed to disclose it and you too
The fact remains that his signs are violating rules and laws. He's not even elaborating what type of Judge. Rumor is he doesn't even show up to court at times in Rancho Viejo. He must feel privileged.
The court is in session "WAIT what's the rolex time?"
He knocked on my door to campaign. He told me he voted for Trump because Hillary was a liar. I don't trust his judgement.
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