Tuesday, October 22, 2019


By Juan Montoya

Rene Oliveira, the former Texas House District 37 Representative is scheduled to go to trial Dec. 2. on a charge of Driving While Intoxicated after his arrest April 28, 2018.

According to court records, after numerous motions by his attorney Ed Stapleton to - among other things - suppress the "unlawful arrest" and the "fruits" of the after their "illegal" trespass of his house, and the suppression of the blood analysis, Oliveira's trial is scheduled to go forward.

The trial will be held in Cameron County Court-at-Law #1 before Judge Arturo McDonald.

McDonald on Sept. 16 denied Stapleton's motion to suppress the a sample of his blood analysis performed on Oliveira after he refused to perform a breath analysis at his arrest.

McDonald also denied Stapleton's motion to suppress the evidence gathered at the former lawmaker's home following a car accident at the intersection of Central and Boca Chica boulevards Sept. 4.
Cameron County Ass. District Attorney Rehaman Merchant said in court Oliveira allegedly had a high blood alcohol content and drugs in his system, according to The Brownsville Herald.

Attorneys for the district attorney’s office declined to provide details about what Merchant had said in the open hearing, claiming its ongoing prosecution of Oliveira, the same reason the Texas Attorney General's Office gave for allowing them to keep Oliveira’s blood test results a secret.

Oliveira was arrested following a sequence of events that began at 10:22 p.m. Friday (Sept. 27), according to police. At that time, officers responded to an accident in Brownsville and found a Cadillac leaving the area, with a Lexus parked behind it. A woman in the Lexus told an officer that "everything was fine and that there was no accident," police said.

But according to reports, the officer spotted a third car — a Chevrolet — that was parked on the side of the road. Its driver told police she had been hit from behind by the Cadillac while she was stopped at a traffic light, and the Cadillac's driver subsequently got out of his car, handed her his business card and "told her that he would take care of everything," police said. The card was that of Oliveira, a lawyer.

Officers then went to the lawmaker's home and there discovered both the Lexus and Cadillac, which had damage to its front and two flat tires. That is when Oliveira was arrested, police said.

Police charged Oliveira with a DWI, a class B misdemeanor. 

When the court granted him a bond, there were restrictions imposed upon the defendant, including staying away from places where alcohol was consumed. The DA's Office petitioned the court to install a ignition lock device after reports indicated the former lawmaker was seen consuming alcohol at the same popular night spot where he was reportedly drinking the night of the accident and his subsequent arrest.

Oliveira, who was in a runoff for re-election with former Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Alex Dominguez, was released on $2,500 bail the next day. Dominguez went on to win the runoff election.


Anonymous said...

It seems that Washington is growing tired of the flabby orange weirdo's teevee n' cheezburger-fueled imbecility, albeit at their typically glacial pace. Just today he sneered at the Emoluments Clause, calling it "phony" and once again confirming that ample-bottomed gasbag openly disdains any and all laws he simply doesn't feel like following. The gassy waddling feeb just randomly blurts out that day's Fox News talking points now, with no context or relevance, like a complete babbling stootz. The grown-ups were bound to get tired of it eventually, whether they'll actually do anything about it remains to be seen...

Anonymous said...

Rene Oliveira is himself the "fruit of the poisoned tree." He got away with driving drunk for so many years - everybody at Cobbleheads knew this. The he GOES BACK again to the scene of the crime after his arrest. What chutzpah! We are all lucky he got caught. It was only a matter of time before he injured or killed someone. We have no sympathy for this drunken excuse of a person who flaunts the law even now. Lets hope the judge doen't give him special treatment in sentencing.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Elizondo for Mayor!!!

Anonymous said...

Rene Oliveira put the moves on so many women, using his position as State Rep and lawyer to try to seduce his female clients. Maybe seduce is too kind - he actually forced himself on female clients -- trying to kiss them, making creepy remarks, touching them without permission - I know, I was one of them - Karma sucks, doesn't it Rene!

Anonymous said...

Montoya, you're still up on this guy in DWIs, 3 to 1!

Anonymous said...

remember the auto accident by cheddars? commish melissa tried to interfere, he got away from that one, and on this one was charged with DWI only? What about leaving the scene of an accident too? No Pos wow, only one charge DWI, pos te fue ben rene, make a deal y ya.

Anonymous said...

Dude's a creep... There is no other way around this... He needs to face up to his crimes.

Anonymous said...

Walking while under the influence (of what) does not count guay

Anonymous said...

Rene even used women as his scapegoat when he drove into the Charlie Clark's cars. He was totally drunk then and made his movida (who was also a client) take the blame. I feel for any woman who has ever had contact, professionaly or personally, with that sweaty pig.

Anonymous said...

Pinche Winnie karma buddy!!

Anonymous said...

Lets add the wreck in Austin where he hit a woman sitting at a red light, who got the ticket, she did. When I was little my mom told me I could grow up and get elected to anything. At that young age I told her, I didn't want to be known as a slim ball.

Anonymous said...

Seems that we no longer have "speedy trials" in Cameron County. Is there some sort of "political motive" for such long delays in cases of politicos. Elizondo's trial was put off for an inordinate time....until the jury pool had fogotten perhaps. Now we have Rene's trial coming a year and a half after he was arrested. This is surely political. Others in town, who are just average people, would be tried right away. Shame on you Luis Saenz for protecting these assholes. But Luis, we understand that you will do anything to get re-elected, even though I hope the public throws you out on your ass. Luis Saenz is just another lawyer that can't make a living on his own and wants to stay on the public tit for as long as he can.

Anonymous said...


Former RGV LEO said...

Wow, going to trial? I guess the serial drunken driver thinks that he can walk away with a not guilty verdict? Let's hope that Saenz' office can get a conviction? This one is way overdue on this serial drunken driver!

Anonymous said...

He is only being tried on this one count. He is not charged with being a liar, womanizer, sleeze bag and habitual drunk. He will get a slap on the wrist as a first offender.
