Sunday, October 20, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: Who dat peeking from behind the Rick Adobatti sign at the corner of Ringgold and Palm Boulevard across the Sharp Elementary polling place? Why it seems to be the not-so-little Linda Salazar, Justice of the Peace Precinct 2, Place 1.

We hear that Salazar is seething over the deliberate placing of the sign in front of hers and has complained about it loud and long. Will it force the arrogant Adobbati Esq. to instruct his minions to move his sign over a bit or will she have to have her workers move hers to the left so that the voters won't be deprived of the pleasure of seeing her pretty face?  

Asst. District Judge Louis Sorola - who is running for the 404th like Adobbati - has his above both and seems content to remain above the fray. Will Adobbati move it? We'll keep you posted.)


Anonymous said...

Fake News, bro. It's the camera angle! Any fool can see that. Shit, smh.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville set for mayor’s state of city

What's el chapo gonna say "same o same o bye bye"...

and don't forget to stop by and buy some pizza

Anonymous said...

I guess she got pichoniada.

Anonymous said...

Don't you hate Linda so much? well, reality is that she will win.

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm not a fool cause I can't see it guay so bless your heart

Anonymous said...

You and soreola loose all credibility when you post this stupid shit. With all the corruption going on in browntown, this is all you can come up with ?

Anonymous said...

I cant believe I just wasted 2 minutes of my life reading this coplete crap. What has happened to this blog???? Linda Salazar? Please, anyone who puts a sign in front of hers is doing a great civil service to the people of Brownsville. She is a crook and a thief. And you are a becoming a joke.

Silvia casas said...

Ahora te preocupa Linda, cuando tu mismo la atacas

July Hernandez said...

Ahora resulta que Sorola es inocente. Eso si es de reír. Y tu preocupado por el cartel de Adobbati.
Ponte a trabajar y deja de decir estupideces !!!!

Anonymous said...

El Rrun Rrun the most powerful blog!!! Puro pedo! It’s all paid publicity by politicians and you call it news. What a joke! You are a joke

Payne brothers said...

linda salazar will win regardless

Anonymous said...

If its a joke than what are you doing here clown

Anonymous said...

Linda Salazar is an arrogant, but ignorant, egomaniac who serves herself and not the community. Hope she is defeated big well as her GED educated son.

Forhp Hstvos said...

All these people with so much time on their hands — they have nothing better to do than to complain about a blog they don't like. If you don't like it, then why do you visit the blog? Go on over to the Brownsville Voice. I'm sure you'll love the incoherent ramblings posted over there.
