Friday, October 25, 2019


By Fernando del Valle
Valley Morning Star 

SAN BENITO — A month after a grand jury found officers justified in the fatal shooting of a 21-year-old man, former Police Chief Michael Galvan is back in the police department — as a lieutenant.

Yesterday, interim Chief Fred Bell “reassigned” Galvan to lieutenant, his rank before he was named police chief about three years ago, Martha McClain, the city’s spokeswoman, stated.

Galvan returned after spending about four months on paid administrative leave pending completion of a nine-month Texas Rangers criminal investigation into the Dec. 7, 2018, fatal shooting of Ricardo Treviño.

“Lt. Galvan will oversee specific assignments and tasks and may have supervisory authority over divisions and staff,” McClain.

Based on the findings of the Texas Rangers investigation, a Cameron County grand jury last month found Galvan, officer David Rebolledo and two Precinct 5 deputy constables were justified in using deadly force to shoot Treviño, who was unarmed, when officers repeatedly shot him after a 22-mile chase ended in El Ranchito.

Meanwhile, Alex Guajardo, Galvan’s attorney, said he’s demanding officials reinstate Galvan as police chief.

At the police department, some officers seemed stunned when Galvan walked into the police department as a lieutenant yesterday.

“Certain people had a feeling this was going to happen and we weren’t happy about it,” police Supervisor Art Flores, who is Treviño’s stepfather, said, referring to Galvan’s reassignment to a lieutenant’s rank.

“I don’t want to see him. I really don’t,” Flores said after working a night shift. “I’m working graveyard so there’s less of a chance I see him. It’s very tough for me to work there.”

Officials’ decision to reassign Galvan to lieutenant doesn’t constitute disciplinary action, Flores said.


Anonymous said...

Anglos always rehabilitate their own, so why not this for Mi Gente?

Anonymous said...

Remember Galvan when you told the officers (You know the public is really dumb because one of us can just snap and pull out our gun) and all the while you were laughing. Very disgusting.

Anonymous said...

At last brownsville is getting some competition must be the resaca water.

Anonymous said...

be glad you got a job back and give thanks to God and do your best. If you are not happy with what you got then its just very easy, just resign and go else where. BTW dont let the door hit you on your way out.

Anonymous said...

This Galvan guy must have something very bad on the the city manager. It was said he had over 800 recordings of many people in high places that he recorded saying compromising thinking. Also a letter of no confidence by his own officers questioning his leadership abilities. And then the shooting where he failed to properly supervise his men. And then they say not getting disciplined for his actions and those of his men. One of the officers did get a 5 day suspension and that was all the discipline given out. So yes I do believe he has dirt on the city manager and many others. Maybe that is why many call him El Teflon.

Anonymous said...

He needs to sue the crap out of the city he needs his title and pay back. He was found innocent of any wrong doing. The city is spineless for folding for some loud mouth lady and a horrible step dad who only care about some $$$.

Anonymous said...

pizza is still a source of saturated fat and chock-full of sodium,

Anonymous said...

Bien lo dije meses pasado Cameron County pura corrupcion. El Ex-Jefe psicopata cono de SBPD tiene grabaciones de toda la cuidad de SAN BENITO y su amigo bigoton narizon. Poreso el Ex-Jefe psicopata cono regreso a su trabajo con SBPD. HEY! EX JEFE tu marida sabe de la mujier de la maquinitas que hecho el sexo con y casado al mismo tiempo con tu marida. Pobresita idiota pendeja por defender un esposo mentiroso. HA!HA!HA!

Anonymous said...

What is this I hear Joe D y’all trying to fire me ? No Michael between us Myself ,Celeste and Rene are going to figure out a way to make your Chief.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree with one comment above. But the ones that need to sue the crap out of the city are the current and past officers that were quickly disciplined by Galvan. Yes I agree the city is spineless but for not disciplining Galvan and and caving in. The police chief position in san benito is an appointed position that requires no testing at all and it is done by the city manager and approved by the commission. So yes the police officers need to sue the city for bias discipline. I see many law suits in the making here.

Anonymous said...

peladito mugroso puro coconut aisle atm e que

Anonymous said...

don't know why he quit or left
but he deserves his job back if he was cleared of any wrong doing
hope he makes the best of his 2nd chance
obviously there is a lack of qulified police managers

Anonymous said...

According to SBPD Police Policy you don’t shoot at any part of a vehicle to disable it. Didn’t the DA say the officers shot at the vehicle trying to bring the chase to a halt. That alone is a major violation that fits under the one strike your out rule. But that is san bene where they make the rules as they go for their convenience. I see changes coming to the city in May 2020. United and proud what a bunch of Salchichon.

Anonymous said...

Martin Morales brake your silence and tell the truth. It will make you feel better. You could have ended this a few years back but you chose to be silent n not take action. Martin now it the time to right a wrong.

Anonymous said...

A Justice of the Peace working out of san benito thought he was having a private conversation with M.Galvan of the san benito police department. But little did the JOP know he was being recorded by Galvan. The JOP called a citizen and voter a Piece of Sh_t during the convention. That audio is out and about on YouTube I believe or Facebook can’t remember.

CC Insider said...

Galvan, is a snake and womanizer and its a miracle that he has survived in San benito? This POS is also an alderman at Palm Valley and word is that he is a pain in the butt and disliked immensely! This POS has been found out about making comments on fellow employees, sexual harassment and then recording SB officials.
Yet, he will return but as a Lieutenant? I feel sorry for the department because this POS will be out on a mission to get even with all who "HE" thinks screwed him!

Anonymous said...

remember michael coconut isle atm and the fringe benefits. what was her name bet freddy remembers.
