To those attending the first State of the City address under new City of Brownsville Mayor Juan "Trey" Mendez, it seemed like deja vu all over again.
Here was the mayor at the Brownsville Events Center in front a well-heeled banquet crowd decked out in jeans, a white shirt, a blue sports coat, but thankfully, no white carnation.
Was it the reincarnation of Tony Martinez?
Looking around the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce , anyone who was anyone - and who had probably attended Martinez's next-to-last SOC presentation at the center and had plunked their $45 admission fee - sat and listened as Mendez, only five months into his term, gave a rundown on the present and future facing Brownsville.
Everyone, of course, except Texas Sen. Eddie Lucio who was let in gratis on the basis of the exemplary work done by his orthodontist.
He said the presentation was all for the young people of Brownsville although they were conspicuous for their absence and coined the new city slogan, not Igniting the Future of Texas, but something along the same SpaceX vein: On the Border, By the Sea, and Beyond, a la Toy Story's Trey "Lightyear" Mendez," oops, Buzz Lightyear. Sorry.
Waiters in black slacks and white waistcoats worked the tables among city commissioners Nurith Galonsky, John Cowen, Ben Neece (with two sons in tow) , Texas Southmost College administrators and trustees including chair Adela Garza sporting a new 'do, Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino minus Xochitl Llamas, the pleasantly stout City Health Director Arturo Rodriguez who didn't ride a bike to the event, and other city administrators.
And of course, there was the omnipresent Government Affairs Liaison (We're not kidding, that's his handle) Ramiro Gonzalez, who somehow managed to get onto the Mendez bandwagon even after he openly campaigned on video with Martinez against Mendez. Some people somehow manage to land on their feet.
Mendez spoke at length about the future completion of the $50 million in improvements to the Brownsville-South Padre Island International Airport that started a few years ago, the upcoming renovation of El Jardin Hotel in the coming months by the Brownsville Housing Authority, etc.
These projects have been limping along for the past few years, but with only five months into his four-year term it's understandable that he could only enumerate the ongoing projects launched by his predecessors on the city commission.
Also conspicuous by their absence were any delegation from the Matamoros mayor or the Tamaulipas governor or their representatives. Last month the Tamaulipas chambers of commerce staged a bi-national business conference and the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce was invited.
The next SOS (or is it SOC?) will be one year from now, when Mendez will have bitten into the business of running a city and hopefully the event will be held in a popular venue without an entry fee and be coordinated with someone with some inkling of protocol (domestic and international) that is not the chamber or Gonzalez.
State of the City: "Mas o Menos, Mejor, En la Frontera, By the Sea, and Beyond..."
I love your Freudian slip: SOS instead of SOC. But then SOC can work, as in "sock it to me" ala Goldie Hawn on Laugh In. Maybe the "Puppet-Master" of Trey-mendous is Tony Martinez?
New slogan: "On the border, in the national news, out of touch."
Nothing about the "future"? Maybe the shortest mayor ever can't see it. LOL
He's going to have to do more then downtown, bike trails, airport, space x......
None of those really help feed and clothe families. What about access to medical? What about bringing back UT?
Give us something other then places for the employed to hang out on the weekends. Mitte Cultural district is great-but that takes money. Money most families in Brownsville don't have.
Jobs. Industry. Work. Wages we can live on.
You people blow my mind. He just announced a new developer is coming in to redevelop the Sears space as soon as Sears vacates at the end of the year. Sears is not downtown. When I see these comments and see all of the new cars and car lots I feel like I am in the twilight zone. Do you not see the same thing. I do not care where I go there are help wanted signs in the windows Yes the next big move is for the City COmmission voting for a living wage. But with the majority being business owners and not paying a living wage that is not going to happen.
I hate Space X, but you know what go by Home Depot or McCoys and find out how much they are spending. This is keeping people employed with good wages and benefits. They are spending a lot of money. There are a lot of businesses making money on Space X and other projects at the port.
How is the city suppose to provide healthcare? Are you ready to pay for it? No, I am sure. Learn who to complain to. It is your state reps. Did you know Texas helps pay your insurance premiums of you are a low income worker who has access to health insurance? Why are your state reps not educating you on this? Get educated so you can help people and stop acting as if the City of Brownsville can provide healthcare for everyone.
Geez, just get educated and stop whining.
Bobby WC
Wow never thought I was impressed with Rosa Gowen. I never saw her hand up inside Trey Ass as he spoke. She really is a professional ventriloquist. Trey said everything Rose Gowen wanted him to mention. Bike and hike trails, mini district, downtown, space X. Everything she wants he said. She used Trey as her dummy in front of the paid audience. Sad how this little man that is our Mayor is being used by Adela, Sylvia, Rose, Ben and anyone else that waves a dollar to him.
5:15 has a point..but maybe the purpose of the meeting was to just celebrate what the city has been working on for a while now. And maybe a glimpse in to the next 6 months.
Education? Options? Medical?
I like how everybody is playing politicos all dandy like they have done a difference. Bunch of crabs in bucket that doesn't let new blood with new ideas try to make brownsville prosper. remember my people its not what you know, its who you know in brown town.
Otra vez el pantalon blue jean? Shame on you, Trey! Dress professionally so that you can act professionally. Get this city moving.
how many matamorenses were in attendance?
More useless bike lanes, bike trails and ill attended Cyclovias that only waste taxes. How about more sidewalks, proper drainage and Sunday bus service. Do something productive for a change.
BOO, so all you Brownsville folks thought things would get better under trey? Think again, nothing but smoke n mirrors, dog n pony show. Brownsville needs a strong city manager who has the future for the City planned out on what needs to be done, be pro-active not reactive. Thats how Brownsville needs to think and do, this Bernal CM guy is just not cutting it. We nned a strong city manger and not a wimp. Or are we going to wait another year to go by and NADA?
THE City of Brownsville continues to be the joke of the Valley!Starting with the hiring of the Chief of Police with no experience who spent very little time as a supervisor but only got the job as he promised to cut the police Department budget. Ask any patrol Officers how many officers are on the streets of the crime riddled streets of Brownsville and you would be shocked.
The safety of his Officers and the safety of the citizens of Brownsville is not the Police Chiefs concern. He just wants to look good for the city Manager in order to keep his job that he was not qualified for! The Department is in total Chaos, with a Chief and command staff too concerned how they look in pictures.
Good luck to the men and women in Blue hope you all are looking for other jobs where they have knowledge Leader that has got a pair!!!!
Should have been FREE every thing else here is free charge it to trump
The gringos got what they wanted A COCO
Ask the useless ball of lard Ramiro Gonzalez what Government Affaires Liaison means, he will reach for a dictionary
Ramiro Gonzalez is an empty suit...I mean potato sack.
We need another petition to kick this pendejo out and give him no more time he's had enough.
And just as sure as the sun rising in the morning, you've got another moronic post from ol' Shit-for-Brains again. Under normal circumstances, I would post this on his blog, but of course, he won't publish any comments that don't fit his ridiculous line of thinking — then he replies to the comments he doesn't post, making it seem like he's arguing with himself.
Also, according to his blog, someone has hacked his website, no doubt a part of some CIA conspiracy. I wonder if he posts those x-ray images on his site to show the listening devices the government has implanted in his head.
There he goes with his "living wage" crap that he keeps spewing. For someone who is such a legal expert, despite the fact that he is no longer allowed to practice law, he should know the city government has absolutely no authority to force any company to pay their workers a mandatory "living" wage.
Then he goes on another one of his tangents saying SpaceX is creating jobs because they're buying stuff at Home Depot. What are they building out there, a swing set? SpaceX said they would create dozens of jobs for Brownsville residents that would average around 75,000 dollars a year. They haven't delivered on that promise. They also said their monthly rocket launches would bring even more people to Brownsville and the surrounding communities where they would spend money at eateries and hotels so they could watch those launches. THERE HAVE BEEN NO LAUNCHES OF ANY ROCKETS AT THEIR FACILITY, and with the new direction the company is going, it appears as if those launches will never happen.
Ol' Shit-for-Brains is always calling people trolls and always asking people to provide facts. I will ask him the same question I have asked ever since I stumbled across his poor excuse for a blog — where are the FACTS of any of the claims you make? What proof do you have of any of the wild conspiracy theories you spin? You, sir, are the troll. Then, in classic BWC fashion, you assume I'm someone from McAllen.
Put that tin-foil hat back on and keep spinning those conspiracy theories. Hopefully you'll let your cousin, Booby Weightman-Ramirez, write an article or two on your blog.
@1241 Pinche racist Coco hillbilly parrot! Chinga tu madre jotito ! You still haven't learn new words! No one cares about your bs comments joto!
Salto la kardasian del norte maricon 11:02am
@12:54 Jotito de Biden/Sanders! Pendejo cotoro! Aprende a hablar nuevos palabras! Que te mandé tu amor Bernie Sanders a una escuela buena como el colegio Yale!
October 24, 2019 at 11:02 AM pinche chango:
I know that your mother doesn't and has never loved you because you look like a monkey sound like a monkey and act like a monkey. Its hard for a female in this planet to like somebody like you. Always saying the wrong things and protecting who you shouldn't. Elected officials DON'T LIKE MONKEYS LIKE YOU!
POBRESITA DE TU MAMASITA But she is correct how can you like a monkey???
Changos wants a banana here changos changos take this banana verda booby, verda bro!!!
Anal sex a debate in Texas!
Its a class c misdemeanor coco hillbilly parrot, in texas Coco hillbilly parrot at 11:41am so be careful here in texas they prosecute maricones like yourself
@7:02 Pinche Coco cotoro joto! Stop being a racist bitch! Coco hillbilly parrot wants a cock! Go fly to Washington and be with your dead penis lovers Biden /Sanders! Learn new words you piece of shit!
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