Monday, October 21, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: The border wall has now become a part of daily life in Brownsville. Day in and day out we go about our daily business and hardly see the multi-million dollar monstrosity looming between both counties.

In Germany, the whole world objected to the Russian-built wall that separated families, incited people desperate to escape a communist system to risk their lives to get to the other side, and interrupted commercial exchange. On the Mexico-US border, the two democracies are not at war, at ideological battle, or even economic competition because both economies are intertwined.

If you look closely, you can see the Rio Grande snaking its way to the Gulf of Mexico through the bottom sections of the bars. That's Mexico on the other bank of the river. We've lived with the river  and with our neighbors forever and we will continue to despite any man-made barrier.

Yet, there we have it. The Wall. Will the day ever come when people will protest it and move in with sledge hammers like they did in Berlin and demand that it be taken down? Stranger things have happened.)


Anonymous said...

There was no mention of those pesky 10 - 14 million illegal aliens in this country, most of which have crossed the Rio Grande River. This bunch of folks present an ongoing social, health, economic and political problem for the United States. That is why the wall is there.

Not all of us have emotional ties with Mexico, in fact the vast majority of Americans do not. Deal with it!

Anonymous said...

Que barbaro! "PESKY" what about those that wanna be white are they pesly too?
Not to mention most all whites that came from europe were released from prison and their mother land did not want them. Those were not pesky they were and their relatives are criminals and their ancestors convicts. Bless your little heart and keep going to sunday church.

Anonymous said...

The wall in Germany was offensive because it divided one country...divided families of that divided country. The wall on the Mexican border is there because so many people have crossed into the United States illegal, to avoid our immigration policies established by the U.S. Congress. Because of the number of illegals crossing and the failure of the U.S. Congress to reform the immigration policies, the wall is a measure to control illegal crossings. Many have entered illegally and, even though some have been here decades, they have not sought citizenship. Why, that is a great question. Language, lack of education, lack of incentive, or continued loyalty to their home nation. The wall is to deter or control illegal entry, and there are many bridges with access for people to come legally. That wasn't the case in Germany.

Forhp Hstvos said...

@ October 21, 2019 at 10:32 AM

I'm just curious, where are you getting your statistics about the majority of those in this country "illegally" came over through the Rio Grande?

I also wonder who would do all those manual labor jobs these poor undocumented people come over to do. Or are you worried they're going to put thoracic surgeons and nuclear physicists out of a job?

Anonymous said...

They should've built the wall east-west in Sarita. Most of the Valley (Brownsville) is populated by useless Mexicans. Government money, state & federal, feeds these ungrateful cockroaches. Even local Anglos all look like LOSERS!

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the old argument that we need wets to mop the floors, pluck the chickens, clean the houses etc. etc.. Don't forget about the two wets that were arrested for murder, in the killing of a Laguna Vista man this week. Were these two here to get find jobs and a better way of life? I think not.

Anonymous said...

What is a "barbaro"? Is that some kind of Mexican insult? Speak English Pancho, if you have something to say that is worth listening to.
