Saturday, October 19, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: The Brownsville Police Department website states tat "all suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. That, of course, is correct. But the dude up above reminds us of the guys who would show up on 14th Street draped in gold chains, ostrich boots, driving souped up luxury pick up trucks. The sight literally screamed out "Notice me. I sell drugs!,"

If you will notice the dude above, his shirt literally has the word "DOPE" written in olde English font that jumps out at the viewer. Did he get the job because he dressed up appropriately for the job interview?)


Anonymous said...

Y tu? Tus lisas y calcos son the hombre pobre! Ya no sigas presumiendo, vato pata rajada!

Anonymous said...

La violencia en Brownsville no es una enfermedad, sino un fenómeno social del que todos somos responsables. Es derrota de la sociedad. Todos que estamos con los brazos cruzados somos reponsable.

Anonymous said...

When you put "signs" on your body, people will read them. If you don't like their reaction to your "sign" don't put it there.

Anonymous said...

The news media is an important American institution that is integral to shaping public perception. Purposefully or not, it has unfortunately often spread both fear and racial prejudice, which policymakers have exploited to push through agendas that harm black and Latino communities. Under the Trump administration, it is especially important that the news media look beyond its internal biases and refrain from giving unnecessary publicity to false claims. Only when policymakers and the public have an accurate and data-driven understanding of crime can the United States work toward fair criminal justice policies that are smart on crime.

Anonymous said...

Haha me la curo, como puede estar tan idiota el vato. Tipo de gente que miras en el marroko. dis que "narquillo". bola de pendejos, y las rukas le van a esto tipo de vatos en el valle. lol

Anonymous said...

He's hot though.

BoobyWR said...

Juan, great tattoo reporting! People, I have a stack of Mickey D pancakes tattooed on my butt and a Luby's meat loaf across my wide back. Oh, and there's a tat of rack of Chili's Babyback ribs on my tummy. I don't have DOPE written on my shirts; I have FOOD! LOL

- Booby Weightman-Ramirez

Anonymous said...

Quality Individual!

Anonymous said...

@ October 19, 2019 at 1:29 PM. Not sure what news you are watching. I thought the White Devil was the evil we should fear.

Anonymous said...

I think I've seen him in church every sunday church's chicken

Anonymous said...

This guy sure sticks out like a sore thumb,and was caught doing criminal activity. What about SOME of our elected politicians, judges, city/county employees who drive while DWI, do drugs or steal ? They may not be tatted, but dress the clean cut part and are judged by the way they dress. Some have been outed, but nothing happened to them. They are wolves in sheeps clothing.

Anonymous said...

Don't concern yourself with this type of people you can spot em a mile away, concern yourself with the one wearing a coat and tie. Those are the real criminals...

Anonymous said...

hillbilly coco parrot looks worst, bow legged chanclas with toe nail fungus and bone spurs, baldheaded and no teeth and the smell can knock an uraca out of the sky..

Oh but he thinks he's white pinche pendejo
verdad booby?
verdad bro?
verdad GENTE!

Anonymous said...

Someone only a mother could love. But, there are a lot of these guys slithering around in the Valley and most always seem to have female companions and a posse with them. Perhaps the shirt and the tats are the only way this guy can get noticed, and that's what he wants. Probably dropped out of school and drugs is easy money.
