Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño is holding a debt retirement fundraiser at Rancho Viejo this Friday and if the entry fee is any indication of the money monkey on his back, it must be a hefty simian indeed.
Llamas prepares social histories for family courts and as time went on, auditors told Treviño that her punching out and in on the clock to tend to the courts was creating a problem since it was a full time position and deducting the time she went to attend to court business was creating bookkeeping problems.
"She decided she didn't want to create problems for he judge and said she was making more putting together the social histories in divorce and adoption cases than she was an administrative assistant to Eddie," said a court insider.
Llamas is listed on the FY 2020 budget as an administrator coordinator at an annual salary of $43,493, the same as she received in FY 2019.
It was her who recommended Aristóteles Cerda Muñoz, a PRI militant with the Matamoros Mayor Jesús de la Garza administration in charge of the city's libraries, to coordinate the debt retirement fundraiser at Rancho Viejo. He lists the PRI and the Presidencia Municipal (Mayors' Office) as his employment on his Facebook page.
Is he the new link between the Matamoros political power structure and Cameron County?
Cerda is obviously used to dealing with high rollers because the contribution levels start at $1,000 and top off at $5,000 for the fundraiser dinner.
Under Texas law, office holders have a year to hold a fundraiser to retire campaign debt. If the amount raised surpasses the debt documented, the amount over the debt is deducted from the permissible contributions on the next election if the office holder decides to run for reelection.
However, Cerda is now in hot water with the PRI and is accused of "double dealing" with MORENA, a rival political party which is allied to Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.
Does Cerda's role in the Treviño fundraiser run afoul of Rule No. 7 of the Federal Election Campaign Act?
No Contributions from Foreign Nationals:
Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) prohibits certain foreign nationals from contributing, donating, or spending funds in connection with any federal, state, or local election in the U.S., either directly or indirectly. It is also unlawful to help foreign nationals violate that ban or to solicit, receive, or accept contributions or donations from them.
Will there be foreign nationals who live in Rancho Viejo at the fundraising affair who will - by purchasing a seat at the table - be contributing, donating, or spending funds in connection with the county judge's election?
And then, of course, there are the usual lingering question: What does a fundraiser contributor expects in return for the hefty donation?
Xochitl is a sneak
The contributor expects a "quebrada" if they get a ticket or a favorable ruling. You guys know how it is with brownsville compadreismo. I really wonder what type of person donates 1000 to 5000 in the valley.. Estamos apenas de cheque a cheque. Quien tiene ese lujo, Trey?
maybe I can have a fundraiser to pay my taxes.
Mixing Mata politicos and Browntown politicos is not a good idea gueys. The stench of corruption fills the air in Mata and now if drifts accross the Rio.
Debt retirement fundraiser what?? Sounds like a scratch my back and I'll scratch yours party.
looks like another trump supporter this cameron county judge, how do we sell some more snake oil, ?
Its more of a scratch my balls and I wont scratch yours.
Oyes Pinche Eddie estas pendejo o que????? Who the fuck has 1000 -5000 to donate? Especially to donate to your stupid ass? I'm going to donate to you Eddie!! I'm going to donate you a BIG F U!!!!
Xochitl didn't resign, she was fired for being such a huge liability. Might want to check a bit deeper.
While contributors will surely get easy access to the County Judge, it is interesting that he is holding this affair before he and the Commissioners hit the county with new taxes and perhaps significant pay raises for elected officials, including himself. He needs to retire his campaign debt before he pisses everyone off with the pay raises.
WTF does lil Eddie need to a fundraiser and honored for? isn't the little POS happy with the screwing that he has done to the taxpayers of Cameron County? With a 4% increase in property, having the modern day land barons Linebager googan blair conduct research to find out who deserve homestead exemptions and then "FUCK" them for five years coming out to thousands or "YOU" lose your property! Then your property is sold at auction and the land barons and lil eddie & appraisal pocket the proceeds! CATCH, they don't let the taxpayer that they sold it for more than what was owed (and there' a law that their supposed too) and hope that no one is the wiser! Because their suppose to cut a check to that taxpayer for selling the seized property for more than what the taxes were owed!
So, to honor this POS! Nombre!
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