Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Mexico News Daily
Image result for elderly poor indians in mexico
Image result for AMLO, elderly poor indians in mexico
President López Obrador on Monday defended his government’s policy of paying retirement pensions to indigenous people at a younger age than the rest of the population.

He described claims that he is racist because of the policy as “shameful.”

Speaking at his morning press conference, López Obrador addressed the use of the hashtag #LopezRacista on social media in response to his government’s preferential policy.

“It’s shameful that special treatment isn’t accepted for the poorest people, for indigenous people, and they think that it’s racism, it’s truly surprising,” he said.

“In the case of indigenous people, the senior citizens’ pension is granted at the age of 65 and to non-indigenous people at 68 because, due to their situation of poverty and marginalization, indigenous people age quickly . . . they suffer a lot,” the president said.

“I would like those who question this decision to visit indigenous communities and compare [the difference in the aging process] themselves. It’s a painful matter that a 65-year-old senior citizen who lives in the city is better off than a 65-year-old indigenous person. How could we not give them special attention?” López Obrador added.

“If that bothers them, if giving preferential treatment to indigenous people is being racist, then put me on the list.”

The president said the right of all senior citizens to receive a pension – and the age at which they will receive it – will be enshrined in the constitution during his six-year term in office.

“. . . It’s a universal right . . . the pension is for the rich and the poor because in the end it’s a reward for those who worked for a long time and at the end of their life they deserve . . . recognition because they contributed to the development of the nation,” López Obrador said.

The president said his government still has the support of the majority of the voters and is only opposed by a small, but vocal, minority.

“They’re getting more and more worked-up and descending into the ridiculous. It’s like they’re deranged,” López Obrador said.


Anonymous said...

Indigeous racist Coco hillbilly jotito parrot is lucky that he get his pension earlier than non-indigeous!!! Luckily he can go to Mexico and pick up his pension and then fly back to America to pick up a ssa check. He should be working for the Cameron county as he like to double dip the system lol

Anonymous said...

Callate el osico, desgraciado, que si te ven los perros te van a cojer estilo "gangbang"!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pinche Coco Hillbilly jotito parrot also is receiving monthly disability check!!! Because of HIPPA Laws, I can't mention his disability being he is penis-less LOL

Anonymous said...

Ok who the fuck is this coco hillbilly you cunts keep bringing up?

Anonymous said...

Is the coco hillbilly Tad Hasse? Sounds like him.

Anonymous said...

12:21 Read passed comments pendejo if you want to know!!!

el piporro said...

Juan im glad to see that the people from mexico found out this lopezobrador is another cool aid kid like we here in the USA found out about trumpolin, these two are no bueno para nada.

Anonymous said...

November 19, 2019 at 4:11 PM
I think you hit it right on the head it does sound like him.

Anonymous said...

No! Not him! Hasses is a gringo and the parrot is racist!
