Wednesday, November 20, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: Here is a letter received by all city retired employees except for those who retired from the Brownsville Police Dept.

As you can see the city has gone out their way to gouge the city employees and retirees since last year.The rates have gone up somewhere between 200% to 300%

These changes in medical premiums will affect 80 to 100 retirees and their families and most city employees wanting to retire.The taxpayers need to know that the system is broken.

The mismanagement of the city health insurance is outrageous.The taxpayers needs to know that a certain department is not paying their fair share and 1,400 city employees and retirees have to subsidize them to their benefit and the hell with the others.

The commissioners and mayor were made aware of this through their committee. A lot of people are shocked by this and majority of the city employees have lost faith at city hall!


Anonymous said...

Their some really greedy people out their.

Anonymous said...

DEMONRATS to blame.

Anonymous said...

Gouge? Wrong word. Medical costs have skyrocketed, Montoya!!!

Anonymous said...

Texas Municipal league is a scam its run by a bunch of attorneys ask city of Brownsville how much their charging to administer the city health insurance bet that's why the city is in the RED!!.Time for a change. Happy thanks giving to ALL

Anonymous said...

Check to see if that "I've been here 50 years" is his retirement part of this? I bet its not and making three times as everybody else!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wrong, tamale breath! In Brownsville, taxpayers need to know that they must pay their taxes!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice going, mayor. First shot at helping and you nail the city employees.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1500 employees and their families will certainly remember this early Christmas gift come election time.

Anonymous said...

Trump is a world- historical dummy. One of the biggest ignoramuses in public life, ever. We've learned the depths some voters will got to just for a little hatred of immigrants and culture- shaming of black people.

Anonymous said...

(Their some really greedy people out their.)

LOL! And some really illiterate ones, as well.

Anonymous said...

Check out the premium for BISD retires and include their medicare monthly payment. We were state employees but we don't get the benefits of the other state employees. And we taught them all, so I guess they didn't learn in our class????????

Anonymous said...

Safety and risk director Fernando Arrellano is a disgrace. City employees have complained to him about safety and risk issues and he covers for his buddies. This increase is a scam.

Anonymous said...

Why is the City targeting only the retired Firefighters and not Police retirees? It is a double-standard and needs to be fixed ASAP. O todos Hijos de Dios o todos Hijos Del Diablo.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is joke of the RGV. First prize for stupidity.

Anonymous said...


Do not FORGET they want a pay raise, spend money on useless WEEKENDS activity. Trips to Las Vegas, 500,00.00. FOR someone in Dallas to write city codes for Brownsville Tx. When they could of ordered one from the state of Texas for free. A city mánager who has done nothing to show any progress. Dirty Trey pizza, has 2 burned houses to the ground. Fire department over paid. The houses were behind the fire station downtown. GIVING away the golf course, big mistake. Car allowence and phone allowence should be discontinued. AND ALL THE ASSISTENCE TO THE DEPT. HEADS. City Manager, YOUR FIRED!

Anonymous said...

Insurance costs are fucking high and I doubt these retirees are healthy at their retirement ages with the food we have to eat down here. Shits got to get paid somehow. You're just begging for higher taxes down the road letting them keep old rates. If you're really worried about healthcare write about the shitty stats Texas has for uninsured people and health care issues in general.

Anonymous said...

What’s bullshit and ruining the city is that this plan just doesn’t cover the retiree but a spouse too and the entire family? Totally unheard of!!!! Absurd and a waste to taxpayer dollars!!!!! Only the retiree should have healthcare!!!!! Wow just wow!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is barbaric! How can it be possible for the City Employees that commit 25 to 35 years of service to the City and they get SCREWED SO BAD!

Anonymous said...

The early version of the next generation SpaceX rocket appeared to fail during a pressurization test, sending billowing clouds of gas and its hood miles into the air at the company's Boca Chica, Texas test site on Wednesday. A webcam streaming from nearby South Padre Island caught the "anomaly" that occurred at 3:27 p.m. Central Time.

Anonymous said...

Bernal and the mayor have screwed city employees. Since it won't effect them who cares!!! May they burn in hell!

Anonymous said...

"Bernal and the mayor have screwed city employees"

Pura verdad.

Anonymous said...

What a shithole city you live in

Anonymous said...

They can all get Obamacare since it's so good.

Anonymous said...

No matter how the city explains this mismanagement of the self funded health insurance program they are fault on how they approve certain contracts to the detriment of many others.This easy to see that discriminatory practices are at play hear.

Anonymous said...

No matter how the city explains this mismanagement of the self funded health insurance program they are fault on how they approve certain contracts to the detriment of many others.This easy to see that discriminatory practices are at play hear.

Former RGV LEO said...

No surprise that the City of Brownsville is out to save a few dollars to avoid taking care of their dedicated employees! Harlingen screwed their retires back in the beginning of 2000 and continue to screw current employees with their lame retirement package! Instead of maintaining of two to one payouts over time. The City of Harlingen goes to a 401 retirement system betting on the stock market!
Either way, if you want any career and ensure your future?

Panfilo said...

juan i am puzzled, dont these ity employees once they reach age of 65 dont they get medicare at that age? City cant take care of you till you die? or should they? ask asking?
