Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Again, the State of the City of Brownsville report was held at an ungodly hour before a Chamber of Commerce crowd interspersed with city administrators and – for a short time – Mayor Trey Mendez.
Bernal, who has been here for the better part of a year (he started Dec. 3, 2018), stressed the modernization of the city's codes and ordinances and said their implementation by department heads with credentials would catapult Brownsville to new growth.
The presentation was scheduled as a “City Manager’s Update” from 8 to 9:30 a.m. today at the Brownsville Events Center.
Bernal said that as city manager he strives to provides leadership and management to over 1,400 employees and a $153 million operating budget.
On the issue of culture Bernal said he was implementing an organizational culture using the total alignment framework with an emphasis on leadership development and high performance results; a new organizational structure to accomplish strategic objectives and operational efficiencies including new Communications and Marketing, Internal Services, Public Works and Engineering and Planning and Redevelopment Services; the utilized professional facilitation for City Commission Strategic Visioning Process for development of 5-year Strategic Plan, among others.
He stressed the streamlining of planning and building codes to make the city more business friendly.
Conspicuous for their absence were the rest of the city commission members, although Mendez stayed to hear a portion of his presentation.
The mayor had already made a State of the City presentation before an audience who paid $45 each at the Events Center. That move was criticized in some circles for it's non-inclusive character. That, too, was attended mainly by Chamber of Commerce members who also hosted the event.
A senior citizen questioned Bernal on why the city did not have senior citizen community centers where they could go socialize and engage in other activities. Bernal said that his administration was bent on being inclusive and would address that issue.
In a prior prepared statement, Bernal stated that as far as innovation, he said the implemented fiscal land use analysis will be used to establish baseline for growth and development objectives; Developed Facilities Improvement Plan of $13 million for comprehensive reinvestment throughout city facilities; Researching Wellness Program options for cost-containment of self-funded medical plan in partnership with UT-School of Public Health, Texas Municipal League and SA benefits, among others.
His statement also talked about financial initiatives such as the retooled long-term financial planning for Capital Improvement Plan, including a debt restructure creating capacity of $30 million, established pay-go funding for capital outlay; developing a 5-year operating budget forecasting for proactive management of property tax cap impact, among others.
Bernal will also addressed initiatives for the upcoming year 2020 such as the Gladys Porter Zoo Master Plan; P3 Strategies for Retail Development Digital; Inclusion and Broadband Development and the Economic Development Strategy in conjunction with the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation and the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation.
Friday, November 15, 2019
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Speaking to the business crowd is the right thing to do! What - you want these city government speeches to be given at noon at some Southmost taqueria. Business is what will raise Brownsville out of its cesspool, not the city's poor, Montoya!
Agree with @ 11:29
Although, Brownsville's poor outnumber the better-off by far. The city must work with the business community. Must.
These folks should spend less time bragging on themselves and more time doing their jobs.
Bernal knows that the new texas tax laws do not allow any city to increase taxes without a vote by the citizens or annexation for that matter so we have to get innovative with what you got to raise funds from now on, which in layman's terms means he is going to have to work to produce or just like any other city employee he can get his pink slip too. we shall see. i am not sold on his dog n pony show nor his smoke and mirror tactics. I say its a mistake when he was hired and i still say the same.
You keep fighting for the down & out in town, but the well-off residents, like the mayor and all those businessmen, could give a shit about them. Isn't that clear to you, Montoya?
More bike trails that's the goal here. 1000 taquerias and only one burger stand so who's making the money guay...
Este baboso es #1 leder of putting his foot in his mouth. The only thing this mediawhore loves more than the spotlight is making himself and people outside Brownsville rich off the taxpayers. He won't last long, meanwhile he's marketing himself as a leadership guru, por favor.
"professional development" my ass. Does the City Commission realize this idiot is paying Joe Gonzalez six figures for life-coaching the directors he's either firing or demoting so they can talk about their feelings? Is the Commission too chicken shit to cut his contract short?
Hopefully, the 2020 Porter Gladys Zoo master plan includes a new pink cage for KK Racist Coco hillbilly jotito parrot! Also a new diet so he won't be shitting green/white anymore Lol
Does not talk about safety, road traffic, sidewalks, dedicated bike line, for the one person who rides a a bike Linda salsa. improved drinking water, lower property taxes, better bus transportation.
Meeting at an ungodly hour because it's not a public forum they are control freak. You will not accomplish anything. Modernation of city code and ordinance implementation by department heads with credentials. These department heads cannot write city codes. Credentials of shit. Dumb fuck you spent half a million dollars for someone to write city codes for you when you could have gotten a free copy from the state of Texas. You've been here one year and you have accomplished nothing. "City manager update" and no City commission members. Wow so much for your leadership including dirty Pizza Trey could not stay for an hour and a 1/2. You sorry bastard, could not answer a wholesome question from a senior citizen. You are all talk on communication and marketing planning and redevelopment services. And you and your management skills of property tax cap. Fuck you lower the taxes assshole.
@November 15, 2019 at 9:27 PM
No sete quita lo pendejo guay querquito mocoso. Say something constructive stupid relating to the story moron.
November 15, 2019 at 9:27 PM - el gran salvador de la estupidez-niñito periquito.
So you making plans to visit your lover little hands at his new home "levenworth" land of the hillbillies? Hahahahahahah "levenworth" hahahahahahahahaha........
It's "Leavenworth" pendejo perico! Go to your lovers Biden and Sanders in order to send you to a good school like YALE!
So now you are a teacher also savior, joto, maricon, @November 16, 2019 at 12:07 PM,
Learn how to spell piece of green /white shit!!!
This guy is full of bullshit period. Talking to the small businessman or women doesn't exist. This BOZO should had made his speech in Matamoros for the Brownsville cartel. Which are, TSC, COB, BND, UTRGV, PUB, BISD, STISD, DEMOCRATIC PARTY LEADERSHIP IF CAMERON COUNTY.
Hey juan, that former Edinburg city manager Juan Guerra, who was one of the three finalist last year when Bozo bernal was hired, is available for a city manager job now, in case the Brownsville city commissioners are ready to make a change if they are not HAPPY with Bozo Bernal?
Made a mistake the BND,UTRGV and PUB are all whites pendejo
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