In yesteryear, Gilberto A. Cerda, the publisher of the El Puerto newspaper would moralize about women attending dances into the night and recounted when one of these wayward damsel found out that her dancing partner had cloven hoofs.
One week ago last Saturday, a retired woman teacher was sitting at the bar of a local cantina on Washington Street chatting away with the bartender and friends when something stunning happened,.
A man, muttering something about the "devil," got up from his seat
at the far end of the bar and pulling out a hammer from inside his shirt, swung it and struck the unsuspecting woman in the back of her head. She fell to the floor and patrons grabbed him and held him until the police arrived.
Stunned patrons who had helped the woman said her assailant blabbered that the woman was "the devil" and that he had struck her to get rid of the demon.
The man was charged with aggravated assault and hauled off to jail. The woman - known to friends as Lety - is hospitalized and fighting for her life. Depending on whether she makes it or not, the suspect could find his charges upgraded to more serious offense including attempted murder or worse.
The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) closed the bar for a week to investigate if he was served alcohol there after he was intoxicated.
That same night, a co-owner of a local rock and roll and country-and-western bar found himself mediating in an argument between two other co-workers and tried to intervene. According to friends, the man, in is middle 30s, slipped while mediating his friends, fell, and struck the back of his head on a street curb.

Friends held a chicken-plate fundraiser a week after the event to help his family defray medical expenses.
It all happened on the same Saturday night. In the wink of an eye, two people lie fighting for their lives while two others face serious criminal charges in the cases.
Was Cerda right? Was the devil loose that night?
Or was it just in the cards?
nambe, shit just happens. When you go to places where there is a lot negative vibration bad shit is bound to happen. when Places like that you gonna have to be on your P's and Qs. Basically, estar trucha in those types of places. Bunch of people drinking, and in a small isolated area. something is bound to happen. Hope all goes well for the people fighting for their lives.
Not the Devil, just Mexicans on the loose. You exaggerate shit, Montoya!!!
nambe son guayes del norte no exaggeration here moron at 11:29am
stop smoking sea weed. vato chafo
Andas mamado, Montoya.
Nothing more than just drunken Mexicans doing what drunken Mexicans do.
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