Some movers and shakers of the past strove to fashion Brownsville into the next New Orleans.
That didn't work. Brownsville was a border city with unique features not present in the Crescent City.
Apparently, celebrating the qualities Brownsville possess are not enough so organizers "mimic" everything else.
Now it's a new group that has alighted on free public funds and facilities to push for an agenda that is run or the benefit of their socioeconomic group and drinking buddies. It started with the elitist Mr. Amigo Association composed of a self-appointed board, with fiscal accountability to no one, and staging fundraising events using city facilities to fund a week-long peda in Mexico City for their chosen pals.
Since then, new players have gelled to push for inane "new traditions" like the nonsensical "Gringo de Mayo" celebrated by delusional self-described elites to drink up a storm and celebrate the life of one of their drinking buddies.
With the completion of the city's Market Square at a cost of millions to city taxpayers, they have found a free venue to "fundraise" for their special needs. The utilities are also provided free as are the facilities. Pura papita!
The latest and best is this weekend's "Una Noche en Garibaldi," another effort to fantasize that Brownsville is the next best thing to Mexico City.
The purveyors of this dubious effort are the usual suspects, Rene Cardenas, Arturo Trevino, Eliseo Davila, et al. Davila, administrative assistant to Cameron County Pct. 2 commissioner Joey Lopez, apparently has plenty of free time left on his hands to hustle for the bunch.
Cardenas is a member of the Cardenas Klan and Trevino thinks he has hit the perfect schemes to string along city commissioners and administrators need to get behind his "new traditions" schemes or hazard losing these events to McAllen. He said that, not us.
Now these "new traditions" have a new wrinkle.
Now the Mr. Amigo Association in partnership with these fine fellows are asking the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation and Brownsville Convention Visitors Bureau to shoulder the bill to celebrate Mexico City Culture at Market Square,this Saturday at 7 p.m.
You remember the BCIC cash cow. It was used by a former board to throw money away at the Brownsville Sports Park under the mistaken notion that Brownsville would be the sports center of South Texas. Alas, the city had to take over the park maintenance and operation after the BCIC hocked its future budget and proved unable to shoulder the load.
Next in line for a handout was city commissioner Rose Gowen's pet project of hike and bike trails for the hordes of "active" tourists that have yet to appear.
The group gets free everything, including free use of the $400,000-plus electronic billboard by the BCVB. Since the BCVB has no staff and now occupies a train scale building on Ringgold and 6th streets, they got money to burn on rackets like Garibaldi.
Have you ever gone to the real Plaza Garibaldi? There are hundreds of mariachis, blocks of Mexican antojitos and the iconic El Tenampa cantina spread over acres. Like the New Orleans and Austin ideas, this is but a poor facsimile of that venue. Nothing like half a block on Market Square. And it doesn't visitors anything to enter the plaza.
And it's not cheap,either. Like Gringo de Mayo, Beerfest, etc., the Trevino-Cardenas "fundraiser", Una Noche en Garibaldi Earlybird tickets were 1 for $25 or 2 for $40 until Oct. 31st. Ticket prices increase to 1 for $30 or 2 for $50 from Nov. 1-15. On Saturday, the day of event, tickets will be $35.
Who will share in this "fundraiser?" Like the Beerfest and Gringo de Mayo, only Cardenas, Trevino, a few St. Joe's cronies, and their accomplices on the Mr. Amigo Association will really know.
Here's the pitch:
"Plaza Garibaldi is considered the “mecca” of the Mariachis and House of the National Tequila Museum. For one night, we plan to mimic those elements in Brownsville’s “plaza” at Market Square by featuring an array of mariachis, tequila, margaritas and antojitos from the most popular restaurants in Brownsville and Matamoros.
And the hype: "The “Noche en Garibaldi” will certainly become a staple in the community and a favorite amongst festivalgoers for years to come."
Attendance is restricted to participants 21 years and over only.
Trey Mendez wants Brownville to look like McAllen before his term ends! Wow
It's embarrassing that Trump, an American President, has Turkish dictator Erdogan's heel marks on his face from being stepped on. When do we start winning?
We are the dirtiest city in the valley full of pot holes that damage cars.
We are the city that has no bus stop shelters for the public.
We are the city that has a bunch of "high fluluting" bars down town.
We are the city that has so much corruption at all levels of govt.
We are the city with the worst school board.
We are the city of compadrismo and conflict of interest.
We are the city with no place to go.
We are the city who is led by a bunch of wanna-be's.
I could go on and on and maybe I should, for it would explain why we will
never be like Harlingen or McAllen - starting with blue jean mayors that seem to be in uniform down here.
Restaurants from matamoros?
U mean illegal workers...
And here we are, at the start of the impeachment inquiry.
This is Day 42. Trump met with the president of Finland on October 2, and since then he has spoken only with the president of Turkey. It has been 17 days since Trump killed the leader of ISIS, and nobody has called to congratulate him. It has been 10 days since Trump issued a public invitation to the president of Ukraine, who has yet to acknowledge being invited.
This is more than just a partisan witch hunt. It's about whether America has any prestige left around the world after Trump was caught secretly holding up military aid for another nation that had been approved by the US Congress, and whether any other nation can rely on American security guarantees.
42 days.
@9:26 We started winning after Obama left the presidency pendejo!!!
Let's face it, the broke ass, poor, ignorant Mexicans no longer define Brownsville. A new generation is looking a new direction to define Brownsville. The arm pit of the United States no longer hold much appeal to these folks. They are on the right track.
I love how the early comments have ZERO to do with the issue at hand… Nonsensical comments detract from the real issues that are being faced… What do we do when certain individuals are raping the system and constantly getting away with it?
JUST GO WITH THE FLOW, Montoya. You're an old man now, bro!
Proof that Brownsville is adrift. It doesn't know what it is or what it wants to be! It takes in loads of American welfare but goes with its Mejicanismo at the first drop of a tequila shot. LOL
In a sharply divided country, here's something many Americans agree on: It's hard to know what's a true and honest fact.
Not here the fact is that hillbilly wanna be coco joto perico is factual and true. The so call self appointed savior of insults is nothing but fake news and a tarnished shinning star.
I heard he will be in attandence at the garibali festivities with a fake ID (he's not 21) and wearing a pink leotard, pinche guerquito ronioso mocoso. A local city staffer overheard joto perico saying that he will pay for the wall if the city builts another bridge pendeja.
WHAT a joke.
@12:38 No te hagas el pendejo ! Tu eres el racista Coco hillbilly jotito parrot! You are a Parrot that always has a sore ass because your favorite politician don't win the election. Go cry with your lovers Biden and Sanders pinche joto! Your racist comments are not wanted here!
Who actually goes to these horribly produced events? I guess it is extra profitable Since my tax money pays for them.
Hillbilly wanna be coco perico jotingo is trying to bribe somebody for an eggs been a dick, he may be an asshole, but boy is he good at it, he got it with a bride (I wonder what the bribe was).
Stop campaigning for your favourite president not to be sent to jail. Its a crime to bride somebody! imbecile
Once in a while I come back the blogs to confirm is Brownsville is still shitty. It never disappoints.
When is the city going to stop sponsoring event where you can get stone drunk and not be responsible? One of these days somebody is going to have a serious accident and sue the shit out of the city. This is insane STOP SPONSORING GET STONE DRUNK EVENTS NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!!!
Another get stone drunk event sponsored by the city when is this going to stop?
The blogs are shitty; Brownsville just keeps being Brownsville!
These tacuache turd in a piss jar will someday get the city into a big litigation situation, holding these get stone drunk festivities. TIME TO STOP before its too late.
Brownsville PD shudd do a dwi checkpoint on this day
This will raise some real money for the city!
Dávila can tell you. A night of fun drinking and driving, tell them about Jr. Your sisters, are REALLY sweet. No hard feelings.
Do it by central and express lots of drunks there and mostly elected officials this will get you a feather on your cap...
Central Blvd and 802 should be easy pickin'
Check points around market square tonight and also at central and 802 LOOK OUT!!
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