Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

How time passes and things change.

It seems like yesterday that the Texas Southmost College voters placed Art Rendon without a challenger on the board of the community college.

He accomplished this when incumbent Rene Torres, at the last moment, withdrew from the race and left the way clear for Rendon to run without an opponent.

But in reality, it was in 2014 and now, on the eve of the end of the six-year term, he has made noises about running for reelection for another six-year term next May. Another trustee - chair Adela Garza - is also up for reelection. So far, indications are that she will seek another six-year term.

There are some indications that Alejandra Aldrete, owner of Classic Auto Rentals, is being coaxed to run against her. 

Four years after Rendon and Garza had gained a seat on the TSC board - in 2018 - voters elected J.J. de Leon to replace Dr. Reynaldo Garcia to the board. He till has four years left on his term.

Now, as the jockeying begins to find candidates to run against Rendon and Garza, loose tongues are saying that De Leon is actively promoting recruiting a candidate to run against his supposed friend and fellow board member Rendon.

In other words, if Rendon thinks he will not have an opponent and get another cakewalk to the seat, he may be in for a nasty surprise.

Why would De Leon seek an opponent for Rendon? De Leon's employment with the Brownsville Independent School District over the years, and through his current role as the Coordinator for State Compensatory Education, mirrors Rendon's employment there.

Rendon has been employed by the Brownsville Independent School District for over 25 years and has been a high school teacher, assistant principal, and principal. He also served as the former director for special education, as the transportation director for BISD, and then to the Siberia of the district - to join he "hairnet set" - at the Food and Nutrition Service.

Is it a BISD internecine dispute or vendetta that is driving De Leon's search for a Rendon opponent? 

"There will be time, there will be time; to prepare a face to meet the faces that we meet..."


Anonymous said...

Shifty Adela Garza needs to go after the Port of Brownsville debacle that embarrassed TSC!

Anonymous said...

I really want this Trump impeachment to go to the election, but if the evidence mounts and more bizarrities will occur (probably a given) he is gonna bail on medical reasons. But then again he is trapped because as soon as he becomes a private citizen New York is going to pursue him to the ends of the earth in the courts.

Anonymous said...

JJ will have opponent

He is nothing more then a puppet

Independent minded leaders are needed

Puppets will sink tsc

Anonymous said...

Trump is what they call in taquerias "a bad carnita." But the Italians say it better, "Fock him!"

Anonymous said...

Moments after the decorated veteran testified to Congress on Tuesday, Donald Trump accused Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman of becoming a war hero “just to make me look bad.”

In a vicious broadside on Twitter, Trump claimed that Vindman carried out an “evil plan, years in the making” to “load himself up with medals” that would give his future testimony against Trump greater credibility. “Fifteen years ago, he went to fight in Iraq, thinking to himself, ‘Boy, this is going to help me when I try to attack Trump someday,’ ” Trump tweeted. “This is how the Never Trumpers roll.”

When Vindman earned a Purple Heart, Trump wrote, “His scheme to attack me personally really started coming together.”

Trump contrasted Vindman, whom he called a “disgraceful showboat,” unfavorably with Representative Devin Nunes, whom he labelled “a great American.”

Anonymous said...

JJ is a puppet of Sylvia Atkinson.

Anonymous said...

All politician are or become scumbags once they get elected. Does someone wish to nominate one person who has outdone him or herself in doing what he/she promised would do during the campaigning period? What a farce! And don't get me started on Trump the trumper lier who lies everytime he opens his mouth. Today he lied in say that Melenia had asked him, "Darling, is it true you had a heart attack?" Only he and his doctor know for real, but for sure, Melenia has yet to ever call him Darling! (But this article is not about the Donald!)

Anonymous said...

JJ and SPA paresen cuates igual de pansones mentirosos! He is a puppet and thinks his you know what does not stink. Se cree la mama de tarzan y ni chita se le arima!

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2020!

Anonymous said...

JJ is upset he was not selected for a top BISD Admin position. SPA really wants JJ in a top position. JJ is in every Administration meeting waiting for a photo opportunity with SPA or the Super and Staff. SPA endorsing JJ for every top job is a joke. SPA you can choose better please!!!

Joe rod said...

Rendon, ponte trucha, too many double crossers, and cross dressers in brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Rendon, stay away from JJ.
