This Tuesday, a district judge waited for more than an hour at her office after a couple "with issues" who had their case heard in that court said they wanted to be married there and were directed to get their marriage license at the Cameron County Clerk's Office on Levee Street.
Under Texas law, if the couple presents a petition to a district court to waive the 72-hour waiting period, they can just pay the $82 license fee at the county clerk's office and they can marry legally.
While at the party, all the Brownsville Justices of the Peace were present and partook of the Thanksgiving meal and beverages at the 103rd District Court.
Upon returning to the court, the judge asked the court secretary to contact the groom to see what the delay was in them returning to the court for the marriage ceremony. Since the couple had "issues," including financial ones, the fee was going to be lowered to $150, instead of the $250 going rate at the JPs.
"The groom said that they had already been married by JP Linda Salazar on the second floor of the Levee Building," the clerk told the judge. "They said that a clerk at the county building told them they didn't have to go back to the building at Harrison and that they could do it with (JP 2-1) Linda Salazar."
However, since Salazar was at the Thanksgiving party, the couple had to wait until Salazar finished her dinner and returned. Meanwhile, they had to wait in the second-floor hallway until she had her fill and returned to her office.
"So there they are waiting for Linda and the district judge is also waiting, all because a county clerk staffer directed the couple to Salazar's office ," said the court clerk. "Even though the couple had requested the judge to marry them, they were redirected to Salazar. What's going on over there? Is there a system in place at the county clerk's office and the rest of the county to steer the couples to her and she pockets the $250 to marry them? Something's going on."
Court observers have always suspected that Salazar has forsaken her duties as justice of the peace and focused instead on milking the lucrative marriage ceremony racket for all it's worth. They point to the annual average of more than 600 ceremonies Salazar racks up as evidence that she has developed a network across offices of county staff who "steer" couple to her office so she can charge them the fee.
This includes marriages involving inmates, where her relatives on the sheriff's administration have granted her an almost exclusive monopoly there. And sometimes, when couple show up t other JP courts, they find that a business card from Salazar's court has been placed inside the manila envelope containing the license. And surveillance cameras have caught her openly soliciting couples to perform the marriage in the county clerk's court.
Records show that she easily out paces all the other JPS in performing wedding ceremonies. At an average of $200 per ceremony (it's usually $250 or more if they are performed outside the court or at a couple's home or on South Padre Island or a reception hall), that leaves more than $120,000 for her pocket because Texas law permits the JPs to keep the fee, not the county.

The marriage racket she actively solicits is so lucrative that when combined with her salary she takes in more than any other county elected official, including the sheriff, auditor, tax assessor-collector, the district judges, and the county court-at-law judges.
Her annual take is more than twice the salary of the county judge, and almost three times what each county commissioner makes and she gets to use the county's staff and facilities free of charge.
The situation has gotten so bad that some are calling for a district court inquest or - at the very least - an investigation and audit to determine whether county taxpayers are funding a private money-making enterprise at that court at the expense of other court duties.
She is facing two challengers to her position in the person of Cyndi Hinojosa and Fred Arias in the March 2020 Democratic Party primary. They have both vowed to reform the system of performing marriage ceremonies in the county without short-changing the other duties of the court.
"This is not a first-time event," the clerk said of the steering of wedding ceremonies to her court. "This has been happening for a long time. Something's wrong there."
Entre mas tienes mas gastas
La obsecion con el dinero no es buena
DEJALA is correct:
She's doing everybody a favor the less money people have the more poverty is reported and more fed funding is funneled to this area
linda se te va acabar esta racketa que tenes, Girlfirend, di que te dijo un loco
Something is definitely wrong with Salazar’s and her confederates’ questionable practices. It continues to go beyond willful blindness or deliberate ignorance. It’s not just Salazar but also her staff, county clerk employees or any other county employee directing or pressuring people to have marriages performed with Salazar. What is the monetary kickback or reward to these other people ? What’s up with the dismissal of cases by Salazar as “personal favors” ? Are there more kickbacks or rewards to just clear Salazar’s case load to allow for more free time for marriages ? Are there kickbacks and/or rewards going directly to Salazar on top of the lucrative marriage cash cow ? Salazar and all of these people should be investigated. This is just a plain racket that has continued to be ignored and allowed to operate in plain sight.
Montoya writing his own comments, like El Panson Barton. LOL
Juan no seas gaucho, folks get duped very easily at county offices, just like the voters, pura papita all the time. As you may see its happens over and over and over for years, decades and beyond. Whos to blame? democratic party head honchos like gilberto hinojosa, juan magallanes, joe rivera. These kind of ppl where they one ones they backed up years ago so now folks the monsters that have been created, or as it is known the genie is out of the bottle, so how do you fix these things? Maybe and just maybe the voters will correct this problem next time in March, but then who is running against her? gilberto hinojosa's wife mmm, really folks will things get better or maybe Arias might win but le falta muncho muvete dude. BTW I think Trump will win once more, even after all the show the democrats are putting on. waste of time and money.
Salazar is out.
"Que chula" yo voto por ella todo el tiempo for ever and ever
$120K a year for just marrying people? Wow! And I doubt that the district judge who was waiting for this couple said something to this "Naca" money grubbing whore? I bet Sally wished she had an office in Brownsville? Sally' got to be cringing knowing that she is losing money! Although she makes a good penny doing the same thing! So, why doesn't the county or State do something about these JP's making money on "COUNTY TIME? And why aren't these county commissioners crying about not making money for the use of county space for these weddings?
And then they were asking for raises because of all their time in that office?
When she marries your ass do you say Si or I do?
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