Wednesday, November 20, 2019


By Juan Montoya

Rene Oliveira, the former Texas House District 37 Representative is scheduled to go to trial Dec. 2. on a charge of Driving While Intoxicated after his arrest April 28, 2018.

According to court records, after numerous motions by his attorney Ed Stapleton to - among other things - suppress the "unlawful arrest" and the "fruits" of the after their "illegal" trespass of his house, and the suppression of the blood analysis, Oliveira's trial is scheduled to go forward.

The trial will be held in Cameron County Court-at-Law #1 before Judge Arturo McDonald.

McDonald on Sept. 16 denied Stapleton's motion to suppress the a sample of his blood analysis performed on Oliveira after he refused to perform a breath analysis at his arrest.

McDonald also denied Stapleton's motion to suppress the evidence gathered at the former lawmaker's home following a car accident at the intersection of Central and Boca Chica boulevards Sept. 4.
Cameron County Ass. District Attorney Rehaman Merchant said in court Oliveira allegedly had a high blood alcohol content and drugs in his system, according to The Brownsville Herald.

Attorneys for the district attorney’s office declined to provide details about what Merchant had said in the open hearing, claiming its ongoing prosecution of Oliveira, the same reason the Texas Attorney General's Office gave for allowing them to keep Oliveira’s blood test results a secret.

Oliveira was arrested following a sequence of events that began at 10:22 p.m. Friday (Sept. 27), according to police. At that time, officers responded to an accident in Brownsville and found a Cadillac leaving the area, with a Lexus parked behind it. A woman in the Lexus told an officer that "everything was fine and that there was no accident," police said.

But according to reports, the officer spotted a third car — a Chevrolet — that was parked on the side of the road. Its driver told police she had been hit from behind by the Cadillac while she was stopped at a traffic light, and the Cadillac's driver subsequently got out of his car, handed her his business card and "told her that he would take care of everything," police said. The card was that of Oliveira, a lawyer.

Officers then went to the lawmaker's home and there discovered both the Lexus and Cadillac, which had damage to its front and two flat tires. That is when Oliveira was arrested, police said.

Police charged Oliveira with a DWI, a class B misdemeanor. 

When the court granted him a bond, there were restrictions imposed upon the defendant, including staying away from places where alcohol was consumed. The DA's Office petitioned the court to install a ignition lock device after reports indicated the former lawmaker was seen consuming alcohol at the same popular night spot where he was reportedly drinking the night of the accident and his subsequent arrest.

Oliveira, who was in a runoff for re-election with former Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Alex Dominguez, was released on $2,500 bail the next day. Dominguez went on to win the runoff election.


Don quixote said...

Juan thank you for keeping us informed about this disgraced ex public official, i know the daily wont publish anything on this. talking about a bad taste in your mouth, eddie lucio jr has been an elected official since 1971, wow 48 years and still playing the robbing hood guy for our county and district. Must be making some real good cool-aid all these years. Voters just keep putting him back in time after time. No one to blame but the voters. Time for a change.

Anonymous said...

He should have gotten a DUI and a DWI.

Anonymous said...

commenter at @10:30 AM, VERY TRUE I mean I dont really know whats the buzz with Eddie. Can someone educate why in the world they keep reelecting this man? Whats so special about that he's been in Texas congress for those 48 years? what has he done for our community, let alone brownsville?

Anonymous said...

Juan, thanks for your update on this case.

Anonymous said...

We can only hope that Rene Oliveira does not get any more special treatment than he already has received. Murderers have been tried and convicted in less time than this pony show has taken. Motions or no motions, this trial should not cost the taxpayers any more money. Oliveira could have killed someone numerous times. His Cadillac was a deadly weapon with him behind the wheel driving drunk. He is an egotistical abomination who needs to pay for his crimes. Enough already!

Anonymous said...

We can only hope that the judicial system gives him justice. Rene is a good man, and all those envious assholes can go *********!

Anonymous said...

News has it He even wrecked in Austin ounce or twice. Dude is going to need a driver for ms Daisy

Anonymous said...

One of the only guys who hits a car sitting at a red light in Austin and they get the ticket, not him.

Anonymous said...

Why wasn't he charged with a DUI????

Anonymous said...

Rene used to tell his DUI clients (he had many and most were women) "This can be a good learning experience for you" when they went to jail. He had no sympathy for them even after taking tons of money from them with false promises. Not to mention sexual favors. Well, let this be a teaching lesson for all of Brownsville, that NO BODY is above the law. The Good Ol' Boy network is OVER!!!

Anonymous said...

What happened to the DUI charge? pinche guayes...
