Monday, December 30, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: The newest wrinkle at the local Walmart is a parking space at the very front of the store reserved for local law enforcement, that is, local cops. The space is as close as the handicapped spaces are to the doors.

We wonder whether the local boys in blue have the time to do a little shopping between shifts or if the practise is even condoned by the main Chief Of Police (COP) at the Brownsville Police Dept. 

What would an on-duty officer need during his shift? An extra box of ammo? Maybe a throw-down gun? A section of rubber hose to elicit information from recalcitrant suspects? Or perhaps they need some Brasso to polish up the badges? More likely it was a dozen doughnuts, though.

Well, the reader who sent us this photo said that the woman in slacks who alighted from this car parked in the special space was not in uniform and did not appear to be a police officer, although one can never tell. 

That brings up another interesting question: How can Walmart staff tell that it's a law enforcement type parking in the space? And if they aren't what are they going to do? Call the cops on them? 


Anonymous said...

La cagas, Juan. La cagas.

El Vergudo said...

Uh, El Paso ring a bell, Montoya? Lotta Mexicans gunned down at a Walmart there, you remember?

Anonymous said...

Its for marked units reponding to calls for help
Pero pinche brownsville gente wevona

Anonymous said...

Damn people !
Pero que no se les atoro un pedo
Cause they be like nine juan juan
And herry up i pay taxes
I have rites

Anonymous said...

Do you all seriously not know how to read? It's a spot for a "partner," not a customer. That's what Walmart calls their employees. It's a spot reserved for someone working in the store providing security. Talk about a slow news week.

Anonymous said...

Partners? Y los bomberos que?

Anonymous said...

I see brand new ambulances every where when did COB buy them?

Anonymous said...

How does Walmart's decision to create this parking slot or who ends up parking there affect you, Juan?

Anonymous said...

Would you rather go to walmart or to church?

Anonymous said...

I work at Walmart and can verify that the spot/s are designated for any law enforcement member, Juan. It's not only for Brownsville PD, but any Sheriff, State trooper, Border Patrol, Customs agent, Game Warden, Constable and so on.
Why not educate yourself before making assumptions? Better yet, next time spell check your articles before posting.

Anonymous said...

If its between 4pm and 7pm I would not go to the alton gloor walmart. Its full of uracas inside and outside.
They like to crap on cars. They all should go downtown and crap on the elit customers that go "cough cough" spend a lot of pesos

Anonymous said...

Speaking of parking police cars - why are so many idle police cars seen all over Brownsville parked at their homes over night and for several days? Why do they take the cars for the night? Are they on call? If we have so many cars and they are not on patrol, get rid of them and double up on the officers in a car. Or, we lack officers to fill in the empty car. Either way, the COB needs to check up into that. I see a highway patrol car and a BPD car in the same block parked for days at a time instead of being out on the road. Use those cars to patrol the areas to catch all those people on cell-phones weaving in and out of traffic and almost causing accidents if it were not for other defensive drivers. Brownsville need to get their act together and work on major issues instead of bicycle trails, Chinese-type transportation down town, pizzarias, and cantinas down town. Even a small child questions the need for bicycle trails blocking traffic in our already messed up traffic congestions on Alton Gloor, Morrison, Ruben Torres, Boca Chica, etc. Fill up the potholes that ruin cars and tires. Please, someone at COB, city manager or whomever, get to work and do your job!!!! Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't know you were a hater. Please write about important issues and for the person who comments on the new ambulances ,sorry that the money didn't go to your welfare programs.

Anonymous said...

I was @ La Michoacana today @ noon buying a caldo when suddenly male and female employee started running towards the front of the store. The cashier calling for help asking to call the cops. A hoodlum had stolen 2 24 packs of beber while a fancy sports car was already waiting for him. Cops NEVER showed up. I guess that store is not friendly towards law enforcement.

Anonymous said...

Welfare funding does not come from city budgets estupido but its ok we know how ignorant and pendejo you really are, must be the person that works at walmart they hire the most halfwit, nincompoop with borderline intelligence in the country and pay them 7.50 and hour and make them managers hahahaha

Anonymous said...

They didn't showed up because they don't have a designated parking place, and they don't serve donuts.

Anonymous said...

@ "why are so many idle police cars seen all over Brownsville parked at their homes over night and for several days?"
Because when there is a mass shooting at you kids school, the cinema or your church the off duty officer can respond quicker to ensure your family's safety!
Its how they roll!

Anonymous said...

So a 24 pack is $15 a piece
The stores nakes hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in profit. A police officer makes $30 an hours and you wantvthe officer tied up for 2 hours of paperwork for a beer run?
I think so not
In 2 housr an officer can give 6 tickets and raise revenue for our politicians bike trails.
Entiendes its economics

Anonymous said...

January 3, 2020 at 8:34 PM

So a 24 pack is $15 a piece (?)
The stores nakes (?)
police officer makes $30 an hours and you wantvthe officer tied up for 2 hours of paperwork for a beer run? (?)
I think so not (?)

I just hope whoever typed these comments is not a teacher nor a police officer

At $30/hr they should at least not write in a convoluted way of describing a simple comment and making the idea extremely complex and difficult to follow.

Must be one of those motorcycle patrolman that dresses up in an all black uniform and wearing a black combat helmet. kma lol

Anonymous said...

I heard they are installing donut boxes in the parking space reserved for enforcemnt partnas.
