(Click on graphics to enlarge.)
By Juan Montoya
It sounded too good to be true.
Brownsville – or rather Boca Chica Beach – would be the site of billionaire Elon Musks's "first vertical commercial launch pad that could, might, maybe, be the site to send manned missions to Mars and beyond.
There would be some 500 jobs paying $55,000 each for local residents. The 12 monthly launches of commercial satellites would attract an estimated 15,000 tourists that would infuse millions into the local economy.
The economic impact was estimated at $51 million each year.
Local schools would greatly benefit from the science curriculum that was necessary to provide SpaceX with the trained workforce necessary to supply its ranks. Visions of propulsion engineers, astronauts, advanced technical degrees, and aerospace engineering degrees were dangled before the local residents.
State Senator Lucio and then-State Rep. Rene Oliveria were in full support of the plan. No one knew at the time that they – like a slew of Washington D.C and Austin legislators – had already gotten their benefit from the venture. It wasn't until later that we found out theat Lucio had pocketed $3,000 and Oliveira another $1,000, small peanuts compared to millions spent for SpaceX by the lobbying PACs under Musk's control.
SpaceX representatives at the 2012 Environmental Impact Statement (IES) before the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) hearing saw a population hungry for good jobs, educational opportunities for their kids, and an image as a cutting-edge community after a spate of disasters such as being the place where spring breaker Mark Kilroy was killed by satanist cult believers, the poorest community in the nation, the site of the John Allen Rubio beheading and mutilation of three children, and the infamy of being the home of a city commissioner who was recorded using the N-word that was released to the public, and to the nation.
That hunger was translated into general acceptance his golden carrot, with 73 of 75 commenters at the IES favoring his pie-in-the-sky. One was neutral and one was against. He was put on the list at the very end.
In return, Musk got $35 million in state, local and the Brownsville Economic Development Corporation incentives. Being that Brownsville was the poorest community in the state, if not the nation, that was a hefty investment in "the future." Even Harlingen and McAllen bit into the apple on the promise of jobs as a trade-off for their financial contribution to the billionaire.
Former Brownsville mayor Tony Martinez said he asked Musk what he saw when he looked at the water from Boca Chica Beach and the billionaire had told him: "The future." If he had been truthful, Musk would have responded "Millions in incentives and abatements."
SpaceX had gotten some $4 million in tax abatements from Cameron County.
Not only that but Boca Chica Beach – the poor people's beach – would be virtually handed to Musk in a stainless-steel platter to conduct his launches. But that changed with the EIS "revision to the FAA this year. Now there will not be 12 satellite launches a year. Instead, the beach will be used to test rocket components, a kind of low-budget backwater test site.
No 500 jobs at $55,000 a year as promised in 2012, but a handful of outside technicians and some welders and engineers to handle the hands-on jobs of welding the prototypes.

So much for the millions spent by Cameron County for their launch amphitheater for the non-existent 15,000 tourists every month.
And the low impact on the environment promised in the IES to the FAA has now changed with Musk attempting to buy the homes of the Kopernik Shores subdivision as he tests larger rocket components that can shatter windows and place the residents in danger. There has already been a fire that has burnt more than 100 acres of fragile wetlands, and a chemical spill of refrigerant into the atmosphere and nearby sand dunes.
When the Sunshine Boys at the BEDC addressed the potential for chemical spills or explosions, then vice president Gilbert Salinas said the propellant was "just like the kerosene" you use in your lantern when you go camping." When was the last time you used kerosene from your lantern to thrust a rocket weighing tons into orbit, Gilbert?
It sounded too good to be true, remember? Well, it was, for Musk, and not for us.
juan time to smoke some more of that Mawi Wawi or some Acapulco gold filters.
A los pendejos todos se los cojen!
"RATS IN THE KITCHEN" from politicians to false promising entrepreneurs, public administration workers, professionals with degrees, BISD, PUB, BND, MUDS, COB, CC, glorified boards making millions, and all the way to landfill employees, everybody wants to stick their hands in the gravy pot. Everybody is on the take and take and take.
It was to be seen. However, our local, and state leaders don't give a "hoot" about the environmental impact and economic drain it has on the poor, poorly educated and gullible people. It is amazing that our leaders never ask objective professors at the big universities if the stats presented by people like Musk even "jive".
Life’s a risk. You can’t reside in your mother’s womb forever. Like it or not, space is the future and Brownsville’s taking the risk to position itself as a major player whether it’s with SpaceX, Blue Horizon, Boeing, NASA, Mexico.
Again, thanks to Tony Martinez and his successor Trey Mendez for nothing. Brownsville City government continues to make the same mistakes, while the taxpayers suffer to pay the bills. Over the years our citizens have been offered "dreams" for which we paid a heavy price and have gotten little in return. Brownsville continues to swirl down the fiscal and social toilet while the elected officials offer little in return....but more "dreams" of progress.
I drove along Palm Blvd the other day, between Elizebeth and Amigoland Mall. The road is atrocious...full of bumps and potholes. Rose Gowen put enough asphalt Armadillos on the streets of downtown Brownsville to protect the "non-existent" bikers, to fill all those potholes and then some. Those asphalt Armadillos also prevent the city street sweepers from cleaning the bike lanes of the streets. While the City Commission seems to focus all energy and activities on the Downtown area, the rest of the city is apparently "on their own". Business thrives and tax collections appear to increase, yet needed infrastructure deteriorates. The City Commission is slow to take any actions....they can't even move a rock memorial from Washington Park. The Brownsville City Commission is made up of elites who can't get anything done, except things that benefit their friends and benefactors. At the same time, their failures are protected by the ignorance of the electorate and corrupt people who have bought and paid for the elected officials.
Elon Musk isn't the only one lying to the people of Brownsville. Most of our elected officials are lying to us for various reasons...primarily to protect their sorry asses. Why is the Port of Brownsville (BND) still taxing us? Not because they are broke or having financial issues, but because it provides Eduardo Campriano a "slush" fund to use as he and the Board wish. It is time to end that tax on the citizens and provide the citizens with a financial "State of the Port". BISD seems to be more corrupt than every...full of egomaniacs who run for themselves, not for our children. Corruption seems to be the number one reason for running for office. Teachers have no moral courage and are not willing to stand up to the administration or the Trustees; as a result, our kids lose. Cameron County government is not better than any of the other governments....egos and self-interest rule and the citizens are last on the "totem pole".
Musk says Boring Co's Las Vegas tunnel to 'hopefully' be operational next year and here what? NEVER? Again taken for a ride out of touch local politicians WHEN WILL WE LEARN!!!! ITS OK ITS NOT THEIR MONEY ITS OURS
The biggest loss was our pristine Boca Chica beach.
Folks remember, El mamon Musk likes the OPM, Other Peoples Money, they can use for leverage etc and other financial dealings but NEVER their own money. Plus our city and county play along with their games and shenanigans. Welcome to the real world.
Scammer quickly find where the easy pickings are at and Brownsville has become a major target for these individuals we are in their eye sights. Why? We have a bunch of self serving elected officials that just don't give a dam about their constituents.
The Pied Piper effect alive and well in Brownsville. Join the ranks of Playa del Rio, TitanTire, LNG, etc. Local politicos “roll over and spread ‘em” like teenage groupies for a rick star. Give away your tax dollars and the area’s resources.
What politician running right now is saying that they will hold LNG, spacex and other run-away companies to fulfill their promises to the citizens? LONE
buena con el Mariguas del el elon musk, you can fool people all the time here in brownsville and cameron county and you get cash, tax abatements and lots of other incentives from the locals Taxpayers monies) of course and they spread their legs wide open-like the wide world of sports lol. So easy, Verdad?
I’m voting for LONE then.
We got the SHORT END OF THE STICK again?
SpaceX and greed are same.
They could give a hoot about Brownsville or Cameron County.
All they wanted was cheap land, free taxes etc
Lone is that idiota that wants the lucios to win by insulting them...
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